
Ensures that switch statements without default cases are flagged, focuses only on covering cases with non-enums where the compiler may not issue warnings.

Switch statements without a default case can lead to unexpected behavior and incomplete handling of all possible cases. When a switch statement lacks a default case, if a value is encountered that does not match any of the specified cases, the program will continue execution without any defined behavior or handling.

This check helps identify switch statements that are missing a default case, allowing developers to ensure that all possible cases are handled properly. Adding a default case allows for graceful handling of unexpected or unmatched values, reducing the risk of program errors and unexpected behavior.


// Example 1:
// warning: switching on non-enum value without default case may not cover all cases
switch (i) {
case 0:

// Example 2:
enum E { eE1 };
E e = eE1;
switch (e) { // no-warning
case eE1:

// Example 3:
int i = 0;
switch (i) { // no-warning
case 0:


Enum types are already covered by compiler warnings (comes under -Wswitch) when a switch statement does not handle all enum values. This check focuses on non-enum types where the compiler warnings may not be present.

See also

The CppCoreGuideline ES.79 provide guidelines on switch statements, including the recommendation to always provide a default case.