Atom 1.0 serializer (name atom)

A serializer to the Atom 1.0 syndication format defined in IETF RFC 4287. This serializes an RDF graph written in the RSS 1.0 data model to Atom 1.0 plus optionally writes extra RDF triples.

The extra RDF triples are written into an at:md metadata block, along with at:feedmap and at:entrymap elements to describe the RSS 1.0 predicate to Atom 1.0 elements mappings for the feed and entry blocks respecively. The extra triples are enabled when serializer option 'rssTriples' is set to string value 'atom-triples'.

If no atom triples content type field (at:contentType predicate) is given, the type is set to 'text/html' when writing out an atom:content field in Atom 1.0 format.