Passwordfile library 5.0.11
C++ library to read/write passwords from/to encrypted files
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Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 CIo::EntryInstances of the Entry class form a hierarchic data structure used to store account information
 CIo::AccountEntryThe exception that is thrown when a parsing error occurs
 CIo::NodeEntryActs as parent for other entries
 Cstd::exceptionSTL class
 Cstd::runtime_errorSTL class
 CIo::CryptoExceptionThe exception that is thrown when an encryption/decryption error occurs
 CIo::ParsingExceptionThe exception that is thrown when a parsing error occurs
 CIo::FieldHolds field information which consists of a name and a value and is able to serialize and deserialize this information
 CUtil::OpenSslRandomDeviceProvides a random device using the OpenSSL function RAND_bytes()
 CIo::PasswordFileHolds account information in the form of Entry and Field instances and provides methods to read and write these information to encrypted files using OpenSSL
 CEntryTestsTests the Io::Entry class
 CFieldTestsTests the Io::Field class
 COpenSslRandomDeviceTestsTests the Util::OpenSslRandomDevice class
 COpenSslUtilsTestsTests the functions in the Util::OpenSsl namespace
 CPasswordFileTestsTests the Io::PasswordFile class