Qt Quick 3D - Principled Material Example

Demonstrates the use of Principled Material.

This example demonstrates how to use the principled material in two different ways in an application.

Setting Up the Scene

Light Probe

We want to use a light probe, as we're going to use reflective metallic materials. We need to enable light probe and adjust its settings to get the result we want.

 environment: SceneEnvironment {
     probeBrightness: 100
     clearColor: "#848895"

     backgroundMode: SceneEnvironment.Color
     lightProbe: Texture {
         source: "maps/OpenfootageNET_garage-1024.hdr"
Rotating Light

Then we add DirectionalLight and add a rotation for it, to better demonstrate the effect of the metalness and roughness properties have on the materials.

 // Rotate the light direction
 DirectionalLight {
     eulerRotation.y: -100
     brightness: 100
     SequentialAnimation on eulerRotation.y {
         loops: Animation.Infinite
         PropertyAnimation {
             duration: 5000
             to: 360
             from: 0

Principled Materials


We will apply a basic principled material on to the sphere on the left. By basic we mean just using the non-texture properties of the material.

 Model {
     position: Qt.vector3d(-250, -30, 0)
     scale: Qt.vector3d(4, 4, 4)
     source: "#Sphere"
     materials: [ PrincipledMaterial {
             baseColor: "#41cd52"
             metalness: materialCtrl.metalness
             roughness: materialCtrl.roughness
             specularAmount: materialCtrl.specular
             indexOfRefraction: materialCtrl.ior
             specularTint: materialCtrl.specularTint
             opacity: materialCtrl.opacityValue

We will apply a textured principled material on to the sphere on the right. When using textures for metalness, roughness, bumpiness, and color the basic property values are applied as multipliers for the values gotten from the textures.

 Model {
     position: Qt.vector3d(250, -30, 0)
     scale: Qt.vector3d(4, 4, 4)
     source: "#Sphere"
     materials: [ PrincipledMaterial {
             metalness: materialCtrl.metalness
             roughness: materialCtrl.roughness
             specularAmount: materialCtrl.specular
             indexOfRefraction: materialCtrl.ior
             opacity: materialCtrl.opacityValue

             baseColorMap: Texture { source: "maps/metallic/basecolor.jpg" }
             metalnessMap: Texture { source: "maps/metallic/metallic.jpg" }
             roughnessMap: Texture { source: "maps/metallic/roughness.jpg" }
             normalMap: Texture { source: "maps/metallic/normal.jpg" }

             metalnessChannel: Material.R
             roughnessChannel: Material.R

Controlling the Property Values

There are some sliders for adjusting the values of the different basic properties.

Note: If Metalness has a non-zero value, adjusting Specular Power or Specular Tint has no effect.

