Qt Remote Objects QML Types

The QML types for Qt Remote Objects provide the helper pieces needed to build a remote objects network. They are typically used in conjunction with custom-registered replica types that make up a specific network.

As an example, consider the following .rep file:

 class MyType {
     PROP(QString myProp="Hello World")

The generated replica can be registered as a QML type:


And then used from QML in conjunction with the base type Node:

 import QtQuick
 import QtRemoteObjects
 import custom 1.0

 Item {
     MyTypeReplica {
         id: myType
         node: Node { registryUrl: "local:registry" }

     Text { text: myType.myProp }

     MouseArea {
         anchors.fill: parent
         onClicked: myType.pushMyProp("Updated Text")

Note that by default you cannot directly assign to a replica property, but rather use a push function. This is due to the potential problems that arise from the mix of declarative programming and asynchronous updates. Specifically, we want to avoid issues like the following:

 myType.myProp = "Updated Text"
 console.log(myType.myProp) // logs "Hello World", as the new text has not yet been round-tripped

The QML types in this module can be imported into your application using the following import statement in your .qml file:

 import QtRemoteObjects

QML Types


A host node on a Qt Remote Objects network


A node on a Qt Remote Objects network


Global object provides useful functions for working with remote types in QML


A basic store for persisted properties