projectname = passwordfile appname = "Passwordfile library" appauthor = Martchus QMAKE_TARGET_DESCRIPTION = "C++ library to read/write passwords from/to encrypted files." VERSION = 3.1.1 # include ../../common.pri when building as part of a subdirs project; otherwise include general.pri !include(../../common.pri) { !include(./general.pri) { error("Couldn't find the common.pri or the general.pri file!") } } TEMPLATE = lib CONFIG -= qt CONFIG += shared # files SOURCES += aes/aes.cpp \ io/cryptoexception.cpp \ io/entry.cpp \ io/field.cpp \ io/parsingexception.cpp \ io/passwordfile.cpp \ util/opensslrandomdevice.cpp \ util/openssl.cpp HEADERS += aes/aes.h \ io/cryptoexception.h \ io/entry.h \ io/field.h \ io/parsingexception.h \ io/passwordfile.h \ util/opensslrandomdevice.h \ util/openssl.h OTHER_FILES += \ \ LICENSE \ CMakeLists.txt \ # libs and includepath CONFIG(debug, debug|release) { LIBS += -lc++utilitiesd } else { LIBS += -lc++utilities } # TODO: remove build environment specific paths win32 { contains(QMAKE_TARGET.arch, x86_64):{ LIBS += -L../../../openssl-mingw_amd64/lib/ -lcrypto INCLUDEPATH += ../../../build/openssl-mingw_amd64/include } else { LIBS += -L../../../openssl-mingw_i386/lib/ -lcrypto INCLUDEPATH += ../../../build/openssl-mingw_i386/include } } else { android { LIBS += -L/opt/android-openssl/usr/lib/ -lcrypto INCLUDEPATH += /opt/android-openssl/usr/include ANDROID_PACKAGE_SOURCE_DIR = $$PWD/android ANDROID_EXTRA_LIBS = /opt/android-openssl/usr/lib/ } else { LIBS += -lcrypto } } LIBS += -lz # installs mingw-w64-install { target.path = $$(INSTALL_ROOT) target.extra = install -m755 -D $${OUT_PWD}/release/lib$(TARGET).a $$(INSTALL_ROOT)/lib/lib$(TARGET).a INSTALLS += target dlltarget.path = $$(INSTALL_ROOT) dlltarget.extra = install -m755 -D $${OUT_PWD}/release/$(TARGET) $$(INSTALL_ROOT)/bin/$(TARGET) INSTALLS += dlltarget } else { target.path = $$(INSTALL_ROOT)/lib INSTALLS += target } for(dir, $$list(io util)) { eval(inc_$${dir} = $${dir}) inc_$${dir}.path = $$(INSTALL_ROOT)/include/$$projectname/$${dir} inc_$${dir}.files = $${dir}/*.h INSTALLS += inc_$${dir} }