#include "./jsonserializationcodegenerator.h" #include "../lib/json/serializable.h" #include #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace CppUtilities; namespace ReflectiveRapidJSON { /*! * \brief Initializes the CLI arguments which are specific to the JsonSerializationCodeGenerator. * \todo Find a more general approach to pass CLI arguments from main() to the particular code generators. */ JsonSerializationCodeGenerator::Options::Options() : additionalClassesArg("json-classes", '\0', "specifies additional classes to consider for JSON (de)serialization", { "class-name" }) , visibilityArg("json-visibility", '\0', "specifies the \"visibility attribute\" for generated functions", { "attribute" }) { additionalClassesArg.setRequiredValueCount(Argument::varValueCount); additionalClassesArg.setValueCompletionBehavior(ValueCompletionBehavior::None); visibilityArg.setPreDefinedCompletionValues("CPP_UTILITIES_GENERIC_LIB_EXPORT"); } JsonSerializationCodeGenerator::JsonSerializationCodeGenerator(CodeFactory &factory, const Options &options) : SerializationCodeGenerator(factory) , m_options(options) { m_qualifiedNameOfRecords = JsonSerializable::qualifiedName; m_qualifiedNameOfAdaptionRecords = AdaptedJsonSerializable::qualifiedName; } /*! * \brief Returns the qualified name of the specified \a record if it is considered relevant. */ string JsonSerializationCodeGenerator::qualifiedNameIfRelevant(clang::CXXRecordDecl *record) const { const string qualifiedName(record->getQualifiedNameAsString()); switch (isQualifiedNameIfRelevant(record, qualifiedName)) { case IsRelevant::Yes: return qualifiedName; case IsRelevant::No: return string(); default:; } // consider all classes specified via "--additional-classes" argument relevant if (!m_options.additionalClassesArg.isPresent()) { return string(); } for (const char *className : m_options.additionalClassesArg.values()) { if (className == qualifiedName) { return qualifiedName; } } return string(); } /*! * \brief Generates pull() and push() helper functions in the ReflectiveRapidJSON::JsonReflector namespace for the relevant classes. */ void JsonSerializationCodeGenerator::generate(ostream &os) const { // initialize source manager to make use of isOnlyIncluded() for skipping records which are only included lazyInitializeSourceManager(); // find relevant classes const auto relevantClasses = findRelevantClasses(); if (relevantClasses.empty()) { return; // nothing to generate } // put everything into namespace ReflectiveRapidJSON::JsonReflector os << "namespace ReflectiveRapidJSON {\n" "namespace JsonReflector {\n\n"; // determine visibility attribute const char *visibility = m_options.visibilityArg.firstValue(); if (!visibility) { visibility = ""; } // add push and pull functions for each class, for an example of the resulting // output, see ../lib/tests/jsonserializable.cpp (code under comment "pretend serialization code...") for (const RelevantClass &relevantClass : relevantClasses) { // determine whether private members should be pushed/pulled as well: check whether friend declarations for push/pull present // note: the friend declarations we are looking for are expanded from the REFLECTIVE_RAPIDJSON_ENABLE_PRIVATE_MEMBERS macro bool pushPrivateMembers = false, pullPrivateMembers = false; for (const clang::FriendDecl *const friendDecl : relevantClass.record->friends()) { // get the actual declaration which must be a function const clang::NamedDecl *const actualFriendDecl = friendDecl->getFriendDecl(); if (!actualFriendDecl || actualFriendDecl->getKind() != clang::Decl::Kind::Function) { continue; } // check whether the friend function matches the push/pull helper function const string friendName(actualFriendDecl->getQualifiedNameAsString()); if (friendName == "ReflectiveRapidJSON::JsonReflector::push") { pushPrivateMembers = true; } if (friendName == "ReflectiveRapidJSON::JsonReflector::pull") { pullPrivateMembers = true; } if (pushPrivateMembers && pullPrivateMembers) { break; } } // find relevant base classes const vector relevantBases = findRelevantBaseClasses(relevantClass, relevantClasses); // print comment os << "// define code for (de)serializing " << relevantClass.qualifiedName << " objects\n"; // print push method os << "template <> " << visibility << " void push<::" << relevantClass.qualifiedName << ">(const ::" << relevantClass.qualifiedName << " &reflectable, ::RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE::Value::Object &value, ::RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE::Document::AllocatorType &allocator)\n{\n" " // push base classes\n"; for (const RelevantClass *baseClass : relevantBases) { os << " push(static_castqualifiedName << " &>(reflectable), value, allocator);\n"; } os << " // push members\n"; for (const clang::FieldDecl *field : relevantClass.record->fields()) { if (pushPrivateMembers || field->getAccess() == clang::AS_public) { os << " push(reflectable." << field->getName() << ", \"" << field->getName() << "\", value, allocator);\n"; } } os << "}\n"; // skip printing the pull method for classes without default constructor because deserializing those is currently not supported if (!relevantClass.record->hasDefaultConstructor()) { continue; } // print pull method os << "template <> " << visibility << " void pull<::" << relevantClass.qualifiedName << ">(::" << relevantClass.qualifiedName << " &reflectable, const ::RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE::GenericValue<::RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE::UTF8>::ConstObject &value, " "JsonDeserializationErrors " "*errors)\n{\n" " // pull base classes\n"; for (const RelevantClass *baseClass : relevantBases) { os << " pull(static_cast<::" << baseClass->qualifiedName << " &>(reflectable), value, errors);\n"; } os << " // set error context for current record\n" " const char *previousRecord;\n" " if (errors) {\n" " previousRecord = errors->currentRecord;\n" " errors->currentRecord = \"" << relevantClass.qualifiedName << "\";\n" " }\n" " // pull members\n"; for (const clang::FieldDecl *field : relevantClass.record->fields()) { // skip const members if (field->getType().isConstant(field->getASTContext())) { continue; } if (pullPrivateMembers || field->getAccess() == clang::AS_public) { os << " pull(reflectable." << field->getName() << ", \"" << field->getName() << "\", value, errors);\n"; } } os << " // restore error context for previous record\n" " if (errors) {\n" " errors->currentRecord = previousRecord;\n" " }\n"; os << "}\n\n"; } // close namespace ReflectiveRapidJSON::JsonReflector os << "} // namespace JsonReflector\n" "} // namespace ReflectiveRapidJSON\n"; } } // namespace ReflectiveRapidJSON