#include "./alpmdatabase.h" #include "./upgradelookup.h" #include "./alpmpackage.h" #include "./utilities.h" #include "./config.h" #include "../network/networkaccessmanager.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace ChronoUtilities; namespace RepoIndex { using namespace Utilities; /*! * \class AlpmDatabase * \brief The AlpmDatabase class wraps an ALPM data base struct and holds additional meta information. * * All packages returned by the AlpmDatabase class are AlpmPackage instances. */ class LoadPackage { public: LoadPackage(AlpmDatabase *database, PackageOrigin origin, DateTime descriptionsLastModified) : m_db(database), m_origin(origin), m_descriptionsLastModified(descriptionsLastModified) {} void operator()(const QPair > &description) { m_db->addPackageFromDescription(description.first, description.second, m_origin, m_descriptionsLastModified); } private: AlpmDatabase *const m_db; const PackageOrigin m_origin; const DateTime m_descriptionsLastModified; }; DatabaseError AlpmDatabase::loadDescriptions(QList > > &descriptions, ChronoUtilities::DateTime *lastModified) { if(!databasePath().isEmpty()) { QFileInfo pathInfo(databasePath()); if(pathInfo.isDir()) { if(lastModified) { // just use current date here since this is usually the local db *lastModified = DateTime::gmtNow(); } static const QStringList relevantFiles = QStringList() << QStringLiteral("desc") << QStringLiteral("files"); QDir dbDir(databasePath()); QStringList pkgDirNames = dbDir.entryList(QDir::Dirs | QDir::Readable | QDir::Executable | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot); descriptions.reserve(pkgDirNames.size()); for(QString &pkgDirName : pkgDirNames) { if(dbDir.cd(pkgDirName)) { Utilities::stripVersion(pkgDirName); const QStringList descFileNames = dbDir.entryList(relevantFiles, QDir::Files | QDir::Readable | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot); QList descData; descData.reserve(descFileNames.size()); for(const QString &descFileName : descFileNames) { QFile descFile(dbDir.absoluteFilePath(descFileName)); if(descFile.open(QFile::ReadOnly)) { descData << descFile.readAll(); } else { return DatabaseError::UnableToOpenDescFile; } } if(!descData.isEmpty()) { descriptions << qMakePair(pkgDirName, descData); } dbDir.cdUp(); } else { return DatabaseError::UnableToEnterDirectory; } } } else if(pathInfo.isFile()) { if(lastModified) { *lastModified = DateTime::fromTimeStampGmt(pathInfo.lastModified().toUTC().toTime_t()); } KTar tar(databasePath()); const KArchiveDirectory *dbDir; if(tar.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly) && (dbDir = tar.directory())) { QStringList pkgDirNames = dbDir->entries(); descriptions.reserve(pkgDirNames.size()); for(QString &pkgDirName : pkgDirNames) { if(const auto *pkgEntry = dbDir->entry(pkgDirName)) { if(pkgEntry->isDirectory()) { Utilities::stripVersion(pkgDirName); const auto *pkgDir = static_cast(pkgEntry); const QStringList descFileNames = pkgDir->entries(); QList descData; descData.reserve(descFileNames.size()); for(const QString &descFileName : descFileNames) { if(const auto *descEntry = pkgDir->entry(descFileName)) { if(descEntry->isFile()) { descData << static_cast(descEntry)->data(); } else { // there shouldn't be any subdirs anyways } } } if(!descData.isEmpty()) { descriptions << qMakePair(pkgDirName, descData); } } else { // there shouldn't be any files anyways } } } } else { return DatabaseError::UnableToOpenArchive; } } else { return DatabaseError::NotFound; } return DatabaseError::NoError; } else { return DatabaseError::NotFound; } } AlpmPackageLoader::AlpmPackageLoader(AlpmDatabase *repository, PackageOrigin origin) : m_db(repository) { if((m_error = repository->loadDescriptions(m_descriptions, &m_descriptionsLastModified)) == DatabaseError::NoError) { m_future = QtConcurrent::map(m_descriptions, LoadPackage(repository, origin, m_descriptionsLastModified)); } } /*! * \brief Creates a new instance wrapping the specified database struct. */ AlpmDatabase::AlpmDatabase(const QString &name, const QString &dbPath, RepositoryUsage usage, SignatureLevel sigLevel, std::uint32_t index, QObject *parent) : Repository(name, index, parent), m_dbPath(dbPath) { m_usage = usage; m_sigLevel = sigLevel; } AlpmPackageLoader *AlpmDatabase::internalInit() { // set description, determine origin PackageOrigin origin; if(m_name.compare(QLatin1String("local"), Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) { m_description = QStringLiteral("The local database"); origin = PackageOrigin::LocalDb; } else { if((m_usage & RepositoryUsage::Sync) || (m_usage & RepositoryUsage::Install) || (m_usage & RepositoryUsage::Upgrade)) { m_description = QStringLiteral("Sync database »%1«").arg(m_name); } else { m_description = QStringLiteral("Database »%1«").arg(m_name); } origin = PackageOrigin::SyncDb; } // initialization of packages is done concurrently via AlpmPackageLoader return new AlpmPackageLoader(this, origin); // without concurrency //QList > > descriptions; //loadDescriptions(descriptions); //for(const auto &description : descriptions) { // addPackageFromDescription(description.first, description.second, origin); //} //emit initialized(); //return nullptr; } RepositoryType AlpmDatabase::type() const { return RepositoryType::AlpmDatabase; } PackageDetailAvailability AlpmDatabase::requestsRequired(PackageDetail packageDetail) const { switch(packageDetail) { case PackageDetail::Basics: case PackageDetail::Dependencies: case PackageDetail::PackageInfo: case PackageDetail::AllAvailable: return PackageDetailAvailability::Immediately; default: return PackageDetailAvailability::Never; } } QNetworkRequest AlpmDatabase::regularDatabaseRequest() { return QNetworkRequest(m_filesRedirs.isEmpty() ? (QUrl(serverUrls().front() % QChar('/') % name() % QStringLiteral(".db"))) : m_regularRedirs.back()); } QNetworkRequest AlpmDatabase::filesDatabaseRequest() { return QNetworkRequest(m_filesRedirs.isEmpty() ? (QUrl(serverUrls().front() % QChar('/') % name() % QStringLiteral(".files"))) : m_filesRedirs.back()); } /*! * \brief Downloads the database from the server. * \param targetDir Specifies the directory to store the downloaded database file. Shall not include the filename. * \remarks * - The download is performed asynchronously - this method returns immediately. * - After successfull download the database path is update to the path of the new file and the * repository is reinitiated. * - Does nothing if there is not at least one server URL available. * - Status messages are printed via cerr. */ bool AlpmDatabase::downloadDatabase(const QString &targetDir, bool filesDatabase) { QWriteLocker locker(lock()); if(serverUrls().isEmpty()) { return false; // no server URLs available } addBusyFlag(); cerr << shchar << "Downloading " << (filesDatabase ? "files" : "regular") << " database for [" << name().toLocal8Bit().data() << "] from mirror " << serverUrls().front().toLocal8Bit().data() << " ..." << endl; QNetworkReply *reply = networkAccessManager().get(filesDatabase ? filesDatabaseRequest() : regularDatabaseRequest()); reply->setProperty("filesDatabase", filesDatabase); m_downloadTargetDir = targetDir.isEmpty() ? QString(QChar('.')) : targetDir; connect(reply, &QNetworkReply::finished, this, &AlpmDatabase::databaseDownloadFinished); return true; } /*! * \brief Refreshes the database by downloading it from the server * or just reinitializing it if there is not at least one server URL available. * \param targetDir Specifies the directory to store the downloaded database file. Shall not include the filename. * Ignored when downloading is not possible. * \remarks Effectively updates the database file of sync databases and just refreshes * local databases. */ void AlpmDatabase::refresh(const QString &targetDir) { if(!downloadDatabase(targetDir, true)) { init(); } } std::unique_ptr AlpmDatabase::emptyPackage() { return make_unique(this); } /*! * \brief Internally called to handle finishing of database download. * \remarks Connected in downloadDatabase(). */ void AlpmDatabase::databaseDownloadFinished() { auto *reply = static_cast(sender()); reply->deleteLater(); bool filesDatabase = reply->property("filesDatabase").toBool(); const QString redirTarget = reply->attribute(QNetworkRequest::RedirectionTargetAttribute).toString(); QReadLocker locker(lock()); switch(reply->error()) { case QNetworkReply::NoError: { if(!redirTarget.isEmpty()) { if((!filesDatabase && m_regularRedirs.contains(redirTarget)) || (filesDatabase && m_filesRedirs.contains(redirTarget))) { cerr << "Redirection-loop for database file [" << name().toLocal8Bit().data() << "]" << endl; removeBusyFlag(); return; } (filesDatabase ? m_filesRedirs : m_regularRedirs) << redirTarget; cerr << "Redirection target for database file [" << name().toLocal8Bit().data() << "] available: " << redirTarget.toLocal8Bit().data() << endl; locker.unlock(); downloadDatabase(m_downloadTargetDir, filesDatabase); } m_filesRedirs.clear(); QString newDatabasePath; cerr << "Downloaded database file for [" << name().toLocal8Bit().data() << "] successfully." << endl; newDatabasePath = m_downloadTargetDir % QChar('/') % name() % (filesDatabase ? QStringLiteral(".files") : QStringLiteral(".db")); if(QFile::exists(newDatabasePath)) { QString backupFile(newDatabasePath + QStringLiteral(".bak")); QFile::remove(backupFile); if(!QFile::rename(newDatabasePath, backupFile)) { cerr << "An IO error occured when storing database file for [" << name().toLocal8Bit().data() << "]: Unable to rename present database file." << endl; reply = nullptr; removeBusyFlag(); return; } } locker.unlock(); QFile outputFile(newDatabasePath); if(outputFile.open(QFile::WriteOnly) && outputFile.write(reply->readAll())) { outputFile.close(); { QWriteLocker locker(lock()); m_dbPath = newDatabasePath; } init(); } else { locker.relock(); cerr << "An IO error occured when storing database file for [" << name().toLocal8Bit().data() << "]: Unable to create/write output file." << endl; removeBusyFlag(); } } default: cerr << "An error occured when dwonloading database file for [" << name().toLocal8Bit().data() << "]: " << reply->errorString().toLocal8Bit().data() << endl; if(filesDatabase && reply->error() == QNetworkReply::ContentNotFoundError) { cerr << "-> Attempting to download regular database file instead of files database file." << endl; locker.unlock(); downloadDatabase(m_downloadTargetDir, false); } else { removeBusyFlag(); } break; } } } // namespace Alpm