cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.1.0 FATAL_ERROR) # add project files set(WIDGETS_HEADER_FILES mainwindow.h webpage.h webviewprovider.h ) set(WIDGETS_SRC_FILES main.cpp mainwindow.cpp webpage.cpp ) set(ICON_FILES resources/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/${META_PROJECT_NAME}.svg ) # find c++utilities find_package(c++utilities 3.3.0 REQUIRED) use_cpp_utilities() # find qtutilities find_package(qtutilities 4.0.0 REQUIRED) use_qt_utilities() # add Qt modules which can currently not be detected automatically list(APPEND ADDITIONAL_QT_MODULES Network) # suffix the target to avoid conflict with cli target set(TARGET_SUFFIX "-gui") # need to link against the repoindex lib list(APPEND LIBRARIES lib${META_PROJECT_NAME}) # include modules to apply configuration include(BasicConfig) include(QtGuiConfig) include(QtConfig) include(WindowsResources) include(WebViewProviderConfig) include(AppTarget) # create desktop file using previously defined meta data add_desktop_file()