
1250 lines
33 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2014 The Syncthing Authors.
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
// under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
// Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
// any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
// more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
// with this program. If not, see <>.
package main
import (
_ "net/http/pprof"
var (
Version = "unknown-dev"
BuildEnv = "default"
BuildStamp = "0"
BuildDate time.Time
BuildHost = "unknown"
BuildUser = "unknown"
IsRelease bool
IsBeta bool
LongVersion string
GoArchExtra string // "", "v5", "v6", "v7"
const (
exitSuccess = 0
exitError = 1
exitNoUpgradeAvailable = 2
exitRestarting = 3
exitUpgrading = 4
var l = logger.DefaultLogger
func init() {
if Version != "unknown-dev" {
// If not a generic dev build, version string should come from git describe
exp := regexp.MustCompile(`^v\d+\.\d+\.\d+(-[a-z0-9]+)*(\+\d+-g[0-9a-f]+)?(-dirty)?$`)
if !exp.MatchString(Version) {
l.Fatalf("Invalid version string %q;\n\tdoes not match regexp %v", Version, exp)
// Check for a clean release build.
exp := regexp.MustCompile(`^v\d+\.\d+\.\d+(-beta[\d\.]+)?$`)
IsRelease = exp.MatchString(Version)
// Check for a beta build
IsBeta = strings.Contains(Version, "-beta")
stamp, _ := strconv.Atoi(BuildStamp)
BuildDate = time.Unix(int64(stamp), 0)
date := BuildDate.UTC().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05 MST")
LongVersion = fmt.Sprintf("syncthing %s (%s %s-%s %s) %s@%s %s", Version, runtime.Version(), runtime.GOOS, runtime.GOARCH, BuildEnv, BuildUser, BuildHost, date)
if os.Getenv("STTRACE") != "" {
logFlags = log.Ltime | log.Ldate | log.Lmicroseconds | log.Lshortfile
var (
cfg *config.ConfigWrapper
myID protocol.DeviceID
confDir string
logFlags int = log.Ltime
writeRateLimit *ratelimit.Bucket
readRateLimit *ratelimit.Bucket
stop = make(chan int)
discoverer *discover.Discoverer
externalPort int
igd *upnp.IGD
cert tls.Certificate
const (
usage = "syncthing [options]"
extraUsage = `
The default configuration directory is:
The -logflags value is a sum of the following:
1 Date
2 Time
4 Microsecond time
8 Long filename
16 Short filename
I.e. to prefix each log line with date and time, set -logflags=3 (1 + 2 from
above). The value 0 is used to disable all of the above. The default is to
show time only (2).
Development Settings
The following environment variables modify syncthing's behavior in ways that
are mostly useful for developers. Use with care.
STGUIASSETS Directory to load GUI assets from. Overrides compiled in assets.
STTRACE A comma separated string of facilities to trace. The valid
facility strings are:
- "beacon" (the beacon package)
- "discover" (the discover package)
- "events" (the events package)
- "files" (the files package)
- "net" (the main package; connections & network messages)
- "model" (the model package)
- "scanner" (the scanner package)
- "stats" (the stats package)
- "upnp" (the upnp package)
- "xdr" (the xdr package)
- "all" (all of the above)
STPROFILER Set to a listen address such as "" to start the
profiler with HTTP access.
STCPUPROFILE Write a CPU profile to cpu-$pid.pprof on exit.
STHEAPPROFILE Write heap profiles to heap-$pid-$timestamp.pprof each time
heap usage increases.
STPERFSTATS Write running performance statistics to perf-$pid.csv. Not
supported on Windows.
GOMAXPROCS Set the maximum number of CPU cores to use. Defaults to all
available CPU cores.`
func init() {
// Command line and environment options
var (
reset bool
showVersion bool
doUpgrade bool
doUpgradeCheck bool
noBrowser bool
generateDir string
logFile string
noRestart = os.Getenv("STNORESTART") != ""
guiAddress = os.Getenv("STGUIADDRESS") // legacy
guiAuthentication = os.Getenv("STGUIAUTH") // legacy
guiAPIKey = os.Getenv("STGUIAPIKEY") // legacy
profiler = os.Getenv("STPROFILER")
guiAssets = os.Getenv("STGUIASSETS")
cpuProfile = os.Getenv("STCPUPROFILE") != ""
stRestarting = os.Getenv("STRESTART") != ""
innerProcess = os.Getenv("STNORESTART") != "" || os.Getenv("STMONITORED") != ""
func main() {
defConfDir, err := getDefaultConfDir()
if err != nil {
l.Fatalln("home:", err)
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
// On Windows, we use a log file by default. Setting the -logfile flag
// to the empty string disables this behavior.
logFile = filepath.Join(defConfDir, "syncthing.log")
flag.StringVar(&logFile, "logfile", logFile, "Log file name (blank for stdout)")
flag.StringVar(&generateDir, "generate", "", "Generate key and config in specified dir, then exit")
flag.StringVar(&guiAddress, "gui-address", guiAddress, "Override GUI address")
flag.StringVar(&guiAuthentication, "gui-authentication", guiAuthentication, "Override GUI authentication; username:password")
flag.StringVar(&guiAPIKey, "gui-apikey", guiAPIKey, "Override GUI API key")
flag.StringVar(&confDir, "home", "", "Set configuration directory")
flag.IntVar(&logFlags, "logflags", logFlags, "Select information in log line prefix")
flag.BoolVar(&noBrowser, "no-browser", false, "Do not start browser")
flag.BoolVar(&noRestart, "no-restart", noRestart, "Do not restart; just exit")
flag.BoolVar(&reset, "reset", false, "Prepare to resync from cluster")
flag.BoolVar(&doUpgrade, "upgrade", false, "Perform upgrade")
flag.BoolVar(&doUpgradeCheck, "upgrade-check", false, "Check for available upgrade")
flag.BoolVar(&showVersion, "version", false, "Show version")
flag.Usage = usageFor(flag.CommandLine, usage, fmt.Sprintf(extraUsage, defConfDir))
if confDir == "" {
// Not set as default above because the string can be really long.
confDir = defConfDir
if confDir != defConfDir && filepath.Dir(logFile) == defConfDir {
// The user changed the config dir with -home, but not the log file
// location. In this case we assume they meant for the logfile to
// still live in it's default location *relative to the config dir*.
logFile = filepath.Join(confDir, "syncthing.log")
if showVersion {
if generateDir != "" {
dir, err := osutil.ExpandTilde(generateDir)
if err != nil {
l.Fatalln("generate:", err)
info, err := os.Stat(dir)
if err != nil {
l.Fatalln("generate:", err)
if !info.IsDir() {
l.Fatalln(dir, "is not a directory")
cert, err := loadCert(dir, "")
if err == nil {
l.Warnln("Key exists; will not overwrite.")
l.Infoln("Device ID:", protocol.NewDeviceID(cert.Certificate[0]))
} else {
newCertificate(dir, "")
cert, err = loadCert(dir, "")
myID = protocol.NewDeviceID(cert.Certificate[0])
if err != nil {
l.Fatalln("load cert:", err)
if err == nil {
l.Infoln("Device ID:", protocol.NewDeviceID(cert.Certificate[0]))
cfgFile := filepath.Join(dir, "config.xml")
if _, err := os.Stat(cfgFile); err == nil {
l.Warnln("Config exists; will not overwrite.")
var myName, _ = os.Hostname()
var newCfg = defaultConfig(myName)
var cfg = config.Wrap(cfgFile, newCfg)
err = cfg.Save()
if err != nil {
l.Warnln("Failed to save config", err)
confDir, err := osutil.ExpandTilde(confDir)
if err != nil {
l.Fatalln("home:", err)
if info, err := os.Stat(confDir); err == nil && !info.IsDir() {
l.Fatalln("Config directory", confDir, "is not a directory")
// Ensure that our home directory exists.
ensureDir(confDir, 0700)
if doUpgrade || doUpgradeCheck {
rel, err := upgrade.LatestRelease(IsBeta)
if err != nil {
l.Fatalln("Upgrade:", err) // exits 1
if upgrade.CompareVersions(rel.Tag, Version) <= 0 {
l.Infof("No upgrade available (current %q >= latest %q).", Version, rel.Tag)
l.Infof("Upgrade available (current %q < latest %q)", Version, rel.Tag)
if doUpgrade {
// Use leveldb database locks to protect against concurrent upgrades
_, err = leveldb.OpenFile(filepath.Join(confDir, "index"), &opt.Options{CachedOpenFiles: 100})
if err != nil {
l.Fatalln("Cannot upgrade, database seems to be locked. Is another copy of Syncthing already running?")
err = upgrade.UpgradeTo(rel, GoArchExtra)
if err != nil {
l.Fatalln("Upgrade:", err) // exits 1
l.Okf("Upgraded to %q", rel.Tag)
} else {
if reset {
if noRestart {
} else {
func syncthingMain() {
var err error
if len(os.Getenv("GOGC")) == 0 {
if len(os.Getenv("GOMAXPROCS")) == 0 {
events.Default.Log(events.Starting, map[string]string{"home": confDir})
// Ensure that that we have a certificate and key.
cert, err = loadCert(confDir, "")
if err != nil {
newCertificate(confDir, "")
cert, err = loadCert(confDir, "")
if err != nil {
l.Fatalln("load cert:", err)
myID = protocol.NewDeviceID(cert.Certificate[0])
l.SetPrefix(fmt.Sprintf("[%s] ", myID.String()[:5]))
l.Infoln("My ID:", myID)
// Prepare to be able to save configuration
cfgFile := filepath.Join(confDir, "config.xml")
var myName string
// Load the configuration file, if it exists.
// If it does not, create a template.
if info, err := os.Stat(cfgFile); err == nil {
if !info.Mode().IsRegular() {
l.Fatalln("Config file is not a file?")
cfg, err = config.Load(cfgFile, myID)
if err == nil {
myCfg := cfg.Devices()[myID]
if myCfg.Name == "" {
myName, _ = os.Hostname()
} else {
myName = myCfg.Name
} else {
l.Fatalln("Configuration:", err)
} else {
l.Infoln("No config file; starting with empty defaults")
myName, _ = os.Hostname()
newCfg := defaultConfig(myName)
cfg = config.Wrap(cfgFile, newCfg)
l.Infof("Edit %s to taste or use the GUI\n", cfgFile)
if cfg.Raw().OriginalVersion != config.CurrentVersion {
l.Infoln("Archiving a copy of old config file format")
// Archive a copy
osutil.Rename(cfgFile, cfgFile+fmt.Sprintf(".v%d", cfg.Raw().OriginalVersion))
// Save the new version
if len(profiler) > 0 {
go func() {
l.Debugln("Starting profiler on", profiler)
err := http.ListenAndServe(profiler, nil)
if err != nil {
// The TLS configuration is used for both the listening socket and outgoing
// connections.
tlsCfg := &tls.Config{
Certificates: []tls.Certificate{cert},
NextProtos: []string{"bep/1.0"},
ServerName: myID.String(),
ClientAuth: tls.RequestClientCert,
SessionTicketsDisabled: true,
InsecureSkipVerify: true,
MinVersion: tls.VersionTLS12,
CipherSuites: []uint16{
// If the read or write rate should be limited, set up a rate limiter for it.
// This will be used on connections created in the connect and listen routines.
opts := cfg.Options()
if opts.MaxSendKbps > 0 {
writeRateLimit = ratelimit.NewBucketWithRate(float64(1000*opts.MaxSendKbps), int64(5*1000*opts.MaxSendKbps))
if opts.MaxRecvKbps > 0 {
readRateLimit = ratelimit.NewBucketWithRate(float64(1000*opts.MaxRecvKbps), int64(5*1000*opts.MaxRecvKbps))
db, err := leveldb.OpenFile(filepath.Join(confDir, "index"), &opt.Options{CachedOpenFiles: 100})
if err != nil {
l.Fatalln("Cannot open database:", err, "- Is another copy of Syncthing already running?")
// Remove database entries for folders that no longer exist in the config
folders := cfg.Folders()
for _, folder := range files.ListFolders(db) {
if _, ok := folders[folder]; !ok {
l.Infof("Cleaning data for dropped folder %q", folder)
files.DropFolder(db, folder)
m := model.NewModel(cfg, myName, "syncthing", Version, db)
sanityCheckFolders(cfg, m)
// GUI
setupGUI(cfg, m)
// Clear out old indexes for other devices. Otherwise we'll start up and
// start needing a bunch of files which are nowhere to be found. This
// needs to be changed when we correctly do persistent indexes.
for _, folderCfg := range cfg.Folders() {
if folderCfg.Invalid != "" {
for _, device := range folderCfg.DeviceIDs() {
if device == myID {
m.Index(device, folderCfg.ID, nil)
// The default port we announce, possibly modified by setupUPnP next.
addr, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp", opts.ListenAddress[0])
if err != nil {
l.Fatalln("Bad listen address:", err)
externalPort = addr.Port
// UPnP
igd = nil
if opts.UPnPEnabled {
// Routine to connect out to configured devices
discoverer = discovery(externalPort)
go listenConnect(myID, m, tlsCfg)
for _, folder := range cfg.Folders() {
if folder.Invalid != "" {
// Routine to pull blocks from other devices to synchronize the local
// folder. Does not run when we are in read only (publish only) mode.
if folder.ReadOnly {
l.Okf("Ready to synchronize %s (read only; no external updates accepted)", folder.ID)
} else {
l.Okf("Ready to synchronize %s (read-write)", folder.ID)
if cpuProfile {
f, err := os.Create(fmt.Sprintf("cpu-%d.pprof", os.Getpid()))
if err != nil {
defer pprof.StopCPUProfile()
for _, device := range cfg.Devices() {
if len(device.Name) > 0 {
l.Infof("Device %s is %q at %v", device.DeviceID, device.Name, device.Addresses)
if opts.URAccepted > 0 && opts.URAccepted < usageReportVersion {
l.Infoln("Anonymous usage report has changed; revoking acceptance")
opts.URAccepted = 0
if opts.URAccepted >= usageReportVersion {
go usageReportingLoop(m)
go func() {
time.Sleep(10 * time.Minute)
err := sendUsageReport(m)
if err != nil {
l.Infoln("Usage report:", err)
if opts.RestartOnWakeup {
go standbyMonitor()
if opts.AutoUpgradeIntervalH > 0 {
if IsRelease {
go autoUpgrade()
} else {
l.Infof("No automatic upgrades; %s is not a relase version.", Version)
events.Default.Log(events.StartupComplete, nil)
go generateEvents()
code := <-stop
func setupGUI(cfg *config.ConfigWrapper, m *model.Model) {
opts := cfg.Options()
guiCfg := overrideGUIConfig(cfg.GUI(), guiAddress, guiAuthentication, guiAPIKey)
if guiCfg.Enabled && guiCfg.Address != "" {
addr, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp", guiCfg.Address)
if err != nil {
l.Fatalf("Cannot start GUI on %q: %v", guiCfg.Address, err)
} else {
var hostOpen, hostShow string
switch {
case addr.IP == nil:
hostOpen = "localhost"
hostShow = ""
case addr.IP.IsUnspecified():
hostOpen = "localhost"
hostShow = addr.IP.String()
hostOpen = addr.IP.String()
hostShow = hostOpen
var proto = "http"
if guiCfg.UseTLS {
proto = "https"
urlShow := fmt.Sprintf("%s://%s/", proto, net.JoinHostPort(hostShow, strconv.Itoa(addr.Port)))
l.Infoln("Starting web GUI on", urlShow)
err := startGUI(guiCfg, guiAssets, m)
if err != nil {
l.Fatalln("Cannot start GUI:", err)
if opts.StartBrowser && !noBrowser && !stRestarting {
urlOpen := fmt.Sprintf("%s://%s/", proto, net.JoinHostPort(hostOpen, strconv.Itoa(addr.Port)))
func sanityCheckFolders(cfg *config.ConfigWrapper, m *model.Model) {
for id, folder := range cfg.Folders() {
if folder.Invalid != "" {
fi, err := os.Stat(folder.Path)
if m.CurrentLocalVersion(id) > 0 {
// Safety check. If the cached index contains files but the
// folder doesn't exist, we have a problem. We would assume
// that all files have been deleted which might not be the case,
// so mark it as invalid instead.
if err != nil || !fi.IsDir() {
l.Warnf("Stopping folder %q - path does not exist, but has files in index", folder.ID)
cfg.InvalidateFolder(id, "folder path missing")
continue nextFolder
} else if !folder.HasMarker() {
l.Warnf("Stopping folder %q - path exists, but folder marker missing, check for mount issues", folder.ID)
cfg.InvalidateFolder(id, "folder marker missing")
continue nextFolder
} else if os.IsNotExist(err) {
// If we don't have any files in the index, and the directory
// doesn't exist, try creating it.
err = os.MkdirAll(folder.Path, 0700)
if err != nil {
l.Warnf("Stopping folder %q - %v", folder.ID, err)
cfg.InvalidateFolder(id, err.Error())
continue nextFolder
err = folder.CreateMarker()
} else if !folder.HasMarker() {
// If we don't have any files in the index, and the path does exist
// but the marker is not there, create it.
err = folder.CreateMarker()
if err != nil {
// If there was another error or we could not create the
// path, the folder is invalid.
l.Warnf("Stopping folder %q - %v", folder.ID, err)
cfg.InvalidateFolder(id, err.Error())
continue nextFolder
func defaultConfig(myName string) config.Configuration {
defaultFolder, err := osutil.ExpandTilde("~/Sync")
if err != nil {
l.Fatalln("home:", err)
newCfg := config.New(myID)
newCfg.Folders = []config.FolderConfiguration{
ID: "default",
Path: defaultFolder,
RescanIntervalS: 60,
Devices: []config.FolderDeviceConfiguration{{DeviceID: myID}},
newCfg.Devices = []config.DeviceConfiguration{
DeviceID: myID,
Addresses: []string{"dynamic"},
Name: myName,
port, err := getFreePort("", 8080)
if err != nil {
l.Fatalln("get free port (GUI):", err)
newCfg.GUI.Address = fmt.Sprintf("", port)
port, err = getFreePort("", 22000)
if err != nil {
l.Fatalln("get free port (BEP):", err)
newCfg.Options.ListenAddress = []string{fmt.Sprintf("", port)}
return newCfg
func generateEvents() {
for {
time.Sleep(300 * time.Second)
events.Default.Log(events.Ping, nil)
func setupUPnP() {
if opts := cfg.Options(); len(opts.ListenAddress) == 1 {
_, portStr, err := net.SplitHostPort(opts.ListenAddress[0])
if err != nil {
l.Warnln("Bad listen address:", err)
} else {
// Set up incoming port forwarding, if necessary and possible
port, _ := strconv.Atoi(portStr)
igds := upnp.Discover()
if len(igds) > 0 {
// Configure the first discovered IGD only. This is a work-around until we have a better mechanism
// for handling multiple IGDs, which will require changes to the global discovery service
igd = igds[0]
externalPort = setupExternalPort(igd, port)
if externalPort == 0 {
l.Warnln("Failed to create UPnP port mapping")
} else {
l.Infof("Created UPnP port mapping for external port %d on UPnP device %s.", externalPort, igd.FriendlyIdentifier())
if opts.UPnPRenewal > 0 {
go renewUPnP(port)
} else {
l.Warnln("Multiple listening addresses; not attempting UPnP port mapping")
func setupExternalPort(igd *upnp.IGD, port int) int {
if igd == nil {
return 0
// We seed the random number generator with the node ID to get a
// repeatable sequence of random external ports.
rnd := rand.NewSource(certSeed(cert.Certificate[0]))
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
r := 1024 + int(rnd.Int63()%(65535-1024))
err := igd.AddPortMapping(upnp.TCP, r, port, "syncthing", cfg.Options().UPnPLease*60)
if err == nil {
return r
return 0
func renewUPnP(port int) {
for {
opts := cfg.Options()
time.Sleep(time.Duration(opts.UPnPRenewal) * time.Minute)
// Make sure our IGD reference isn't nil
if igd == nil {
if debugNet {
l.Debugln("Undefined IGD during UPnP port renewal. Re-discovering...")
igds := upnp.Discover()
if len(igds) > 0 {
// Configure the first discovered IGD only. This is a work-around until we have a better mechanism
// for handling multiple IGDs, which will require changes to the global discovery service
igd = igds[0]
} else {
if debugNet {
l.Debugln("Failed to discover IGD during UPnP port mapping renewal.")
// Just renew the same port that we already have
if externalPort != 0 {
err := igd.AddPortMapping(upnp.TCP, externalPort, port, "syncthing", opts.UPnPLease*60)
if err != nil {
l.Warnf("Error renewing UPnP port mapping for external port %d on device %s: %s", externalPort, igd.FriendlyIdentifier(), err.Error())
} else if debugNet {
l.Debugf("Renewed UPnP port mapping for external port %d on device %s.", externalPort, igd.FriendlyIdentifier())
// Something strange has happened. We didn't have an external port before?
// Or perhaps the gateway has changed?
// Retry the same port sequence from the beginning.
if debugNet {
l.Debugln("No UPnP port mapping defined, updating...")
forwardedPort := setupExternalPort(igd, port)
if forwardedPort != 0 {
externalPort = forwardedPort
discoverer.StartGlobal(opts.GlobalAnnServer, uint16(forwardedPort))
if debugNet {
l.Debugf("Updated UPnP port mapping for external port %d on device %s.", forwardedPort, igd.FriendlyIdentifier())
} else {
l.Warnf("Failed to update UPnP port mapping for external port on device " + igd.FriendlyIdentifier() + ".")
func resetFolders() {
suffix := fmt.Sprintf(".syncthing-reset-%d", time.Now().UnixNano())
for _, folder := range cfg.Folders() {
if _, err := os.Stat(folder.Path); err == nil {
l.Infof("Reset: Moving %s -> %s", folder.Path, folder.Path+suffix)
os.Rename(folder.Path, folder.Path+suffix)
idx := filepath.Join(confDir, "index")
func restart() {
stop <- exitRestarting
func shutdown() {
l.Infoln("Shutting down")
stop <- exitSuccess
func listenConnect(myID protocol.DeviceID, m *model.Model, tlsCfg *tls.Config) {
var conns = make(chan *tls.Conn)
// Listen
for _, addr := range cfg.Options().ListenAddress {
go listenTLS(conns, addr, tlsCfg)
// Connect
go dialTLS(m, conns, tlsCfg)
for conn := range conns {
certs := conn.ConnectionState().PeerCertificates
if cl := len(certs); cl != 1 {
l.Infof("Got peer certificate list of length %d != 1 from %s; protocol error", cl, conn.RemoteAddr())
remoteCert := certs[0]
remoteID := protocol.NewDeviceID(remoteCert.Raw)
if remoteID == myID {
l.Infof("Connected to myself (%s) - should not happen", remoteID)
if m.ConnectedTo(remoteID) {
l.Infof("Connected to already connected device (%s)", remoteID)
for deviceID, deviceCfg := range cfg.Devices() {
if deviceID == remoteID {
// Verify the name on the certificate. By default we set it to
// "syncthing" when generating, but the user may have replaced
// the certificate and used another name.
certName := deviceCfg.CertName
if certName == "" {
certName = "syncthing"
err := remoteCert.VerifyHostname(certName)
if err != nil {
// Incorrect certificate name is something the user most
// likely wants to know about, since it's an advanced
// config. Warn instead of Info.
l.Warnf("Bad certificate from %s (%v): %v", remoteID, conn.RemoteAddr(), err)
continue next
// If rate limiting is set, we wrap the connection in a
// limiter.
var wr io.Writer = conn
if writeRateLimit != nil {
wr = &limitedWriter{conn, writeRateLimit}
var rd io.Reader = conn
if readRateLimit != nil {
rd = &limitedReader{conn, readRateLimit}
name := fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", conn.LocalAddr(), conn.RemoteAddr())
protoConn := protocol.NewConnection(remoteID, rd, wr, m, name, deviceCfg.Compression)
l.Infof("Established secure connection to %s at %s", remoteID, name)
if debugNet {
l.Debugf("cipher suite %04X", conn.ConnectionState().CipherSuite)
events.Default.Log(events.DeviceConnected, map[string]string{
"id": remoteID.String(),
"addr": conn.RemoteAddr().String(),
m.AddConnection(conn, protoConn)
continue next
events.Default.Log(events.DeviceRejected, map[string]string{
"device": remoteID.String(),
"address": conn.RemoteAddr().String(),
l.Infof("Connection from %s with unknown device ID %s; ignoring", conn.RemoteAddr(), remoteID)
func listenTLS(conns chan *tls.Conn, addr string, tlsCfg *tls.Config) {
if debugNet {
l.Debugln("listening on", addr)
tcaddr, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp", addr)
if err != nil {
l.Fatalln("listen (BEP):", err)
listener, err := net.ListenTCP("tcp", tcaddr)
if err != nil {
l.Fatalln("listen (BEP):", err)
for {
conn, err := listener.Accept()
if err != nil {
l.Warnln("Accepting connection:", err)
if debugNet {
l.Debugln("connect from", conn.RemoteAddr())
tcpConn := conn.(*net.TCPConn)
tc := tls.Server(conn, tlsCfg)
err = tc.Handshake()
if err != nil {
l.Infoln("TLS handshake:", err)
conns <- tc
func dialTLS(m *model.Model, conns chan *tls.Conn, tlsCfg *tls.Config) {
var delay time.Duration = 1 * time.Second
for {
for deviceID, deviceCfg := range cfg.Devices() {
if deviceID == myID {
if m.ConnectedTo(deviceID) {
var addrs []string
for _, addr := range deviceCfg.Addresses {
if addr == "dynamic" {
if discoverer != nil {
t := discoverer.Lookup(deviceID)
if len(t) == 0 {
addrs = append(addrs, t...)
} else {
addrs = append(addrs, addr)
for _, addr := range addrs {
host, port, err := net.SplitHostPort(addr)
if err != nil && strings.HasPrefix(err.Error(), "missing port") {
// addr is on the form ""
addr = net.JoinHostPort(addr, "22000")
} else if err == nil && port == "" {
// addr is on the form ""
addr = net.JoinHostPort(host, "22000")
if debugNet {
l.Debugln("dial", deviceCfg.DeviceID, addr)
raddr, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp", addr)
if err != nil {
if debugNet {
conn, err := net.DialTCP("tcp", nil, raddr)
if err != nil {
if debugNet {
tc := tls.Client(conn, tlsCfg)
err = tc.Handshake()
if err != nil {
l.Infoln("TLS handshake:", err)
conns <- tc
continue nextDevice
delay *= 2
if maxD := time.Duration(cfg.Options().ReconnectIntervalS) * time.Second; delay > maxD {
delay = maxD
func setTCPOptions(conn *net.TCPConn) {
var err error
if err = conn.SetLinger(0); err != nil {
if err = conn.SetNoDelay(false); err != nil {
if err = conn.SetKeepAlivePeriod(60 * time.Second); err != nil {
if err = conn.SetKeepAlive(true); err != nil {
func discovery(extPort int) *discover.Discoverer {
opts := cfg.Options()
disc := discover.NewDiscoverer(myID, opts.ListenAddress)
if opts.LocalAnnEnabled {
l.Infoln("Starting local discovery announcements")
disc.StartLocal(opts.LocalAnnPort, opts.LocalAnnMCAddr)
if opts.GlobalAnnEnabled {
l.Infoln("Starting global discovery announcements")
disc.StartGlobal(opts.GlobalAnnServer, uint16(extPort))
return disc
func ensureDir(dir string, mode int) {
fi, err := os.Stat(dir)
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
err := os.MkdirAll(dir, 0700)
if err != nil {
} else if mode >= 0 && err == nil && int(fi.Mode()&0777) != mode {
err := os.Chmod(dir, os.FileMode(mode))
// This can fail on crappy filesystems, nothing we can do about it.
if err != nil {
func getDefaultConfDir() (string, error) {
switch runtime.GOOS {
case "windows":
return filepath.Join(os.Getenv("LocalAppData"), "Syncthing"), nil
case "darwin":
return osutil.ExpandTilde("~/Library/Application Support/Syncthing")
if xdgCfg := os.Getenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME"); xdgCfg != "" {
return filepath.Join(xdgCfg, "syncthing"), nil
} else {
return osutil.ExpandTilde("~/.config/syncthing")
// getFreePort returns a free TCP port fort listening on. The ports given are
// tried in succession and the first to succeed is returned. If none succeed,
// a random high port is returned.
func getFreePort(host string, ports (int, error) {
for _, port := range ports {
c, err := net.Listen("tcp", fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", host, port))
if err == nil {
return port, nil
c, err := net.Listen("tcp", host+":0")
if err != nil {
return 0, err
addr := c.Addr().(*net.TCPAddr)
return addr.Port, nil
func overrideGUIConfig(cfg config.GUIConfiguration, address, authentication, apikey string) config.GUIConfiguration {
if address != "" {
cfg.Enabled = true
if !strings.Contains(address, "//") {
// Assume just an IP was given. Don't touch he TLS setting.
cfg.Address = address
} else {
parsed, err := url.Parse(address)
if err != nil {
cfg.Address = parsed.Host
switch parsed.Scheme {
case "http":
cfg.UseTLS = false
case "https":
cfg.UseTLS = true
l.Fatalln("Unknown scheme:", parsed.Scheme)
if authentication != "" {
authenticationParts := strings.SplitN(authentication, ":", 2)
hash, err := bcrypt.GenerateFromPassword([]byte(authenticationParts[1]), 0)
if err != nil {
l.Fatalln("Invalid GUI password:", err)
cfg.User = authenticationParts[0]
cfg.Password = string(hash)
if apikey != "" {
cfg.APIKey = apikey
return cfg
func standbyMonitor() {
restartDelay := time.Duration(60 * time.Second)
now := time.Now()
for {
time.Sleep(10 * time.Second)
if time.Since(now) > 2*time.Minute {
l.Infof("Paused state detected, possibly woke up from standby. Restarting in %v.", restartDelay)
// We most likely just woke from standby. If we restart
// immediately chances are we won't have networking ready. Give
// things a moment to stabilize.
now = time.Now()
func autoUpgrade() {
var skipped bool
interval := time.Duration(cfg.Options().AutoUpgradeIntervalH) * time.Hour
for {
if skipped {
} else {
skipped = true
rel, err := upgrade.LatestRelease(IsBeta)
if err == upgrade.ErrUpgradeUnsupported {
if err != nil {
// Don't complain too loudly here; we might simply not have
// internet connectivity, or the upgrade server might be down.
l.Infoln("Automatic upgrade:", err)
if upgrade.CompareVersions(rel.Tag, Version) <= 0 {
l.Infof("Automatic upgrade (current %q < latest %q)", Version, rel.Tag)
err = upgrade.UpgradeTo(rel, GoArchExtra)
if err != nil {
l.Warnln("Automatic upgrade:", err)
l.Warnf("Automatically upgraded to version %q. Restarting in 1 minute.", rel.Tag)
stop <- exitUpgrading