
494 lines
12 KiB

package main
import (
type Model struct {
dir string
cm *cid.Map
fs *files.Set
protoConn map[string]protocol.Connection
rawConn map[string]io.Closer
pmut sync.RWMutex // protects protoConn and rawConn
initOnce sync.Once
sup suppressor
limitRequestRate chan struct{}
imut sync.Mutex // protects Index
const (
idxBcastHoldtime = 15 * time.Second // Wait at least this long after the last index modification
idxBcastMaxDelay = 120 * time.Second // Unless we've already waited this long
var (
ErrNoSuchFile = errors.New("no such file")
ErrInvalid = errors.New("file is invalid")
// NewModel creates and starts a new model. The model starts in read-only mode,
// where it sends index information to connected peers and responds to requests
// for file data without altering the local repository in any way.
func NewModel(dir string, maxChangeBw int) *Model {
m := &Model{
dir: dir,
cm: cid.NewMap(),
fs: files.NewSet(),
protoConn: make(map[string]protocol.Connection),
rawConn: make(map[string]io.Closer),
sup: suppressor{threshold: int64(maxChangeBw)},
go m.broadcastIndexLoop()
return m
func (m *Model) LimitRate(kbps int) {
m.limitRequestRate = make(chan struct{}, kbps)
n := kbps/10 + 1
go func() {
for {
time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
select {
case m.limitRequestRate <- struct{}{}:
// StartRW starts read/write processing on the current model. When in
// read/write mode the model will attempt to keep in sync with the cluster by
// pulling needed files from peer nodes.
func (m *Model) StartRW(threads int) {
m.initOnce.Do(func() {
newPuller("default", m.dir, m, threads)
// StartRO starts read only processing on the current model. When in
// read only mode the model will announce files to the cluster but not
// pull in any external changes.
func (m *Model) StartRO() {
m.initOnce.Do(func() {
newPuller("default", m.dir, m, 0) // zero threads => read only
// Generation returns an opaque integer that is guaranteed to increment on
// every change to the local repository or global model.
func (m *Model) Generation() uint64 {
c := m.fs.Changes(cid.LocalID)
return c
type ConnectionInfo struct {
Address string
ClientID string
ClientVersion string
Completion int
// ConnectionStats returns a map with connection statistics for each connected node.
func (m *Model) ConnectionStats() map[string]ConnectionInfo {
type remoteAddrer interface {
RemoteAddr() net.Addr
var tot int64
for _, f := range m.fs.Global() {
if f.Flags&protocol.FlagDeleted == 0 {
tot += f.Size
var res = make(map[string]ConnectionInfo)
for node, conn := range m.protoConn {
ci := ConnectionInfo{
Statistics: conn.Statistics(),
ClientID: conn.Option("clientId"),
ClientVersion: conn.Option("clientVersion"),
if nc, ok := m.rawConn[node].(remoteAddrer); ok {
ci.Address = nc.RemoteAddr().String()
var have = tot
for _, f := range m.fs.Need( {
if f.Flags&protocol.FlagDeleted == 0 {
have -= f.Size
ci.Completion = 100
if tot != 0 {
ci.Completion = int(100 * have / tot)
res[node] = ci
return res
func sizeOf(fs []scanner.File) (files, deleted int, bytes int64) {
for _, f := range fs {
if f.Flags&protocol.FlagDeleted == 0 {
bytes += f.Size
} else {
// GlobalSize returns the number of files, deleted files and total bytes for all
// files in the global model.
func (m *Model) GlobalSize() (files, deleted int, bytes int64) {
fs := m.fs.Global()
return sizeOf(fs)
// LocalSize returns the number of files, deleted files and total bytes for all
// files in the local repository.
func (m *Model) LocalSize() (files, deleted int, bytes int64) {
fs := m.fs.Have(cid.LocalID)
return sizeOf(fs)
// InSyncSize returns the number and total byte size of the local files that
// are in sync with the global model.
func (m *Model) InSyncSize() (files int, bytes int64) {
gf := m.fs.Global()
hf := m.fs.Need(cid.LocalID)
gn, _, gb := sizeOf(gf)
hn, _, hb := sizeOf(hf)
return gn - hn, gb - hb
// NeedFiles returns the list of currently needed files and the total size.
func (m *Model) NeedFiles() ([]scanner.File, int64) {
nf := m.fs.Need(cid.LocalID)
var bytes int64
for _, f := range nf {
bytes += f.Size
return nf, bytes
// Index is called when a new node is connected and we receive their full index.
// Implements the protocol.Model interface.
func (m *Model) Index(nodeID string, fs []protocol.FileInfo) {
var files = make([]scanner.File, len(fs))
for i := range fs {
files[i] = fileFromFileInfo(fs[i])
cid :=
m.fs.Replace(cid, files)
if debugNet {
dlog.Printf("IDX(in): %s: %d files", nodeID, len(fs))
// IndexUpdate is called for incremental updates to connected nodes' indexes.
// Implements the protocol.Model interface.
func (m *Model) IndexUpdate(nodeID string, fs []protocol.FileInfo) {
var files = make([]scanner.File, len(fs))
for i := range fs {
files[i] = fileFromFileInfo(fs[i])
id :=
m.fs.Update(id, files)
if debugNet {
dlog.Printf("IDXUP(in): %s: %d files", nodeID, len(files))
// Close removes the peer from the model and closes the underlying connection if possible.
// Implements the protocol.Model interface.
func (m *Model) Close(node string, err error) {
if debugNet {
dlog.Printf("%s: %v", node, err)
if err == protocol.ErrClusterHash {
warnf("Connection to %s closed due to mismatched cluster hash. Ensure that the configured cluster members are identical on both nodes.", node)
} else if err != io.EOF {
warnf("Connection to %s closed: %v", node, err)
cid :=
m.fs.Replace(cid, nil)
conn, ok := m.rawConn[node]
if ok {
delete(m.protoConn, node)
delete(m.rawConn, node)
// Request returns the specified data segment by reading it from local disk.
// Implements the protocol.Model interface.
func (m *Model) Request(nodeID, repo, name string, offset int64, size int) ([]byte, error) {
// Verify that the requested file exists in the local model.
lf := m.fs.Get(cid.LocalID, name)
if offset > lf.Size {
warnf("SECURITY (nonexistent file) REQ(in): %s: %q o=%d s=%d", nodeID, name, offset, size)
return nil, ErrNoSuchFile
if lf.Suppressed {
return nil, ErrInvalid
if debugNet && nodeID != "<local>" {
dlog.Printf("REQ(in): %s: %q o=%d s=%d", nodeID, name, offset, size)
fn := filepath.Join(m.dir, name)
fd, err := os.Open(fn) // XXX: Inefficient, should cache fd?
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer fd.Close()
buf := buffers.Get(int(size))
_, err = fd.ReadAt(buf, offset)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if m.limitRequestRate != nil {
for s := 0; s < len(buf); s += 1024 {
return buf, nil
// ReplaceLocal replaces the local repository index with the given list of files.
func (m *Model) ReplaceLocal(fs []scanner.File) {
m.fs.ReplaceWithDelete(cid.LocalID, fs)
// ReplaceLocal replaces the local repository index with the given list of files.
func (m *Model) SeedLocal(fs []protocol.FileInfo) {
var sfs = make([]scanner.File, len(fs))
for i := 0; i < len(fs); i++ {
sfs[i] = fileFromFileInfo(fs[i])
m.fs.Replace(cid.LocalID, sfs)
// Implements scanner.CurrentFiler
func (m *Model) CurrentFile(file string) scanner.File {
f := m.fs.Get(cid.LocalID, file)
return f
// ConnectedTo returns true if we are connected to the named node.
func (m *Model) ConnectedTo(nodeID string) bool {
_, ok := m.protoConn[nodeID]
return ok
// RepoID returns a unique ID representing the current repository location.
func (m *Model) RepoID() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%x", sha1.Sum([]byte(m.dir)))
// AddConnection adds a new peer connection to the model. An initial index will
// be sent to the connected peer, thereafter index updates whenever the local
// repository changes.
func (m *Model) AddConnection(rawConn io.Closer, protoConn protocol.Connection) {
nodeID := protoConn.ID()
if _, ok := m.protoConn[nodeID]; ok {
panic("add existing node")
m.protoConn[nodeID] = protoConn
if _, ok := m.rawConn[nodeID]; ok {
panic("add existing node")
m.rawConn[nodeID] = rawConn
go func() {
idx := m.ProtocolIndex()
if debugNet {
dlog.Printf("IDX(out/initial): %s: %d files", nodeID, len(idx))
protoConn.Index("default", idx)
// ProtocolIndex returns the current local index in protocol data types.
// Must be called with the read lock held.
func (m *Model) ProtocolIndex() []protocol.FileInfo {
var index []protocol.FileInfo
fs := m.fs.Have(cid.LocalID)
for _, f := range fs {
mf := fileInfoFromFile(f)
if debugIdx {
var flagComment string
if mf.Flags&protocol.FlagDeleted != 0 {
flagComment = " (deleted)"
dlog.Printf("IDX(out): %q m=%d f=%o%s v=%d (%d blocks)", mf.Name, mf.Modified, mf.Flags, flagComment, mf.Version, len(mf.Blocks))
index = append(index, mf)
return index
func (m *Model) updateLocal(f scanner.File) {
m.fs.Update(cid.LocalID, []scanner.File{f})
func (m *Model) requestGlobal(nodeID, name string, offset int64, size int, hash []byte) ([]byte, error) {
nc, ok := m.protoConn[nodeID]
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("requestGlobal: no such node: %s", nodeID)
if debugNet {
dlog.Printf("REQ(out): %s: %q o=%d s=%d h=%x", nodeID, name, offset, size, hash)
return nc.Request("default", name, offset, size)
func (m *Model) broadcastIndexLoop() {
var lastChange uint64
for {
time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)
c := m.fs.Changes(cid.LocalID)
if c == lastChange {
lastChange = c
saveIndex(m) // This should be cleaned up we don't do a lot of processing twice
fs := m.fs.Have(cid.LocalID)
var indexWg sync.WaitGroup
var idx = make([]protocol.FileInfo, len(fs))
for i, f := range fs {
idx[i] = fileInfoFromFile(f)
for _, node := range m.protoConn {
node := node
if debugNet {
dlog.Printf("IDX(out/loop): %s: %d files", node.ID(), len(idx))
go func() {
node.Index("default", idx)
func fileFromFileInfo(f protocol.FileInfo) scanner.File {
var blocks = make([]scanner.Block, len(f.Blocks))
var offset int64
for i, b := range f.Blocks {
blocks[i] = scanner.Block{
Offset: offset,
Size: b.Size,
Hash: b.Hash,
offset += int64(b.Size)
return scanner.File{
// Name is with native separator and normalization
Name: filepath.FromSlash(f.Name),
Size: offset,
Flags: f.Flags &^ protocol.FlagInvalid,
Modified: f.Modified,
Version: f.Version,
Blocks: blocks,
Suppressed: f.Flags&protocol.FlagInvalid != 0,
func fileInfoFromFile(f scanner.File) protocol.FileInfo {
var blocks = make([]protocol.BlockInfo, len(f.Blocks))
for i, b := range f.Blocks {
blocks[i] = protocol.BlockInfo{
Size: b.Size,
Hash: b.Hash,
pf := protocol.FileInfo{
Name: filepath.ToSlash(f.Name),
Flags: f.Flags,
Modified: f.Modified,
Version: f.Version,
Blocks: blocks,
if f.Suppressed {
pf.Flags |= protocol.FlagInvalid
return pf