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2015-04-22 19:33:53 +02:00
// This is an example script demonstrating how the renaming tool can be used.
// script configuration
// specifies the separator between artist, album and track number
var separator = ", "
2015-04-22 19:33:53 +02:00
// specifies the separator between title and other fields
var lastSeparator = " - "
2015-04-22 19:33:53 +02:00
// specifies whether the artist name should be included
var includeArtist = true
2015-04-22 19:33:53 +02:00
// specifies whether the album name should be included
var includeAlbum = true
2015-04-22 19:33:53 +02:00
// specifies whether the title should be included
var includeTitle = true
2020-10-01 20:57:17 +02:00
// specifies whether tags like [foo] should be stripped from the title if deduced from file name
var stripTags = false
// specifies whether the title deduced from the file name should be kept as-is
var keepTitleFromFileName = false
// specifies whether track information should be appended (like [H.265-320p AAC-LC-2ch-eng AAC-LC-2ch-ger])
var includeTrackInfo = false
// specifies the "distribution directory"
//var distDir = false; // don't move files around
var distDir = "/path/to/my/music-collection" // move files to an appropriate subdirectory under this path
// directory used to store collections which contain songs from multiple artists
var collectionsDir = "collections"
// directory used to store miscellaneous songs by miscellaneous artists
var miscDir = "misc"
// directory used for miscellaneous songs by specific artist
var miscAlbumDir = "misc"
// condition to move files to miscDir
var isMiscFile = function (tag) {
return tag.comment === "misc"
// condition to consider files part of a collection which contains songs from multiple artists
var isPartOfCollection = function (tag) {
return tag.comment === "collection"
2020-10-01 20:57:17 +02:00
// helper functions
2020-10-01 20:57:17 +02:00
2015-04-22 19:33:53 +02:00
// returns whether the specified \a value is not undefined and not an empty string.
2015-04-22 19:33:53 +02:00
function notEmpty(value) {
return value !== undefined && value !== ""
2015-04-22 19:33:53 +02:00
// returns whether the specified \a value is not undefined and not zero.
2015-04-22 19:33:53 +02:00
function notNull(value) {
return value !== undefined && value !== 0
2015-04-22 19:33:53 +02:00
// returns the string representation of \a pos using at least as many digits as \a total has
2015-04-22 19:33:53 +02:00
function appropriateDigitCount(pos, total) {
var res = pos + ""
var count = (total + "").length
2015-04-22 19:33:53 +02:00
while (res.length < count) {
res = "0" + res
2015-04-22 19:33:53 +02:00
return res
2015-04-22 19:33:53 +02:00
// returns a copy of the specified \a name with characters that might be avoided in file names striped out
2015-04-22 19:33:53 +02:00
function validFileName(name) {
return name !== undefined ? name.replace(/[\/\\]/gi, " - ").replace(
/[<>?!*|:\"\n\f\r]/gi, "") : ""
// returns a copy of the specified \a name with characters that might be avoided in directory names striped out.
function validDirectoryName(name) {
return name !== undefined ? name.replace(/[\/\\]/gi, " - ").replace(
/[<>?!*|:\".\n\f\r]/gi, "") : ""
2020-10-01 20:57:17 +02:00
// strips tags from the beginning or end of the string if configured
function tagsStripped(name) {
return stripTags ? name.replace(/^(\[[^\]]*\]\s*)+/g, "").replace(/(\s*\[[^\]]*\])+$/g, "") : name;
// actual script
2020-10-01 20:57:17 +02:00
// skip directories in this example script
if (!tageditor.isFile) {
// parse file using the built-in parseFileInfo function
var fileInfo = tageditor.parseFileInfo(tageditor.currentPath)
var tag = fileInfo.tag
2020-10-01 20:57:17 +02:00
var tracks = fileInfo.tracks
// deduce title and track number from the file name using the built-in parseFileName function (as fallback if tags missing)
var infoFromFileName = tageditor.parseFileName(fileInfo.currentBaseName)
// skip hidden and "desktop.ini" files
if (fileInfo.currentName.indexOf(".") === 0
|| fileInfo.currentName === "desktop.ini") {
// treat *.lrc files like their corresponding *.mp3 files
var keepSuffix
if (fileInfo.currentSuffix === "lrc") {
// deduce path of corresponding *.mp3 file
var correspondingMp3File = fileInfo.currentPathWithoutExtension + ".mp3"
// keep the lrc suffix later
keepSuffix = fileInfo.currentSuffix
// use the file info from the corresponding *.mp3 file
fileInfo = tageditor.parseFileInfo(correspondingMp3File)
if (fileInfo.ioErrorOccured) {
tageditor.skip("skipped, " + correspondingMp3File + " not present")
tag = fileInfo.tag
// skip files which don't contain audio or video tracks
if (!fileInfo.hasAudioTracks && !fileInfo.hasVideoTracks) {
// filter backup and temporary files by putting them in a separate directory
if (fileInfo.currentSuffix === "bak") {
if (fileInfo.currentSuffix === "tmp") {
// define an array for the fields to be joined later
var fields = []
2019-02-13 21:42:50 +01:00
// get the artist (preferably album artist), remove invalid characters and add it to fields array
var artist = validFileName(tag.albumartist)
if (artist.length === 0) {
artist = validFileName(tag.artist)
if (includeArtist && !isPartOfCollection(tag) && notEmpty(artist)) {
// get the album and remove invalid characters and add it to fields array
var album = validFileName(tag.album)
if (includeAlbum && notEmpty(tag.album)) {
// get the track/disk position and add it to fields array
// use the value from the tag if possible; otherwise the value deduced from the filename
if (notNull(tag.trackPos)) {
var pos = []
// push the disk position
if (notNull(tag.diskPos) && notNull(tag.diskTotal) && tag.diskTotal >= 2) {
pos.push(appropriateDigitCount(tag.diskPos, tag.diskTotal))
// push the track count
if (notNull(tag.trackTotal)) {
pos.push(appropriateDigitCount(tag.trackPos, tag.trackTotal))
2015-04-22 19:33:53 +02:00
} else {
pos.push(appropriateDigitCount(tag.trackPos, 10))
2015-04-22 19:33:53 +02:00
} else if (notNull(infoFromFileName.trackPos)) {
fields.push(appropriateDigitCount(infoFromFileName.trackPos, 10))
2015-04-22 19:33:53 +02:00
// join the first part of the new name
var newName = fields.join(separator)
// get the title and append it
var title = validFileName(tag.title)
if (includeTitle) {
// use value from file name if the tag has no title information
if (!notEmpty(title)) {
2020-10-01 20:57:17 +02:00
if (!keepTitleFromFileName) {
title = validFileName(tagsStripped(infoFromFileName.title))
if (!notEmpty(title)) {
title = validFileName(tagsStripped(fileInfo.currentBaseName))
if (newName.length > 0) {
newName = newName.concat(lastSeparator, title)
2015-04-22 19:33:53 +02:00
} else {
newName = newName.concat(title)
2015-04-22 19:33:53 +02:00
2020-10-01 20:57:17 +02:00
// append track info
if (includeTrackInfo && tracks.length > 0) {
newName = newName.concat(" [", tracks.map(track => track.description).join(" "), "]")
// append an appropriate suffix
var suffix = ""
if (notEmpty(fileInfo.suitableSuffix)) {
// get a suitable suffix from the file info object if available
suffix = fileInfo.suitableSuffix
} else if (notEmpty(fileInfo.currentSuffix)) {
// or just use the current suffix otherwise
suffix = fileInfo.currentSuffix
if (notEmpty(suffix)) {
newName = newName.concat(".", suffix)
// apply new name
// set the distribution directory
if (!distDir) {
var path = [distDir]
2019-02-13 21:42:50 +01:00
var artist = validDirectoryName(tag.albumartist)
if (artist.length === 0) {
artist = validDirectoryName(tag.artist)
if (isPartOfCollection(tag)) {
} else if (isMiscFile(tag)) {
} else if (notEmpty(artist)) {
} else {
2019-06-01 12:45:52 +02:00
var album = validDirectoryName(tag.album)
if (notEmpty(album)) {
if (notEmpty(tag.year)) {
path.push([tag.year.split("-")[0], album].join(" - "))
2015-04-22 19:33:53 +02:00
} else {
2015-04-22 19:33:53 +02:00
} else if (notEmpty(artist) && !isMiscFile(tag)) {
if (tag.diskTotal >= 2) {
path.push("Disk " + appropriateDigitCount(tag.diskPos, tag.diskTotal))
2015-04-22 19:33:53 +02:00
// apply new relative directory