Re-design program icon as license of program icon was not clear

The new program icon is based on breeze icons which is noted in the README.
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Martchus 2022-09-10 16:05:33 +02:00
parent 86b102e901
commit a020f7e292
11 changed files with 53 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -449,3 +449,8 @@ Per monitor DPI awareness (v2) is not working out of the box but experimental su
Copyright © 2015-2022 Marius Kittler
All code is licensed under [GPL-2-or-later](LICENSE).
## Attribution for 3rd party content
* The program icon is based on icons taken from the [KDE/Breeze]( project.
* Other icons found in this repository are taken from the [KDE/Breeze]( project
(without modification).

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