#include "./httpdownloadwithinforequst.h" #include "./permissionstatus.h" namespace Network { /*! * \class HttpDownloadWithInfoRequst * \brief The HttpDownloadWithInfoRequst class a base class for HTTP downloads which need to perform * additional requests before the actual download. * * A YoutubeDownload needs to retrieve the download URL for example. These requests are handled by * the HttpDownloadWithInfoRequst class during initialization. */ /*! * \brief Constructs a new YoutubeDownload for the specified \a url. */ HttpDownloadWithInfoRequst::HttpDownloadWithInfoRequst(const QUrl &url, QObject *parent) : HttpDownload(url, parent) { } HttpDownloadWithInfoRequst::~HttpDownloadWithInfoRequst() { } void HttpDownloadWithInfoRequst::doInit() { setTitleFromFilename(initialUrl().host()); bool success; QString reasonForFail; // get the info request m_infoDownload.reset(infoRequestDownload(success, reasonForFail)); if (success) { // the request could be constructed successfully if (!m_infoDownload) { // no request needed (at this time), just call evalVideoInformation() evalVideoInformation(nullptr, nullptr); } else { // setup and initiate the request m_infoDownload->setParent(parent()); m_infoDownload->setDefaultUserAgentUsed(isDefaultUserAgentUsed()); m_infoDownload->setCustomUserAgent(userAgent()); m_infoDownload->setProxy(proxy()); connect(m_infoDownload.get(), &Download::statusChanged, this, &HttpDownloadWithInfoRequst::infoRequestChangedStatus); m_infoDownload->init(); } } else { reportInitiated(false, reasonForFail); } } void HttpDownloadWithInfoRequst::abortDownload() { if (m_infoDownload) { m_infoDownload->stop(); } HttpDownload::abortDownload(); } /*! * \brief Handles the status of the info request. */ void HttpDownloadWithInfoRequst::infoRequestChangedStatus(Download *download) { switch (download->status()) { case DownloadStatus::Failed: reportInitiated(false, tr("Couldn't retrieve the video information. %1").arg(statusInfo())); break; case DownloadStatus::Ready: if (m_infoDownload->isValidOptionChosen()) { m_infoDownload->setRedirectPermission(m_infoDownload->chosenOption(), PermissionStatus::AlwaysAllowed); m_infoBuffer.reset(new QBuffer()); if (m_infoBuffer->open(QIODevice::ReadWrite)) { download->start(m_infoBuffer.get()); } else { reportInitiated(false, tr("Couldn't initialize buffer to store initialization data.")); } } else { reportInitiated(false, tr("The initialization request has no options.")); } break; case DownloadStatus::Finished: if (!m_infoBuffer) { reportInitiated(false, tr("The initialization data buffer hasn't been initialized.")); } else { m_infoBuffer->seek(0); evalVideoInformation(download, m_infoBuffer.get()); m_infoDownload.reset(); } break; default:; } } } // namespace Network