Qt Utilities 6.14.0
Common Qt related C++ classes and routines used by my applications such as dialogs, widgets and models
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NCppUtilitiesThe CppUtilities namespace contains addons to the c++utilities library provided by the qtutilities library
 CAboutDialogSimple about dialog
 CAdoptLockerLike QMutexLocker, but assumes that the mutex has already been locked
 CBrushEditorUsed by PaletteEditor
 CButtonOverlayUsed to display buttons on top of other widgets
 CClearComboBoxA QComboBox with an embedded button for clearing its contents
 CClearLineEditA QLineEdit with an embedded button for clearing its contents
 CClearPlainTextEditA QPlainTextEdit with an embedded button for clearing its contents
 CClearSpinBoxA QSpinBox with an embedded button for clearing its contents and the ability to hide the minimum value
 CColorButtonUsed by PaletteEditor
 CColorDelegateUsed by PaletteEditor
 CDBusNotificationEmits D-Bus notifications
 CEnterPasswordDialogSimple dialog to ask the user for a password
 CIconButtonA simple QAbstractButton implementation displaying a QPixmap
 CNotificationImageThe NotificationImage struct is a raw data image format
 COptionCategoryWraps associated option pages
 COptionCategoryFilterModelUsed by SettingsDialog to filter option categories
 COptionCategoryModelUsed by SettingsDialog to store and display option categories
 COptionPageBase class for SettingsDialog pages
 CPaletteEditorDialog to customize a QPalette
 CPaletteModelUsed by PaletteEditor
 CPathSelectionA QLineEdit with a QPushButton next to it which allows to select file/directory via QFileDialog
 CRecentMenuManagerManages the entries for a "recently opened files" menu
 CRoleEditorUsed by PaletteEditor
 CSettingsDialogFramework for creating settings dialogs with different categories and subcategories
 CSwappedImageThe SwappedImage struct represents RGB-interved version of the image specified on construction
 CTryLockerLike QMutexLocker, but it just tries to lock the mutex
 CChecklistItemItem for use with the ChecklistModel class
 CChecklistModelGeneric model for storing checkable items
 CUiFileBasedOptionPageBase class for SettingsDialog pages using UI files to describe the widget tree