# PKGBUILDs Contains PKGBUILD files for creating Arch Linux packages: * Packages for my own applications and libraries such as [Syncthing Tray](https://github.com/Martchus/syncthingtray), [Tag Editor](https://github.com/Martchus/tageditor), [Password Manager](https://github.com/Martchus/passwordmanager), ... * Packages [I maintain in the AUR](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/?O=0&SeB=M&K=Martchus&outdated=&SB=v&SO=d&PP=50&do_Search=Go): * misc packages, eg. Gogs/Gitea, Subtitle Composer, openelec-dvb-firmware * mingw-w64 packages which allow to build for Windows under Arch Linux, eg. freetype2 and Qt 5 * apple-darwin packages which allow to build for MaxOS X under Arch Linux, eg. osxcross and Qt 5 * Other packages imported from the AUR to build with slight modifications So if you like to improve one of my AUR packages, just create a PR here. ## Structure Each package is in its own subdirectoy: ``` default-pkg-name/variant ``` where `default-pkg-name` is the default package name (eg. `qt5-base`) and `variant` usually one of: * `default`: the regular package * `git`/`svn`/`hg`: the development version * `mingw-w64`: the Windows version * `apple-darwin`: the MacOS X version The repository does not contain `.SRCINFO` files. ## Binary repository I also provide a [binary repository](https://martchus.no-ip.biz/repo/arch/ownstuff/os) containing the packages found in this repository and a lot of packages found in the AUR. For more information visit my [website](https://martchus.no-ip.biz/website/page.php?name=programming).