Martchus 485b123124 Adapt to brotli upstream change regarding static libs
The upstream commit
changed how static libraries are built and named.
2024-01-09 17:32:08 +01:00
android Import android-cmake from AUR 2021-01-05 01:22:16 +01:00
arm-none-eabi Add arm-none-eabi-cmake 2017-04-29 11:47:00 +02:00
mingw-w64 Improve and add more mingw-w64-qt6-*-static packages 2020-11-08 17:14:16 +01:00
mingw-w64-static Adapt to brotli upstream change regarding static libs 2024-01-09 17:32:08 +01:00
static-compat Disable harfbuzz find package in static CMake wrappers 2023-08-09 16:36:59 +02:00