#include "../data/config.h" #include #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace CppUtilities; namespace LibPkg { bool Config::addLicenseInfo(LicenseResult &result, const Dependency &dependency) { // find the referenced package auto searchResult = findPackage(dependency); const auto &package = searchResult.pkg; if (!package) { result.success = false; result.notes.emplace_back("Unable to locate " + dependency.toString()); return false; } auto packageID = addLicenseInfo(result, searchResult, package); if (packageID.empty()) { result.ignoredPackages.emplace_back(package->name % '-' + package->version); return false; } result.consideredPackages.emplace_back(package->name % '-' + package->version); if (result.mainProject.empty()) { result.mainProject = move(packageID); } else { result.dependendProjects.emplace(move(packageID)); } return true; } std::string Config::addLicenseInfo(LicenseResult &result, PackageSearchResult &searchResult, const std::shared_ptr &package) { // make up some identifier to refer to the package in the license summary // * use the "regular" package name (e.g. gcc instead of mingw-w64-gcc) // * include only the upstream version (but not epoch and pkgrel) // * the licensing files for the whole MinGW-w64 project is contained by the mingw-w64-headers package // * the licensing files for GCC is contained by the gcc-libs package // * the licensing files for all Qt modules are contained within qt5-base; don't distinguish the modules for our purposes // * use the real project name if known const auto upstreamVersion = PackageVersion::fromString(package->version).upstream; auto regularPackageName = package->computeRegularPackageName(); auto packageID = regularPackageName.empty() ? package->name : regularPackageName; static const auto displayNames = unordered_map{ { "mingw-w64-headers", "MinGW-w64" }, { "gcc", "GCC" }, { "gcc-libs", "GCC" }, { "freetype2", "FreeType" }, { "harfbuzz", "HarfBuzz" }, { "graphite", "Graphite" }, { "openssl", "OpenSSL" }, { "pcre", "PCRE" }, { "pcre2", "PCRE2" }, { "glib2", "GLib" }, { "numix-icon-theme", "Numix icon theme" }, { "breeze-icons", "Breeze icons (from KDE)" }, { "boost", "Boost" }, { "go", "Go" }, { "syncthing", "Syncthing" }, { "syncthingtray", "Syncthing Tray" }, { "tageditor", "Tag Editor" }, { "passwordmanager", "Password Manager" }, }; if (endsWith(packageID, "-git") || endsWith(packageID, "-svn")) { packageID.resize(packageID.size() - 4); } else if (endsWith(packageID, "-hg")) { packageID.resize(packageID.size() - 3); } if (const auto displayName = displayNames.find(packageID); displayName != displayNames.cend()) { packageID = displayName->second; } else if (startsWith(packageID, "qt5-")) { packageID = "Qt 5"; regularPackageName = "qt5-base"; } else if (startsWith(packageID, "qt6-")) { packageID = "Qt 6"; regularPackageName = "qt6-base"; } // skip package if custom license has already been added if (const auto customLicenses = result.customLicences.find(packageID); customLicenses != result.customLicences.end() && !customLicenses->second.empty()) { return packageID; } // check whether the package has a standard license and/or a custom license bool hasCustomLicense = package->licenses.empty(); if (packageID == "Qt 5" || packageID == "Qt 6") { // consider Qt's licenses custom as it has special variants of the standard licenses FDL, GPL and LGPL hasCustomLicense = true; } else if (packageID == "GCC") { // override GCC license, it is GPL3 and not GPL2 and above; besides, we don't care about the documentation here result.commonLicenses["GPL3"].relevantPackages.emplace(packageID); } else { // read the package's license field (see https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/PKGBUILD#license) for (const auto &license : package->licenses) { // check for custom licenses and licenses which contain project specific references and are therefore considered custom as well if (startsWith(license, "custom") || license == "BSD" || license == "ISC" || license == "MIT" || license == "ZLIB" || license == "Python") { hasCustomLicense = true; continue; } // map Arch Linux generic way to say e.g. "GPL2 and above" to a concrete license e.g. "GPL2" auto concreteLicense = license; if (license == "GPL") { concreteLicense = "GPL2 or any later version"; } else if (license == "GPL2") { concreteLicense = "GPL2 only"; } else if (license == "GPL3") { concreteLicense = "GPL3 or any later version"; } else if (license == "LGPL") { concreteLicense = "LGPL2 or any later version"; } else if (license == "LGPL2") { concreteLicense = "LGPL2 only"; } else if (license == "LGPL3") { concreteLicense = "LGPL3 or any later version"; } else if (license == "FDL") { concreteLicense = "FDL1.2"; } else if (license == "AGPL") { concreteLicense = "AGPL3"; } else if (license == "APACHE") { concreteLicense = "Apache"; } result.commonLicenses[concreteLicense].relevantPackages.emplace(packageID); } } if (!hasCustomLicense) { return packageID; } // read custom license if (!regularPackageName.empty()) { const auto regularPackageSearchResult = findPackage(Dependency(regularPackageName, package->version)); if (regularPackageSearchResult.pkg) { const auto regularUpstreamVersion = PackageVersion::fromString(regularPackageSearchResult.pkg->version).upstream; if (upstreamVersion != regularUpstreamVersion) { result.success = false; // likely the license hasn't change; let's continue but don't consider it a successful run result.notes.emplace_back( "Regular package for " % searchResult.pkg->name % '-' % searchResult.pkg->version % " has different upstream version " + regularUpstreamVersion); } searchResult.db = regularPackageSearchResult.db; searchResult.pkg = regularPackageSearchResult.pkg; } } // -> locate package const auto *const db = std::get(searchResult.db); if (!db) { packageID.clear(); return packageID; } const auto &packageInfo = searchResult.pkg->packageInfo; if (!packageInfo) { packageID.clear(); return packageID; } const auto path = db->localPkgDir % '/' + packageInfo->fileName; try { auto directories = extractFiles(path, &Package::isLicense); auto &licenses = result.customLicences[packageID]; for (auto &dir : directories) { for (auto &file : dir.second) { if (file.type != ArchiveFileType::Regular) { // skip anything but regular files (symlinks might point to other packages so resolving them is tricky) continue; } licenses.emplace_back(dir.first % '/' + file.name, move(file.content)); } } if (licenses.empty()) { const auto &packageName = searchResult.pkg->name; string fallback; if (startsWith(packageName, "qt5-")) { fallback = "qt5-base"; // the qt5-base package contains licenses for the other qt5-* packages } else if (packageName == "gcc") { fallback = "gcc-libs"; // the gcc-libs packages contains licenses for the gcc package } if (!fallback.empty() && fallback != packageName) { result.notes.emplace_back("No license file contained in " % path % ", falling back to " + fallback); if (!addLicenseInfo(result, Dependency(fallback, searchResult.pkg->version))) { packageID.clear(); } return packageID; } result.success = false; result.notes.emplace_back("No license file contained in " + path); packageID.clear(); return packageID; } } catch (const runtime_error &e) { result.success = false; result.notes.emplace_back(e.what()); packageID.clear(); return packageID; } return packageID; } static void printQuoted(ostream &os, const string &str) { bool needQuote = true; for (auto c : str) { if (needQuote) { os << "> "; needQuote = false; } os << c; if (c == '\n') { needQuote = true; } } } LicenseResult Config::computeLicenseInfo(const std::vector &dependencyDenotations) { LicenseResult result; // find "licenses" package containing common licenses const auto commonLicensePackageSearch = findPackage(Dependency("licenses")); const auto &licensesPackage = commonLicensePackageSearch.pkg; const auto *const db = std::get(commonLicensePackageSearch.db); if (!db || !licensesPackage || !licensesPackage->packageInfo) { result.success = false; result.notes.emplace_back("Unable to find licenses package."); return result; } // extract common licenses if (db->localPkgDir.empty()) { result.success = false; result.notes.emplace_back("No local package dir for database \"" % db->name + "\" (containing \"licenses\" package) configured."); return result; } const auto path = db->localPkgDir % '/' + licensesPackage->packageInfo->fileName; auto licensesDirs = FileMap(); try { licensesDirs = extractFiles(path, &Package::isLicense); if (licensesDirs.empty()) { result.success = false; result.notes.emplace_back("No relevant files found in licenses package."); return result; } } catch (const runtime_error &e) { result.success = false; result.notes.emplace_back(e.what()); return result; } // add required common licenses and custom licenses for (const auto &dependencyDenotation : dependencyDenotations) { addLicenseInfo(result, Dependency(dependencyDenotation.data(), dependencyDenotation.size())); } // find relevant common licenses in licenses package for (auto &commonLicense : result.commonLicenses) { const auto &licenseName = commonLicense.first; auto &license = commonLicense.second; auto dir = licensesDirs.find("usr/share/licenses/common/" + licenseName); if (dir == licensesDirs.end() || dir->second.empty()) { if (const auto whiteSpace = licenseName.find(' '); whiteSpace != std::string::npos) { const auto plainLicense = std::string_view(licenseName.data(), whiteSpace); const auto licenseSuffix = std::string_view(plainLicense == "LGPL2" ? ".1" : ""); dir = licensesDirs.find(argsToString("usr/share/licenses/common/", plainLicense, licenseSuffix)); } } if (dir == licensesDirs.end() || dir->second.empty()) { result.success = false; result.notes.emplace_back("Unable to find license dir for common license " + licenseName); continue; } for (auto &file : dir->second) { license.files.emplace_back(move(file.name), move(file.content)); } } // move "unique" common licenses to project specific licenses for (auto i = result.commonLicenses.begin(); i != result.commonLicenses.end();) { auto &license = i->second; if (license.relevantPackages.size() != 1) { ++i; continue; } auto &customLicenses = result.customLicences[*license.relevantPackages.cbegin()]; customLicenses.insert(customLicenses.begin(), license.files.begin(), license.files.end()); result.commonLicenses.erase(i++); } if (result.dependendProjects.empty()) { return result; } // start summary stringstream summary; summary << "This file contains licensing information for `" << result.mainProject << "` and libraries distributed with it:\n"; for (const auto &dependency : result.dependendProjects) { summary << " * `" << dependency << "`\n"; } // add common licenses to summary for (const auto &commonLicense : result.commonLicenses) { const auto &licenseName = commonLicense.first; auto &license = commonLicense.second; if (summary.tellp()) { summary << "\n---\n\n"; } summary << "License"; if (license.files.size() != 1) { summary << 's'; } summary << " `" << licenseName << "` of " << joinStrings(license.relevantPackages, ", ", false, "`", "`") << ":\n\n"; for (const auto &licenseFile : license.files) { if (license.files.size() > 1) { summary << '`' << licenseFile.filename << "`: \n"; } printQuoted(summary, licenseFile.content); } } // add custom licenses to summary for (const auto &customLicense : result.customLicences) { if (customLicense.second.empty()) { continue; } if (summary.tellp()) { summary << "\n---\n\n"; } summary << "License"; if (customLicense.second.size() != 1) { summary << 's'; } summary << " of `" << customLicense.first << "`:\n\n"; for (const auto &license : customLicense.second) { if (customLicense.second.size() > 1) { summary << '`' << license.filename << "`: \n"; } printQuoted(summary, license.content); } } result.licenseSummary = summary.str(); // print the summary for debugging (FIXME: remove debug code) fstream("license-summary.md", ios_base::out | ios_base::trunc) << result.licenseSummary; // add project specific licenses return result; } } // namespace LibPkg