/// \brief Renders the specified \a value as text or a grey 'none' if the value is 'none' or empty. export function renderNoneInGrey(value, row, elementName, noneText) { const noValue = value === undefined || value === null || value === 'none' || value === 'None' || value === '' || value === 18446744073709552000; const element = document.createElement((noValue || elementName === undefined) ? 'span' : elementName); if (noValue) { element.appendChild(document.createTextNode(noneText || 'none')); element.style.color = 'grey'; element.dataset.isNone = true; } else if (typeof value === 'boolean') { element.appendChild(document.createTextNode(value ? 'yes' : 'no')); } else { element.appendChild(document.createTextNode(value)); } return element; } /// \brief Renders a standard table cell. /// \remarks This is the default renderer used by renderTableFromJsonArray() and renderTableFromJsonObject(). export function renderStandardTableCell(data, allData, level) { const dataType = typeof data; if (dataType !== 'object') { return renderNoneInGrey(data); } if (!Array.isArray(data)) { if (level !== undefined && level > 1) { return renderNoneInGrey('', data, undefined, 'rendering stopped at this level') } return renderTableFromJsonObject({data: data, level: level !== undefined ? level + 1 : 1}); } if (data.length === 0) { return renderNoneInGrey('', data, undefined, 'empty array'); } const ul = document.createElement('ul'); data.forEach(function(element) { const li = document.createElement('li'); li.appendChild(renderStandardTableCell(element)); ul.appendChild(li); }); return ul; } /// \brief Renders a custom list. export function renderCustomList(array, customRenderer, compareFunction) { if (!Array.isArray(array) || array.length < 1) { return renderNoneInGrey(); } if (compareFunction !== undefined) { array.sort(compareFunction); } const ul = document.createElement('ul'); array.forEach(function(arrayElement) { const li = document.createElement('li'); const renderedDomElements = customRenderer(arrayElement, li); if (Array.isArray(renderedDomElements)) { renderedDomElements.forEach(function(renderedDomElement) { li.appendChild(renderedDomElement); }); } else { li.appendChild(renderedDomElements); } ul.appendChild(li); }); return ul; } /// \brief Renders a list of links. export function renderLinkList(array, obj, handler) { return renderCustomList(array, function(arrayElement) { return renderLink(array, obj, function() { handler(arrayElement, array, obj); }); }); } /// \brief Returns a 'time ago' string used by the time stamp rendering functions. export function formatTimeAgoString(date) { const seconds = Math.floor((new Date() - date) / 1000); let interval = Math.floor(seconds / 31536000); if (interval > 1) { return interval + ' y ago'; } interval = Math.floor(seconds / 2592000); if (interval > 1) { return interval + ' m ago'; } interval = Math.floor(seconds / 86400); if (interval > 1) { return interval + ' d ago'; } interval = Math.floor(seconds / 3600); if (interval > 1) { return interval + ' h ago'; } interval = Math.floor(seconds / 60); if (interval > 1) { return interval + ' min ago'; } return Math.floor(seconds) + ' s ago'; } /// \brief Returns a Date object from the specified time stamp. export function dateFromTimeStamp(timeStamp) { return new Date(timeStamp + 'Z'); } /// \brief Renders a short time stamp, e.g. "12 hours ago" with the exact date as tooltip. export function renderShortTimeStamp(timeStamp) { const date = dateFromTimeStamp(timeStamp); if (date.getFullYear() === 1) { return document.createTextNode('not yet'); } const span = document.createElement('span'); span.appendChild(document.createTextNode(formatTimeAgoString(date))); span.title = timeStamp; return span; } /// \brief Renders a time stamp, e.g. "12 hours ago" with the exact date in brackets. export function renderTimeStamp(timeStamp) { const date = dateFromTimeStamp(timeStamp); if (date.getFullYear() === 1) { return document.createTextNode('not yet'); } return document.createTextNode(formatTimeAgoString(date) + ' (' + timeStamp + ')'); } /// \brief Renders a time delta from 2 time stamps. export function renderTimeSpan(startTimeStamp, endTimeStamp) { const startDate = dateFromTimeStamp(startTimeStamp); if (startDate.getFullYear() === 1) { return document.createTextNode('not yet'); } let endDate = dateFromTimeStamp(endTimeStamp); if (endDate.getFullYear() === 1) { endDate = Date.now(); } const elapsedMilliseconds = endDate - startDate; let text; if (elapsedMilliseconds >= (1000 * 60 * 60)) { text = Math.floor(elapsedMilliseconds / 1000 / 60 / 60) + ' h'; } else if (elapsedMilliseconds >= (1000 * 60)) { text = Math.floor(elapsedMilliseconds / 1000 / 60) + ' min'; } else if (elapsedMilliseconds >= (1000)) { text = Math.floor(elapsedMilliseconds / 1000) + ' s'; } else { text = '< 1 s'; } return document.createTextNode(text); } /// \brief Renders a link which will invoke the specified \a handler when clicked. export function renderLink(value, row, handler, tooltip, href, middleClickHref) { const linkElement = document.createElement('a'); const linkText = typeof value === 'object' ? value : document.createTextNode(value); linkElement.appendChild(linkText); linkElement.href = middleClickHref || href || '#'; if (tooltip !== undefined) { linkElement.title = tooltip; } if (handler === undefined) { return linkElement; } linkElement.onclick = function () { handler(value, row); return false; }; linkElement.onmouseup = function (e) { // treat middle-click as regular click if (e.which !== 2) { return true; } e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); if (!middleClickHref) { handler(value, row); } return false; }; return linkElement; } /// \brief Renders the specified array as comma-separated string or 'none' if the array is empty. export function renderArrayAsCommaSeparatedString(value) { return renderNoneInGrey(!Array.isArray(value) || value.length <= 0 ? 'none' : value.join(', ')); } /// \brief Renders the specified array as a possibly elided comma-separated string or 'none' if the array is empty. export function renderArrayElidedAsCommaSeparatedString(value) { if (!Array.isArray(value) || value.length <= 0) { return renderNoneInGrey('none'); } return renderTextPossiblyElidingTheEnd(value.join(', ')); } /// \brief Renders the specified value, possibly eliding the end. export function renderTextPossiblyElidingTheEnd(value) { const limit = 50; if (value.length < limit) { return document.createTextNode(value); } const element = document.createElement('span'); const remainingText = document.createTextNode(value.substr(limit)); const elipses = document.createTextNode('…'); let expaned = false; element.appendChild(document.createTextNode(value.substr(0, limit))); element.appendChild(elipses); element.onclick = function () { element.removeChild(element.lastChild); ((expaned = !expaned)) ? element.appendChild(remainingText) : element.appendChild(elipses); }; return element; } /// \brief Renders the specified \a sizeInByte using an appropriate unit. export function renderDataSize(sizeInByte, row, includeBytes) { if (typeof(sizeInByte) !== 'number') { return renderNoneInGrey('none'); } let res; if (sizeInByte < 1024) { res = sizeInByte << " bytes"; } else if (sizeInByte < 1048576) { res = (sizeInByte / 1024.0) + " KiB"; } else if (sizeInByte < 1073741824) { res = (sizeInByte / 1048576.0) + " MiB"; } else if (sizeInByte < 1099511627776) { res = (sizeInByte / 1073741824.0) + " GiB"; } else { res = (sizeInByte / 1099511627776.0) + " TiB"; } if (includeBytes && sizeInByte > 1024) { res += ' (' + sizeInByte + " byte)"; } return document.createTextNode(res); } // \brief Accesses the property of the specified \a object denoted by \a accessor which is a string like 'foo.bar'. // \returns Returns the propertie's value or undefined if it doesn't exist. function accessProperty(object, accessor) { if (accessor === undefined) { return; } const propertyNames = accessor.split("."); for (let i = 0, count = propertyNames.length; i !== count; ++i) { object = object[propertyNames[i]]; if (object === undefined || object === null) { return; } } return object; } /// \brief Renders a checkbox for selecting a table row. export function renderCheckBoxForTableRow(value, row, computeCheckBoxValue) { const checkbox = document.createElement('input'); checkbox.type = 'checkbox'; checkbox.checked = row.selected; checkbox.value = computeCheckBoxValue(row); checkbox.onchange = function () { row.selected = this.checked }; return checkbox; } /// \brief Returns a table for the specified JSON array. export function renderTableFromJsonArray(args) { // handle arguments const rows = args.rows; const columnHeaders = args.columnHeaders; const columnAccessors = args.columnAccessors; const columnSortAccessors = args.columnSortAccessors || []; const defaultRenderer = args.defaultRenderer || renderStandardTableCell; const customRenderer = args.customRenderer || {}; const rowHandler = args.rowHandler; const maxPageButtons = args.maxPageButtons || 5; const container = document.createElement("div"); // render note let noteRenderer = customRenderer.note; if (noteRenderer === undefined || typeof noteRenderer === 'string') { const note = document.createElement("p"); note.appendChild(document.createTextNode(noteRenderer || "Showing " + rows.length + " results")); container.appendChild(note); } else { const note = noteRenderer(rows); if (note !== undefined) { container.appendChild(note); } } // add table const rowsPerPage = args.rowsPerPage; const table = document.createElement("table"); table.data = rows; table.sortedData = rows; table.className = "table-from-json table-from-json-array"; // define pagination stuff if (rowsPerPage !== undefined && rowsPerPage > 0) { table.hasPagination = true; table.rowsPerPage = args.rowsPerPage; table.currentPage = args.currentPage = 1; table.pageCount = Math.ceil(rows.length / rowsPerPage); } table.pageInfo = function() { if (!this.hasPagination) { return {begin: 0, end: this.data.length}; // no pagination } if (this.currentPage === undefined || this.currentPage <= 0) { return {begin: 0, end: 0}; // invalid page } return { begin: Math.min((this.currentPage - 1) * this.rowsPerPage, this.data.length), end: Math.min(this.currentPage * this.rowsPerPage, this.data.length), }; }; table.forEachRowOnPage = function(callback) { const pageInfo = this.pageInfo(); if (isNaN(pageInfo.begin) || isNaN(pageInfo.end)) { return; } for (let i = pageInfo.begin, end = pageInfo.end; i != end; ++i) { const row = this.data[i]; if (row === null || row === undefined) { continue; } callback(row, i, pageInfo, this); } }; // render column header const thead = document.createElement("thead"); const tr = document.createElement("tr"); columnHeaders.forEach(function (columnHeader) { const th = document.createElement("th"); const columnIndex = tr.children.length; th.columnAccessor = columnSortAccessors[columnIndex] || columnAccessors[columnIndex]; th.descending = true; th.onclick = function () { table.sort(this.columnAccessor, this.descending = !this.descending); }; th.style.cursor = "pointer"; th.appendChild(document.createTextNode(columnHeader)); tr.appendChild(th); }); thead.appendChild(tr); table.appendChild(thead); // add pagination if (table.hasPagination) { const td = document.createElement("td"); td.className = "pagination"; td.colSpan = columnAccessors.length; const previousA = document.createElement("a"); previousA.appendChild(document.createTextNode("<")); previousA.className = "prev"; previousA.onclick = function() { const currentA = table.currentA; if (currentA) { const a = currentA.previousSibling; if (a !== undefined && a !== previousA) { a.onclick(); } } const pageNumInput = table.pageNumInput; if (pageNumInput && table.currentPage > 1) { pageNumInput.value = table.currentPage - 1; pageNumInput.onchange(); } }; const nextA = document.createElement("a"); nextA.appendChild(document.createTextNode(">")); nextA.className = "next"; nextA.onclick = function() { const currentA = table.currentA; if (currentA) { const a = currentA.nextSibling; if (a !== undefined && a !== nextA) { a.onclick(); } } const pageNumInput = table.pageNumInput; if (pageNumInput && table.currentPage < table.pageCount) { pageNumInput.value = table.currentPage + 1; pageNumInput.onchange(); } }; td.appendChild(previousA); if (table.pageCount <= maxPageButtons) { for (let pageNumber = 1; pageNumber <= table.pageCount; ++pageNumber) { const a = document.createElement("a"); a.appendChild(document.createTextNode(pageNumber)); a.onclick = function () { table.currentA.className = ''; table.currentA = this; table.currentA.className = 'current'; table.currentPage = pageNumber; table.rerender(); }; if (pageNumber === table.currentPage) { table.currentA = a; a.className = 'current'; } td.appendChild(a); } } else { const pageNumInput = document.createElement("input"); pageNumInput.type = "number"; pageNumInput.value = table.currentPage; pageNumInput.min = 1; pageNumInput.max = table.pageCount; pageNumInput.onchange = function() { const selectedPage = parseInt(this.value); if (!isNaN(selectedPage) && selectedPage) { table.currentPage = selectedPage; table.rerender(); } }; table.pageNumInput = pageNumInput; td.appendChild(pageNumInput); const totalSpan = document.createElement("span"); totalSpan.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" of " + table.pageCount)); td.appendChild(totalSpan); } td.appendChild(nextA); const tr = document.createElement("tr"); const tfoot = document.createElement("tfoot"); tr.appendChild(td); tfoot.appendChild(tr); table.appendChild(tfoot); } // render table contents const tbody = document.createElement("tbody"); const renderNewRow = function (row) { const tr = document.createElement("tr"); columnAccessors.forEach(function (columnAccessor) { const td = document.createElement("td"); const renderer = customRenderer[columnAccessor]; let data = accessProperty(row, columnAccessor); if (data === undefined) { data = "?"; } const content = renderer ? renderer(data, row) : defaultRenderer(data, row); td.appendChild(content); tr.appendChild(td); }); if (rowHandler) { rowHandler(row, tr); } tbody.appendChild(tr); }; table.forEachRowOnPage(renderNewRow); table.appendChild(tbody); // define function to re-render the table's contents table.rerender = function() { const sortedData = this.sortedData; const trs = tbody.getElementsByTagName("tr"); const pageInfo = table.pageInfo(); let dataIndex = pageInfo.begin, dataEnd = pageInfo.end; for (let tr = tbody.firstChild; tr; ++dataIndex) { if (dataIndex >= dataEnd) { const nextTr = tr.nextSibling; tbody.removeChild(tr); tr = nextTr; continue; } const tds = tr.getElementsByTagName("td"); const row = sortedData[dataIndex]; for (let td = tr.firstChild, i = 0; td; td = td.nextSibling, ++i) { const columnAccessor = columnAccessors[i]; while (td.firstChild) { td.removeChild(td.firstChild); } const renderer = customRenderer[columnAccessor]; const data = accessProperty(row, columnAccessor); const content = renderer !== undefined ? renderer(data, row) : defaultRenderer(data, row); td.appendChild(content); } if (rowHandler) { rowHandler(row, tr); } tr = tr.nextSibling; } for (; dataIndex < dataEnd; ++dataIndex) { renderNewRow(sortedData[dataIndex]); } }; // define function to re-sort according to a specific column table.sort = function(columnAccessor, descending) { // sort the rows according to the column table.sortedData = rows.sort(function (a, b) { let aValue = accessProperty(a, columnAccessor); let bValue = accessProperty(b, columnAccessor); let aType = typeof aValue; let bType = typeof bValue; // handle undefined/null if (aValue === undefined || aValue === null) { return -1; } if (bValue === undefined || bValue === null) { return 1; } // handle numbers if (aType === "number" && bType === "number") { if (aValue < bValue) { return descending ? 1 : -1; } else if (aValue > bValue) { return descending ? -1 : 1; } else { return 0; } } // handle arrays (sort them by length) if (aType === "array" && bType === "array") { if (aValue.length < bValue.length) { return descending ? 1 : -1; } else if (aValue > bValue) { return descending ? -1 : 1; } else { return 0; } } // handle non-strings if (aType !== "string" || bType !== "string") { aValue = aValue.toString(); bValue = bValue.toString(); aType = bType = "string"; } // compare strings return descending ? bValue.localeCompare(aValue) : aValue.localeCompare(bValue); }); // re-render the table's contents table.rerender(); }; // FIXME: implement filter container.appendChild(table); container.table = table; return container; } /// \brief Returns a table for the specified JSON object. export function renderTableFromJsonObject(args) { // handle arguments const data = args.data; const relatedRow = args.relatedRow; const displayLabels = args.displayLabels || []; const fieldAccessors = args.fieldAccessors || Object.getOwnPropertyNames(data); const level = args.level; const defaultRenderer = args.defaultRenderer || renderStandardTableCell; const customRenderer = args.customRenderer || {}; const container = document.createElement("div"); // render table const table = document.createElement("table"); table.className = "table-from-json table-from-json-object"; // render table contents const tbody = document.createElement("tbody"); fieldAccessors.forEach(function (fieldAccessor) { const tr = document.createElement("tr"); const th = document.createElement("th"); const displayLabel = displayLabels[tbody.children.length] || fieldAccessor; if (displayLabel !== undefined) { th.appendChild(document.createTextNode(displayLabel)); } tr.appendChild(th); const td = document.createElement("td"); const renderer = customRenderer[fieldAccessor]; let fieldData = accessProperty(data, fieldAccessor); if (fieldData === undefined) { fieldData = "?"; } const content = renderer ? renderer(fieldData, data, level, relatedRow) : defaultRenderer(fieldData, data, level, relatedRow); if (Array.isArray(content)) { content.forEach(function(contentElement) { td.appendChild(contentElement); }); } else { td.appendChild(content); } tr.appendChild(td); tbody.appendChild(tr); }); table.appendChild(tbody); container.appendChild(table); return container; } /// \brief Returns a heading for each key and values via renderStandardTableCell(). export function renderObjectWithHeadings(object, row, level) { const elements = []; for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(object)) { const heading = document.createElement('h4'); heading.className = 'compact-heading'; heading.appendChild(document.createTextNode(key)); elements.push(heading, renderStandardTableCell(value, object, level)); } return elements; }