export const apiPrefix = 'api/v0'; let authError = false; let ongoingRequests = {}; /// \brief Makes an AJAX query with basic error handling. export function queryRoute(method, path, callback, type) { if (type) { const ongoingRequest = ongoingRequests[type]; if (ongoingRequest) { ongoingRequest.abort(); } const navElement = document.getElementById(type + '-nav-link'); if (navElement) { navElement.classList.add('progress'); } } const ajaxRequest = new XMLHttpRequest(); ajaxRequest.onreadystatechange = function() { if (this.readyState === 4) { if (type) { if (ongoingRequests[type] !== ajaxRequest) { return; } delete ongoingRequests[type]; const navElement = document.getElementById(type + '-nav-link'); if (navElement) { navElement.classList.remove('progress'); } } const status = this.status; authError = status === 403; switch (status) { case 401: return queryRoute(method, path, callback); case 403: return window.alert('Authentication failed. Try again.'); default: try { // avoid showing HTML code from gateway ajaxRequest.responseTextDisplay = ajaxRequest.status >= 500 || ajaxRequest.status < 600 ? 'internal server error' : ajaxRequest.responseText; return callback(this, status === 200); } catch (e) { window.alert('Unable to process server response: ' + e); throw e; } } } }; const args = [method, apiPrefix + path, true]; if (authError) { args.push('try', 'again'); } ajaxRequest.open(...args); ajaxRequest.send(); if (type) { ongoingRequests[type] = ajaxRequest; } return ajaxRequest; } /// \brief Makes an AJAX query for the specified form. export function startFormQuery(formId, handler) { return startFormQueryEx(formId, handler).ajaxRequest; } /// \brief Makes an AJAX query for the specified form. export function startFormQueryEx(formId, handler) { const form = document.getElementById(formId); const params = makeFormQueryParameter(form); const queryType = formId.endsWith('-form') ? formId.substr(0, formId.length - 5) : formId; return { ajaxRequest: queryRoute(form.method, form.getAttribute('action') + params, handler, queryType), form: form, params, params, }; } /// \brief Returns the query parameter for the specified \a form element. function makeFormQueryParameter(form) { const params = []; const formElements = form.elements; for (let i = 0, count = formElements.length; i != count; ++i) { const formElement = formElements[i]; if (formElement.disabled || formElement.style.display === 'none') { continue; // if we disable a form element or hide it via CSS we also don't want to submit its data } const type = formElement.type; if ((type === 'checkbox' || type === 'radio') && !formElement.checked) { continue; } const name = formElement.name; if (name === undefined || name.length < 1) { continue; } else if (name === 'package-names') { const packageNames = formElement.value.split(/[,\s]+/); packageNames.forEach(function (packageName) { if (packageName.length <= 0) { return; } params.push(['package', encodeURIComponent(packageName)].join("=")); }); continue; } const values = []; const options = formElement.options; if (options !== undefined) { for (let i = 0, end = options.length; i != end; ++i) { const option = options[i]; if (option.selected && option.dataset.ignore) { continue; } const value = option.value; if (option.selected && value !== undefined && value !== 'none' && value !== 'None') { values.push(value); } } } else if (formElement.value !== undefined) { values.push(formElement.value); } values.forEach(function(value) { params.push([encodeURIComponent(name), encodeURIComponent(value)].join("=")); }); } if (params.length < 1) { return ""; } return "?" + params.join("&"); } export function makeIdParams(ids) { if (!Array.isArray(ids)) { ids = [ids]; } return ids.map(id => 'id=' + encodeURIComponent(id)).join('&'); } /// \brief Shows an alert for the specified AJAX request. export function showAjaxError(xhr, action) { let errorMessage; try { errorMessage = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText).error; } catch (e) { errorMessage = xhr.responseText; } if (!errorMessage) { errorMessage = 'unknown error'; } window.alert('Unable to ' + action + ': ' + errorMessage); } /// \brief Returns whether the specified AJAX request failed and shows an alert it it did. export function checkForAjaxError(xhr, action) { if (xhr.status === 200) { return false; } showAjaxError(xhr, action); return true; }