#include "./aur.h" #include "../logging.h" #include "../webapi/params.h" #include "../webapi/server.h" #include "../json.h" #include "../multisession.h" #include "../../libpkg/data/package.h" #include "../../libpkg/parser/aur.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace CppUtilities; using namespace CppUtilities::EscapeCodes; using namespace LibPkg; namespace LibRepoMgr { namespace WebClient { /// \cond constexpr auto aurHost = "aur.archlinux.org"; constexpr auto aurPort = "443"; /// \endcond /*! * \brief Searches the AUR for packages which name contains the specified \a searchTerm. */ void searchAurPackages(LogContext &log, ServiceSetup &setup, const std::string &searchTerm, boost::asio::io_context &ioContext, std::shared_ptr &multiSession) { auto session = std::make_shared(ioContext, setup.webServer.sslContext, [&log, &setup, multiSession](WebClient::Session &session2, const WebClient::HttpClientError &error) mutable { if (error.errorCode != boost::beast::errc::success && error.errorCode != boost::asio::ssl::error::stream_truncated) { log(Phrases::ErrorMessage, "Failed to search AUR: ", error.what(), '\n'); return; } // parse retrieved JSON const auto &body = get(session2.response).body(); try { // parse and cache the AUR packages auto packages = Package::fromAurRpcJson(body.data(), body.size(), PackageOrigin::AurRpcSearch); auto lock = setup.config.lockToRead(); auto updater = LibPkg::PackageUpdater(setup.config.aur); for (auto &[packageID, package] : packages) { packageID = updater.update(package); } updater.commit(); lock.unlock(); multiSession->addResponses(packages); } catch (const RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE::ParseResult &e) { log(Phrases::ErrorMessage, "Unable to parse AUR search result: ", serializeParseError(e), '\n'); } }); session->run(aurHost, aurPort, boost::beast::http::verb::get, ("/rpc/?v=5&type=search&arg=" + WebAPI::Url::encodeValue(searchTerm)).data(), 11); } /// \cond const std::string &packageNameFromIterator(std::vector::const_iterator i) { return *i; } const std::string &packageNameFromIterator(std::unordered_map>::const_iterator i) { return i->first; } template std::shared_ptr queryAurPackagesInternal(LogContext &log, ServiceSetup &setup, const PackageCollection &packages, boost::asio::io_context &ioContext, typename AurQuerySession::HandlerType &&handler) { log("Retrieving ", packages.size(), " packages from the AUR\n"); constexpr auto packagesPerQuery = 100; auto multiSession = AurQuerySession::create(ioContext, move(handler)); for (auto i = packages.cbegin(), end = packages.cend(); i != end;) { auto session = make_shared(ioContext, setup.webServer.sslContext, [&log, &setup, multiSession](WebClient::Session &session2, const WebClient::HttpClientError &error) mutable { if (error.errorCode != boost::beast::errc::success && error.errorCode != boost::asio::ssl::error::stream_truncated) { log(Phrases::ErrorMessage, "Failed to retrieve AUR packages from RPC: ", error.what(), '\n'); return; } // parse retrieved JSON const auto &body = get(session2.response).body(); try { // parse and cache the AUR packages auto packagesFromAur = Package::fromAurRpcJson(body.data(), body.size()); auto lock = setup.config.lockToRead(); auto updater = PackageUpdater(setup.config.aur); for (auto &[packageID, package] : packagesFromAur) { packageID = updater.update(package); } updater.commit(); lock.unlock(); multiSession->addResponses(packagesFromAur); } catch (const RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE::ParseResult &e) { log(Phrases::ErrorMessage, "Unable to parse AUR package from RPC: ", serializeParseError(e), '\n'); } }); const auto url = [&] { stringstream urlSteam; urlSteam << "/rpc/?v=5&type=info"; for (size_t batchIndex = 0; batchIndex != packagesPerQuery && i != end; ++batchIndex, ++i) { urlSteam << "&arg[]="; urlSteam << WebAPI::Url::encodeValue(packageNameFromIterator(i)); } return urlSteam.str(); }(); session->run(aurHost, aurPort, boost::beast::http::verb::get, url.data(), 11); } return multiSession; } /// \endcond /*! * \brief Queries the AUR asnychronously to populate \a setup.config.aur.packages for all specified \a packages. * \remarks When results are available, a write-lock is acquired to insert the results. When this is done, the write-lock is released and \a handler * is called. */ std::shared_ptr queryAurPackages(LogContext &log, ServiceSetup &setup, const std::vector &packages, boost::asio::io_context &ioContext, typename AurQuerySession::HandlerType &&handler) { return queryAurPackagesInternal(log, setup, packages, ioContext, move(handler)); } /*! * \brief Queries the AUR asnychronously to populate \a setup.config.aur.packages for all package names within the specified map of \a packages. * \remarks When results are available, a write-lock is acquired to insert the results. When this is done, the write-lock is released and \a handler * is called. */ std::shared_ptr queryAurPackages(LogContext &log, ServiceSetup &setup, const std::unordered_map> &packages, boost::asio::io_context &ioContext, typename AurQuerySession::HandlerType &&handler) { return queryAurPackagesInternal(log, setup, packages, ioContext, move(handler)); } /*! * \brief Queries the AUR asnychronously to populate \a setup.config.aur.packages for all package names contained by \a database. * \returns Returns true if all these packages are already present and no async operation needed to be started. Returns false when an async * operation has been started. * \remarks If the current thread already holds a read-only lock to the config one must pass it via \a configReadLock. Otherwise this function * will attempt to acquire its own lock (which makes no sense if already locked). In case the function returns false the lock is released. * When results are available, a write-lock is acquired to insert the results. When this is done, the write-lock is released and \a handler * is called. */ std::shared_ptr queryAurPackagesForDatabase(LogContext &log, ServiceSetup &setup, boost::asio::io_context &ioContext, std::shared_lock *configReadLock, LibPkg::Database &database, typename AurQuerySession::HandlerType &&handler) { auto missingPackages = std::vector(); auto ownConfigReadLock = std::shared_lock(); if (!configReadLock) { ownConfigReadLock = setup.config.lockToRead(); configReadLock = &ownConfigReadLock; } auto &aurDb = setup.config.aur; database.allPackages([&aurDb, &missingPackages](StorageID, std::shared_ptr &&package) { if (const auto aurPackage = aurDb.findPackage(package->name); !aurPackage) { missingPackages.emplace_back(std::move(package->name)); } return false; }); if (missingPackages.empty()) { return nullptr; } configReadLock->unlock(); return queryAurPackages(log, setup, missingPackages, ioContext, move(handler)); } /*! * \brief Queries the AUR asynchronously to get the latest snapshot for the specified \a packageNames. */ void queryAurSnapshots(LogContext &log, ServiceSetup &setup, const std::vector &queryParams, boost::asio::io_context &ioContext, std::shared_ptr &multiSession) { CPP_UTILITIES_UNUSED(log) for (const auto ¶ms : queryParams) { auto session = std::make_shared(ioContext, setup.webServer.sslContext, [multiSession, params](WebClient::Session &session2, const WebClient::HttpClientError &error) mutable { if (error.errorCode != boost::beast::errc::success && error.errorCode.message() != "stream truncated") { multiSession->addResponse(WebClient::AurSnapshotResult{ .packageName = *params.packageName, .error = "Unable to retrieve AUR snapshot tarball for package " % *params.packageName % ": " + error.what() }); return; } // parse retrieved archive const auto &response = get(session2.response); if (response.result() != boost::beast::http::status::ok) { multiSession->addResponse(WebClient::AurSnapshotResult{ .packageName = *params.packageName, .error = "Unable to retrieve AUR snapshot tarball for package " % *params.packageName % ": AUR returned " % response.result_int() + " response" }); return; } const auto &body = response.body(); auto snapshotFiles = FileMap{}; try { snapshotFiles = extractFilesFromBuffer(body, *params.packageName, [](const char *, const char *, mode_t) { return true; }); } catch (const std::runtime_error &extractionError) { multiSession->addResponse(WebClient::AurSnapshotResult{ .packageName = *params.packageName, .error = "Unable to extract AUR snapshot tarball for package " % *params.packageName % ": " + extractionError.what() }); return; } auto result = AurSnapshotResult{ .packageName = *params.packageName }; auto haveSrcFileInfo = false, havePkgbuild = false; for (const auto &directory : snapshotFiles) { // parse .SRCINFO and check for presence of PKGBUILD if (!startsWith(directory.first, *params.packageName)) { continue; } const auto directoryPath = string_view{ directory.first }.substr(params.packageName->size()); if (directoryPath.empty()) { for (const auto &rootFile : directory.second) { if (rootFile.name == ".SRCINFO") { result.packages = Package::fromInfo(rootFile.content, false); haveSrcFileInfo = true; } else if (rootFile.name == "PKGBUILD") { havePkgbuild = true; } if (haveSrcFileInfo && havePkgbuild) { continue; } } } // store files in target directory const auto targetDir = *params.targetDirectory % '/' + directoryPath; try { filesystem::create_directories(targetDir); } catch (const filesystem::filesystem_error &fileSystemError) { multiSession->addResponse(WebClient::AurSnapshotResult{ .packageName = *params.packageName, .error = "Unable to make directory " % targetDir % ": " + fileSystemError.what() }); return; } for (const auto &file : directory.second) { const auto targetPath = directory.first.empty() ? (*params.targetDirectory % '/' + file.name) : (*params.targetDirectory % '/' % directoryPath % '/' + file.name); if (file.type == ArchiveFileType::Link) { try { filesystem::create_symlink(file.content, targetPath); } catch (const filesystem::filesystem_error &fileSystemError) { multiSession->addResponse(WebClient::AurSnapshotResult{ .packageName = *params.packageName, .error = "Unable to make symlink " % targetPath % ": " + fileSystemError.what() }); return; } continue; } try { writeFile(targetPath, file.content); setLastModified(targetPath, file.modificationTime); } catch (const std::ios_base::failure &failure) { multiSession->addResponse(WebClient::AurSnapshotResult{ .packageName = *params.packageName, .error = "Unable to write " % targetPath % ": " + failure.what() }); return; } } } // validate what we've got and add response if (!haveSrcFileInfo) { result.error = ".SRCINFO is missing"; } if (!havePkgbuild) { result.error = "PKGINFO is missing"; } if (result.packages.empty() || result.packages.front().pkg->name.empty()) { result.error = "Unable to parse .SRCINFO: no package name present"; } else if (!(result.sourceInfo = result.packages.front().pkg->sourceInfo)) { result.error = "Unable to parse .SRCINFO: no source info present"; } multiSession->addResponse(move(result)); }); // run query, e.g. https: //aur.archlinux.org/cgit/aur.git/snapshot/mingw-w64-configure.tar.gz const auto url = "/cgit/aur.git/snapshot/" % WebAPI::Url::encodeValue(*params.packageName) + ".tar.gz"; session->run("aur.archlinux.org", "443", boost::beast::http::verb::get, url.data(), 11); } } } // namespace WebClient } // namespace LibRepoMgr