#include "./utils.h" #include "./data/package.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace CppUtilities; namespace LibPkg { struct AddDirectoryToFileMap { void operator()(std::string &&path) { fileMap[std::move(path)]; } FileMap &fileMap; }; struct AddFileToFileMap { void operator()(std::string &&directoryPath, ArchiveFile &&file) { fileMap[std::move(directoryPath)].emplace_back(std::move(file)); } FileMap &fileMap; }; void walkThroughArchiveInternal(struct archive *ar, const string &archiveName, const FilePredicate &isFileRelevant, FileHandler &&fileHandler, DirectoryHandler &&directoryHandler) { // iterate through all archive entries struct archive_entry *entry; while (archive_read_next_header(ar, &entry) == ARCHIVE_OK) { // check entry type (only dirs, files and symlinks relevant here) const auto entryType(archive_entry_filetype(entry)); if (entryType != AE_IFDIR && entryType != AE_IFREG && entryType != AE_IFLNK) { continue; } // get file path const char *filePath = archive_entry_pathname_utf8(entry); if (!filePath) { filePath = archive_entry_pathname(entry); } if (!filePath) { continue; } // get permissions const mode_t perm = archive_entry_perm(entry); // add directories explicitely to get the entire tree though skipping irrelevant files if (entryType == AE_IFDIR) { // remove trailing slashes const char *dirEnd = filePath; for (const char *i = filePath; *i; ++i) { if (*i != '/') { dirEnd = i + 1; } } directoryHandler(string(filePath, dirEnd)); continue; } // split the path into dir and fileName const char *fileName = filePath, *dirEnd = filePath; for (const char *i = filePath; *i; ++i) { if (*i == '/') { fileName = i + 1; dirEnd = i; } } // prevent looking into irrelevant files if (isFileRelevant && !isFileRelevant(filePath, fileName, perm)) { continue; } // read timestamps const auto creationTime = DateTime::fromTimeStampGmt(archive_entry_ctime(entry)); const auto modificationTime = DateTime::fromTimeStampGmt(archive_entry_mtime(entry)); // read symlink if (entryType == AE_IFLNK) { fileHandler(string(filePath, static_cast(dirEnd - filePath)), ArchiveFile(fileName, string(archive_entry_symlink_utf8(entry)), ArchiveFileType::Link, creationTime, modificationTime)); continue; } // determine file size to pre-allocate buffer for file content const la_int64_t fileSize = archive_entry_size(entry); string fileContent; if (fileSize > 0) { fileContent.reserve(static_cast(fileSize)); } // read file content const char *buff; size_t size; la_int64_t offset; for (;;) { int returnCode = archive_read_data_block(ar, reinterpret_cast(&buff), &size, &offset); if (returnCode == ARCHIVE_EOF || returnCode < ARCHIVE_OK) { break; } fileContent.append(buff, size); } // move it to results fileHandler(string(filePath, static_cast(dirEnd - filePath)), ArchiveFile(fileName, move(fileContent), ArchiveFileType::Regular, creationTime, modificationTime)); } // free resources used by libarchive int returnCode = archive_read_free(ar); if (returnCode != ARCHIVE_OK) { throw runtime_error("Unable to free archive: " + archiveName); } } void walkThroughArchiveFromBuffer(const string &archiveData, const string &archiveName, const FilePredicate &isFileRelevant, FileHandler &&fileHandler, DirectoryHandler &&directoryHandler) { // open archive buffer using libarchive struct archive *ar = archive_read_new(); archive_read_support_filter_all(ar); archive_read_support_format_all(ar); int returnCode = archive_read_open_memory(ar, archiveData.data(), archiveData.size()); if (returnCode != ARCHIVE_OK) { if (const char *const error = archive_error_string(ar)) { throw runtime_error("Unable to open/read archive: " % archiveName % "; " + error); } else { throw runtime_error("Unable to open/read archive: " + archiveName); } } walkThroughArchiveInternal(ar, archiveName, isFileRelevant, std::move(fileHandler), std::move(directoryHandler)); } FileMap extractFilesFromBuffer(const string &archiveData, const string &archiveName, const FilePredicate &isFileRelevant) { FileMap results; walkThroughArchiveFromBuffer(archiveData, archiveName, isFileRelevant, AddFileToFileMap{ results }, AddDirectoryToFileMap{ results }); return results; } void walkThroughArchive( const string &archivePath, const FilePredicate &isFileRelevant, FileHandler &&fileHandler, DirectoryHandler &&directoryHandler) { // open archive file using libarchive if (archivePath.empty()) { throw std::runtime_error("Unable to open archive: no path specificed"); } struct archive *ar = archive_read_new(); archive_read_support_filter_all(ar); archive_read_support_format_all(ar); const auto returnCode = archive_read_open_filename(ar, archivePath.data(), 10240); if (returnCode != ARCHIVE_OK) { throw std::runtime_error("Unable to open/read archive: " + archivePath); } walkThroughArchiveInternal(ar, archivePath, isFileRelevant, std::move(fileHandler), std::move(directoryHandler)); } FileMap extractFiles(const string &archivePath, const FilePredicate &isFileRelevant) { FileMap results; walkThroughArchive(archivePath, isFileRelevant, AddFileToFileMap{ results }, AddDirectoryToFileMap{ results }); return results; } /*! * \brief Returns the first non-alphanumeric character \a str. * \remarks The \a end is returned if \a str only contains alphanumeric characters. * \todo Care about ä, ö, ü, ß in version numbers? */ const char *firstNonAlphanumericCharacter(const char *str, const char *end) { for (; str != end; ++str) { const char c = *str; if (!((c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (c >= '0' && c <= '9'))) { return str; } } return str; } /*! * \brief Determines when the file with the specified \a path has been modified the last time. * \fixme Make no assumptions on the internal resolution so the code is portable (seems not possible with C++17). */ CppUtilities::DateTime lastModified(const string &path) { try { return CppUtilities::DateTime::fromChronoTimePointGmt( chrono::time_point{ filesystem::last_write_time(path).time_since_epoch() } + chrono::seconds{ 6437664000 }); } catch (const runtime_error &) { return CppUtilities::DateTime(); } } /*! * \brief Sets when the file with the specified \a path has been modified the last time. * \fixme Use the std::filesystem library once the time point can be constructed in a portable way. */ bool setLastModified(const string &path, DateTime lastModified) { timeval tv[2]; tv[0].tv_usec = UTIME_OMIT; tv[1].tv_sec = lastModified.toTimeStamp(); tv[1].tv_usec = lastModified.nanosecond(); return utimes(path.data(), tv) == 0; } /*! * \brief Override an overridden variable assignment (to ensure the configured default value is actually used and not overridden). */ static void overrideOverriddenVariableAssignment(string &pkgbuildContents, string_view variableName, const string *configuredDefaultValue) { if (!configuredDefaultValue || pkgbuildContents.find(variableName) == string::npos) { return; } pkgbuildContents.append(argsToString( pkgbuildContents.empty() || pkgbuildContents.back() == '\n' ? "" : "\n", variableName, '=', '\'', *configuredDefaultValue, '\'', '\n')); } /*! * \brief Amends the PKGBUILD with the specified \a path. * \throws Throws std::ios_base::failure when an IO error occurs. */ AmendedVersions amendPkgbuild(const string &path, const PackageVersion &existingVersion, const PackageAmendment &amendment) { AmendedVersions amendedVersions; if (amendment.isEmpty()) { return amendedVersions; } auto pkgbuildContents = readFile(path, 0x10000); // set upstream version if (amendment.setUpstreamVersion) { static const auto pkgverRegex = regex{ "\npkgver=[^\n]*", regex::extended }; pkgbuildContents = regex_replace(pkgbuildContents, pkgverRegex, "\npkgver=" + existingVersion.upstream); } // bump downstream version switch (amendment.bumpDownstreamVersion) { case PackageAmendment::VersionBump::None: break; case PackageAmendment::VersionBump::Epoch: amendedVersions.newEpoch = numberToString(stringToNumber(existingVersion.epoch) + 1); amendedVersions.newPkgRel = "1"; break; case PackageAmendment::VersionBump::PackageVersion: amendedVersions.newPkgRel = numberToString(stringToNumber(existingVersion.package) + 0.1); break; } if (!amendedVersions.newEpoch.empty()) { if (pkgbuildContents.find("\nepoch=") != string::npos) { static const auto epochRegex = regex{ "\nepoch=[^\n]*", regex::extended }; pkgbuildContents = regex_replace(pkgbuildContents, epochRegex, "\nepoch=" + amendedVersions.newEpoch); } else { static const auto epochRegex = regex{ "\npkgver=", regex::extended }; pkgbuildContents = regex_replace(pkgbuildContents, epochRegex, "\nepoch=" % amendedVersions.newEpoch + "\npkgver="); } } if (!amendedVersions.newPkgRel.empty()) { static const auto pkgrelRegex = regex{ "\npkgrel=[^\n]*", regex::extended }; pkgbuildContents = regex_replace(pkgbuildContents, pkgrelRegex, "\npkgrel=" + amendedVersions.newPkgRel); } // override overrides for SRCEXT/PKGEXT to ensure defaults from makepkg.conf are used overrideOverriddenVariableAssignment(pkgbuildContents, "SRCEXT", amendment.ensureSourceExtension); overrideOverriddenVariableAssignment(pkgbuildContents, "PKGEXT", amendment.ensurePackageExtension); writeFile(path, pkgbuildContents); return amendedVersions; } } // namespace LibPkg