#include "./buildactionprivate.h" #include "../helper.h" #include "../logging.h" #include "../serversetup.h" #include "../webclient/database.h" #include "../webapi/params.h" #include #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace CppUtilities; using namespace CppUtilities::EscapeCodes; namespace LibRepoMgr { ReloadDatabase::ReloadDatabase(ServiceSetup &setup, const std::shared_ptr &buildAction) : InternalBuildAction(setup, buildAction) { } void ReloadDatabase::run() { const auto withFiles = m_setup.building.loadFilesDbs; vector dbsToLoadFromMirror; auto configReadLock = init(BuildActionAccess::ReadConfig, RequiredDatabases::MaybeDestination | RequiredDatabases::AllowToAur, RequiredParameters::None); if (holds_alternative(configReadLock)) { return; } auto session = WebClient::DatabaseQuerySession::create(m_setup.building.ioContext, [this](WebClient::DatabaseQuerySession::ContainerType &&failedDbs) { if (!m_preparationFailures.empty()) { mergeSecondVectorIntoFirstVector(failedDbs, m_preparationFailures); } if (!failedDbs.empty()) { m_hasError = true; reportError("Failed to reload the following databases, see logs for details: " + joinStrings(failedDbs, ", ")); return; } if (m_hasError) { reportError("Errors occurred, see output log for details."); return; } auto buildActionWriteLock = m_setup.building.lockToWrite(); reportSuccess(); }); for (const auto &db : m_destinationDbs) { // add database for syncing with mirror if (db->syncFromMirror) { dbsToLoadFromMirror.emplace_back(db); continue; } // post job to reload database auto dbPath = withFiles ? db->filesPath : db->path; if (dbPath.empty()) { m_hasError = true; m_buildAction->appendOutput( Phrases::ErrorMessage, "Unable to reload database database ", db->name, '@', db->arch, ": no path configured\n"); continue; } boost::asio::post( m_setup.building.ioContext.get_executor(), [this, session, dbName = db->name, dbArch = db->arch, dbPath = move(dbPath)]() mutable { m_buildAction->appendOutput( Phrases::InfoMessage, "Loading database \"", dbName, '@', dbArch, "\" from local file \"", dbPath, "\"\n"); try { const auto lastModified = LibPkg::lastModified(dbPath); auto dbFile = LibPkg::extractFiles(dbPath, &LibPkg::Database::isFileRelevant); auto packages = LibPkg::Package::fromDatabaseFile(move(dbFile)); auto lock = m_setup.config.lockToWrite(); auto db = m_setup.config.findDatabase(dbName, dbArch); if (!db) { m_buildAction->appendOutput( Phrases::ErrorMessage, "Loaded database file for \"", dbName, '@', dbArch, "\" but it no longer exists; discarding\n"); session->addResponse(std::move(dbName)); return; } db->replacePackages(packages, lastModified); } catch (const std::runtime_error &e) { m_buildAction->appendOutput(Phrases::ErrorMessage, "An error occurred when reloading database \"", dbName, '@', dbArch, "\" from local file \"", dbPath, "\": ", e.what(), '\n'); session->addResponse(std::move(dbName)); } }); } // query databases auto query = WebClient::prepareDatabaseQuery(m_buildAction->log(), dbsToLoadFromMirror, withFiles); std::get>(configReadLock).unlock(); WebClient::queryDatabases(m_buildAction->log(), m_setup, std::move(query.queryParamsForDbs), session); m_preparationFailures = std::move(query.failedDbs); // clear AUR cache if (m_toAur) { auto lock = m_setup.config.lockToWrite(); m_setup.config.aur.clearPackages(); lock.unlock(); m_buildAction->log()(Phrases::InfoMessage, "Cleared AUR cache\n"); } } } // namespace LibRepoMgr