#!/usr/bin/python3 from optparse import OptionParser import usb import sys VENDOR_ID = 0x1532 # Razer PRODUCT_ID_BLACK_WIDOW = 0x010e # BlackWidow / BlackWidow Ultimate PRODUCT_ID_BLACK_WIDOW_2013 = 0x011b # BlackWidow 2013 USB_REQUEST_TYPE = 0x21 # Host To Device | Class | Interface USB_REQUEST = 0x09 # SET_REPORT USB_VALUE = 0x0300 USB_INDEX = 0x2 USB_INTERFACE = 2 LOG=sys.stderr.write class blackwidow(object): kernel_driver_detached = False def __init__(self): self.device = usb.core.find(idVendor=VENDOR_ID, idProduct=PRODUCT_ID_BLACK_WIDOW) if self.device is None: self.device = usb.core.find(idVendor=VENDOR_ID, idProduct=PRODUCT_ID_BLACK_WIDOW_2013) if self.device is None: LOG("No device found.\n") return else: LOG("Found device Black Widow 2013.\n") else: LOG("Found device Black Widow.\n") if self.device.is_kernel_driver_active(USB_INTERFACE): LOG("Kernel driver active. Detaching it.\n") self.device.detach_kernel_driver(USB_INTERFACE) self.kernel_driver_detached = True LOG("Claiming interface\n") usb.util.claim_interface(self.device, USB_INTERFACE) def __del__(self): if self.device_found(): LOG("Releasing claimed interface\n") usb.util.release_interface(self.device, USB_INTERFACE) if self.kernel_driver_detached: LOG("Reattaching the kernel driver\n") self.device.attach_kernel_driver(USB_INTERFACE) LOG("Done.\n") def bwcmd(self, c): from functools import reduce c1 = bytes.fromhex(c) c2 = [ reduce(int.__xor__, c1) ] b = [0] * 90 b[5:5+len(c1)] = c1 b[-2:-1] = c2 return bytes(b) def device_found(self): return self.device is not None def send(self, c): def _send(msg): USB_BUFFER = self.bwcmd(msg) result = 0 try: result = self.device.ctrl_transfer(USB_REQUEST_TYPE, USB_REQUEST, wValue=USB_VALUE, wIndex=USB_INDEX, data_or_wLength=USB_BUFFER) except: sys.stderr.write("Could not send data.\n") if result == len(USB_BUFFER): LOG("Data sent successfully.\n") return result if isinstance(c, list): for i in c: print(' >> {}\n'.format(i)) _send(i) elif isinstance(c, str): _send(c) def main(): init_new = '0200 0403' init_old = '0200 0402' pulsate = '0303 0201 0402' bright = '0303 0301 04ff' normal = '0303 0301 04a8' dim = '0303 0301 0454' off = '0303 0301 0400' usage = "usage: %prog [options]" parser = OptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option("-i", "--init", action="store_true", dest="init", default=False, help="initiates the functionality of macro keys") parser.add_option("-l", "--set-led", type="string", dest="led", default="unmodified", help="sets the status of the led (pulsate, bright, normal, dim, off)", metavar="STATUS") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() bw = blackwidow() if bw.device_found(): if options.init == True: LOG("Sending initiation command\n") bw.send(init_old) if options.led == "unmodified": () elif options.led == "pulsate": LOG("Sending led pulsate command\n") bw.send(pulsate) elif options.led == "bright": LOG("Sending led bright command\n") bw.send(bright) elif options.led == "normal": LOG("Sending led normal command\n") bw.send(normal) elif options.led == "dim": LOG("Sending led dim command\n") bw.send(dim) elif options.led == "off": LOG("Sending led off command\n") bw.send(off) else: LOG("Given led status is unknown and will be ignored.\n") if __name__ == '__main__': main()