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2017-03-12 20:23:21 +01:00
# Build system
2017-03-14 23:35:20 +01:00
\brief Documents variables to control the build system and provided CMake
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## Variables passable as CMake arguments
### Useful variables provided by CMake itself
* `CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=path`: specifies the final install prefix (temporary
install prefix is set via `make` argument `DESTDIR=path`)
* `CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release/Debug`: specifies whether to do a debug or a release
* `CMAKE_SKIP_BUILD_RPATH=OFF`: ensures the rpath is set in the build tree
* `CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH=rpath`: sets the rpath used when installing
### Custom variables
The following variables are read by the CMake modules provided by c++utilities
and qtutilities.
None of these are enabled or set by default, unless stated otherwise.
* `LIB_SUFFIX=suffix`: suffix for library install directory
* `LIB_SUFFIX_32=suffix`: suffix for library install directory, used when
building for 32-bit platforms
* `LIB_SUFFIX_64=suffix`: suffix for library install directory, used when
building for 64-bit platforms
* `ENABLE_STATIC_LIBS=ON/OFF`: enables building static libs
* `DISABLE_SHARED_LIBS=ON/OFF`: disables building shared libs
* `STATIC_LINKAGE=ON/OFF`: enables linking applications against static libraries
* `STATIC_LIBRARY_LINKAGE=ON/OFF`: enables linking dynamic libraries against
static libraries
* `SHELL_COMPLETION_ENABLED=ON/OFF`: enables shell completion in general
(enabled by default)
* `BASH_COMPLETION_ENABLED=ON/OFF`: enables Bash completion (enabled by
* `LOGGING_ENABLED=ON/OFF`: enables further loggin in some applications
* `FORCE_OLD_ABI=ON/OFF`: forces use of old C++ ABI
(sets `_GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=0`)
* `EXCLUDE_TESTS_FROM_ALL=ON/OFF`: excludes tests from the all target
(enabled by default)
* `APPEND_GIT_REVISION=ON/OFF`: whether the build script should attempt to
append the Git revision and the latest commit ID to the version displayed
via --help (enabled by default but has no effect when the source directory is
no Git checkout or Git is not installed)
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#### Windows specific
* `USE_NATIVE_FILE_BUFFER=ON/OFF`: use native function to open file streams
to pass unicode file names correctly, changing this alters ABI
* `FORCE_UTF8_CODEPAGE=ON/OFF`: forces use of UTF-8 codepage in terminal
* `WINDOWS_RESOURCES_ENABLED=ON/OFF`: enables creating resources for
application meta data and icon (enabled by default)
#### Qt specific
* `WIDGETS_GUI=ON/OFF`: enables Qt Widgets GUI for projects where it is
available and optional
* `QUICK_GUI=ON/OFF`: enables Qt Quick GUI for projects where it is available
and optional
* `BUILTIN_TRANSLATIONS=ON/OFF`: enables built-in translations in applications
* `BUILTIN_ICON_THEMES=breeze;breeze-dark;...`: specifies icon themes to
* `BUILTIN_ICON_THEMES_IN_LIBRARIES=breeze;breeze-dark;...`: same as above but
also affects libraries
* `SVG_SUPPORT=ON/OFF`: enables SVG support if not enabled anyways by the
* `SVG_ICON_SUPPORT=ON/OFF`: enables SVG icon support (only affect static
builds where the required Qt plugin will be built-in if this variable is
* `WEBVIEW_PROVIDER=auto/webkit/webengine/none`: specifies the Qt module to use
for the web view
* `JS_PROVIDER=auto/script/qml/none`: specifies the Qt module to use
for the JavaScript engine
* `QT_LINKAGE=AUTO_LINKAGE/STATIC/SHARED`: specifies whether to use static
or shared version of Qt (only works with Qt packages provided in the AUR)
* `ADDITIONAL_QT_MODULES=Network;Concurrent;...`: specifies additional Qt
modules to link against (only use for modules which can not be added
## Variables to be set in project file
The following variables are read by the CMake modules provided by c++utilities
and qtutilities.
### Meta data
* `META_PROJECT_NAME=name`: specifies the project name which is used as the
application/library name, mustn't contain spaces
* `META_APP_NAME=The Name`: specifies a more readible version of the project
name used for instance in about dialog and desktop file
* `META_APP_AUTHOR`: specifies the author shown in for instance in about
* `META_APP_DESCRIPTION`: specifies a description shown for instance in about
dialog and desktop file
* `META_GENERIC_NAME`: specifies a generic name for the desktop file
* `META_VERSION_MAJOR/MINOR/PATCH=number`: specifies the application/library
version, default is 0
* `META_PROJECT_TYPE=application/library/plugin/qtplugin`: specifies whether
to build an application, a library or a plugin
* `META_CXX_STANDARD=11/14/..`: specifies the C++ version, default is 14
### Files
2017-03-14 23:35:20 +01:00
* `HEADER_FILES`/`SRC_FILES`: specifies C++ header/source files
* `TEST_HEADER_FILES`/`TEST_SRC_FILES`: specifies C++ header/source files of the
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* `TS_FILES`: specifies Qt translations
* `RES_FILES`: specifies Qt resource files
* `DBUS_FILES`: specifies files for Qt DBus
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* `WIDGETS_HEADER_FILES`/`WIDGETS_SRC_FILES`: specifies C++ header/source files
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only required for Qt Widgets GUI
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header/source files and Qt resouce files only required for Qt Quick GUI
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* `DOC_FILES`: additional markdown files to be inlcuded in the documentation
created via Doxygen; the first file is used as the main page
* `DOC_ONLY_FILES`: specifies documentation-only files
* `REQUIRED_ICONS`: names of the icons required by the application and the
used libraries (can be generated with `qtutilities/scripts/required_icons.sh`)
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* `CMAKE_MODULE_FILES`/`CMAKE_TEMPLATE_FILES`: specifies CMake modules/templates
provides by the project; those files are installed so they can be used by
other projects
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### Additional build variables
* `META_PRIVATE/PUBLIC_COMPILE_DEFINITIONS`: specifies private/public compile
* `LIBRARIES`: specifies libraries to link against
* `META_PUBLIC_QT_MODULES`: specifies Qt modules used in the public library
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## Provided modules
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Most important modules:
* `BaseConfig`: does basic configuration, reads most of the `META`-variables
* `LibraryTarget`: does further configuration for building dynamic and static
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libraries and plugins; `META_PROJECT_TYPE` must be set accordingly
* `AppTarget`: does further configuration for building an application;
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`META_PROJECT_TYPE` must be set accordingly
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* `ShellCompletion`: enables shell completion; only works when using the
argument parser provided by the ApplicationUtilities::ArgumentParser class
of course
* `TestTarget`: adds the test target `check` which is *not* required by target
`all`; uses files specified in `TEST_HEADER_FILES`/`TEST_SRC_FILES` variables
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* `Doxygen`: adds a target to generate documentation using Doxygen
* `WindowsResources`: handles creation of windows resources to set application
meta data and icon
* `ConfigHeader`: generates `resources/config.h`, must be included as the last
module (when all configuration is done)
The inclusion order of the modules matters.
For an example, checkout the project file of c++utilities itself. The project
files of [Syncthing Tray](https://github.com/Martchus/syncthingtray) should
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cover everything (library, plugin, application, tests, desktop file, Qt
resources and translations, ...).