Disable/weaken a few warnings again which don't seem to be very usefull after all

This commit is contained in:
Martchus 2021-03-19 22:55:58 +01:00
parent f5aeeb77aa
commit d38a9bb776
1 changed files with 6 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -633,24 +633,26 @@ else ()
endforeach ()
endif ()
# enable warnings and treat them as errors
option(ENABLE_WARNINGS "adds additional compiler flags to enable warnings" "${ENABLE_DEVEL_DEFAULTS}")
# enable useful warnings and explicitely disable not useful ones and treat warnings them as errors
option(ENABLE_WARNINGS "adds additional compiler flags to enable useful warnings" "${ENABLE_DEVEL_DEFAULTS}")
-Wextra # reasonable and standard
-Wshadow # warn the user if a variable declaration shadows one from a parent context
-Wshadow=local # warn the user if a variable declaration shadows one from a parent context
-Wnon-virtual-dtor # warn the user if a class with virtual functions has a non-virtual destructor. This helps catch hard
# to track down memory errors
-Wold-style-cast # warn for c-style casts
-Wcast-align # warn for potential performance problem casts
-Wunused # warn on anything being unused
-Woverloaded-virtual # warn if you overload (not override) a virtual function
-Wpedantic # warn if non-standard C++ is used
-Wconversion # warn on type conversions that may lose data
-Wsign-conversion # warn on sign conversions
-Wnull-dereference # warn if a null dereference is detected
-Wdouble-promotion # warn if float is implicit promoted to double
-Wformat=2 # warn on security issues around functions that format output (ie printf)
-Wno-pedantic # warn NOT if non-standard C++ is used, some vendor extensions are very useful
-Wno-missing-field-initializers # warn NOT about missing field initializers
-Wno-useless-cast # warn NOT about useless cases as this is sometimes very useful in templates
@ -658,7 +660,6 @@ set(GCC_WARNINGS
-Wduplicated-cond # warn if if / else chain has duplicated conditions
-Wduplicated-branches # warn if if / else branches have duplicated code
-Wlogical-op # warn about logical operations being used where bitwise were probably wanted
-Wuseless-cast # warn if you perform a cast to the same type