cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.17.0 FATAL_ERROR) # prevent multiple inclusion if (DEFINED LIST_TO_STRING_LOADED) return() endif () set(LIST_TO_STRING_LOADED ON) function (list_to_string separator prefix suffix input_list output_string_var) set(res "") # get list length list(LENGTH input_list list_length) # if the list has 0 or 1 element, there is no need to loop over if (list_length LESS 2) set(res "${prefix}${input_list}${suffix}") else () math(EXPR last_element_index "${list_length} - 1") foreach (index RANGE ${last_element_index}) # get current item_value list(GET input_list ${index} item_value) if (NOT item_value STREQUAL "") # .. and append non-empty value to output string set(res "${res}${prefix}${item_value}${suffix}") # append separator if current element is NOT the last one. if (NOT index EQUAL last_element_index) set(res "${res}${separator}") endif () endif () endforeach () endif () set(${output_string_var} "${res}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction ()