#include "./inifile.h" #include using namespace std; namespace CppUtilities { /*! * \class IniFile * \brief The IniFile class parses and makes INI files. * \todo * - Preserve difference between absence of equal sign and empty value after equal sign. * - Preserve order within section. * - Preserve comments. */ /*! * \brief Parses all data from the specified \a inputStream. */ void IniFile::parse(std::istream &inputStream) { // define variable for state machine enum State { Init, Comment, ScopeName, Key, Value } state = Init; // current character char c; // number of postponed whitespaces unsigned int whitespace = 0; // current scope, key and value string scope, key, value; scope.reserve(16); key.reserve(16); value.reserve(256); // define actions for state machine // called when key/value pair is complete const auto finishKeyValue = [&state, &scope, &key, &value, &whitespace, this] { if (key.empty() && value.empty() && state != Value) { return; } if (m_data.empty() || m_data.back().first != scope) { m_data.emplace_back(make_pair(scope, decltype(m_data)::value_type::second_type())); } m_data.back().second.insert(make_pair(key, value)); key.clear(); value.clear(); whitespace = 0; }; // called to add current character to current key or value const auto addChar = [&whitespace, &c](string &to) { if (c == ' ') { ++whitespace; } else { if (!to.empty()) { while (whitespace) { to += ' '; --whitespace; } } else { whitespace = 0; } to += c; } }; // thorw an exception when an IO error occurs inputStream.exceptions(ios_base::failbit | ios_base::badbit); // parse the file char by char try { while (inputStream.get(c)) { switch (state) { case Init: switch (c) { case '\n': break; case '#': state = Comment; break; case '=': whitespace = 0; state = Value; break; case '[': scope.clear(); state = ScopeName; break; default: addChar(key); state = Key; } break; case Key: switch (c) { case '\n': finishKeyValue(); state = Init; break; case '#': finishKeyValue(); state = Comment; break; case '=': whitespace = 0; state = Value; break; default: addChar(key); } break; case Comment: switch (c) { case '\n': state = Init; break; default:; } break; case ScopeName: switch (c) { case ']': state = Init; break; default: scope += c; } break; case Value: switch (c) { case '\n': finishKeyValue(); state = Init; break; case '#': finishKeyValue(); state = Comment; break; default: addChar(value); } break; } } } catch (const std::ios_base::failure &) { if (!inputStream.eof()) { throw; } // we just reached the end of the file // don't forget to save the last key/value pair finishKeyValue(); } } /*! * \brief Write the current data to the specified \a outputStream. */ void IniFile::make(ostream &outputStream) { // thorw an exception when an IO error occurs outputStream.exceptions(ios_base::failbit | ios_base::badbit); for (const auto &scope : m_data) { outputStream << '[' << scope.first << ']' << '\n'; for (const auto &field : scope.second) { outputStream << field.first << '=' << field.second << '\n'; } outputStream << '\n'; } } } // namespace CppUtilities