# before including this module, BasicConfig must be included # add autotools-style check target if(NOT TARGET check) set(CMAKE_CTEST_COMMAND ctest -V) add_custom_target(check COMMAND ${CMAKE_CTEST_COMMAND}) enable_testing() endif() # add test executable, but exclude it from the "all target" add_executable(${META_PROJECT_NAME}_tests EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL ${TEST_HEADER_FILES} ${TEST_SRC_FILES}) # always link test applications against c++utilities, cppunit and pthreads find_library(CPP_UNIT_LIB cppunit) find_library(PTHREAD_LIB pthread) list(APPEND TEST_LIBRARIES ${CPP_UTILITIES_SHARED_LIB} ${CPP_UNIT_LIB} ${PTHREAD_LIB}) # test applications of my projects always use c++utilities and cppunit if(NOT META_PROJECT_TYPE OR "${META_PROJECT_TYPE}" STREQUAL "library") # default project type is library # when testing a library, the test application always needs to link against it list(APPEND TEST_LIBRARIES ${META_PROJECT_NAME}) else() # otherwise, the tests application needs the path of the application to be tested set(APPLICATION_PATH "-a ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${META_PROJECT_NAME}") endif() target_link_libraries(${META_PROJECT_NAME}_tests ${TEST_LIBRARIES}) set_target_properties(${META_PROJECT_NAME}_tests PROPERTIES CXX_STANDARD 11) add_test(NAME ${META_PROJECT_NAME}_cppunit COMMAND ${META_PROJECT_NAME}_tests -p "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/testfiles" ${APPLICATION_PATH}) # add the test executable to the dependencies of the check target add_dependencies(check ${META_PROJECT_NAME}_tests) # add target for launching tests with wine ensuring the WINEPATH is set correctly so wine is able to find all required *.dll files # requires script from c++utilities, hence the sources of c++utilities must be present if(MINGW AND CMAKE_CROSSCOMPILING AND CPP_UTILITIES_SOURCE_DIR) if(NOT TARGET ${META_PROJECT_NAME}_run_tests) if(CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH) list(APPEND RUNTIME_LIBRARY_PATH "${CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH}/bin") endif() add_custom_target(${META_PROJECT_NAME}_run_tests COMMAND "${CPP_UTILITIES_SOURCE_DIR}/scripts/wine.sh" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${META_PROJECT_NAME}_tests.${WINDOWS_EXT}" ${RUNTIME_LIBRARY_PATH}) add_dependencies(${META_PROJECT_NAME}_run_tests ${META_PROJECT_NAME}) endif() endif()