#ifndef STRINGCONVERSION_H #define STRINGCONVERSION_H #include "conversionexception.h" #include "binaryconversion.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace ConversionUtilities { LIB_EXPORT void truncateString(std::string &str, char terminationChar = '\0'); /*! * \brief Joins the given \a strings using the specified \a delimiter. * * The strings will be enclosed using the provided closures \a leftClosure and \a rightClosure. * * \param strings The string parts to be joined. * \param delimiter Specifies a delimiter to be used (empty string by default). * \param omitEmpty Indicates whether empty part should be omitted. * \param leftClosure Specifies a string to be inserted before each string (empty string by default). * \param rightClosure Specifies a string to be appendend after each string (empty string by default). * \tparam Container The STL-container used to provide the \a strings. * \returns Returns the joined string. */ template > LIB_EXPORT typename Container::value_type joinStrings(const Container &strings, const typename Container::value_type &delimiter = typename Container::value_type(), bool omitEmpty = false, const typename Container::value_type &leftClosure = typename Container::value_type(), const typename Container::value_type &rightClosure = typename Container::value_type()) { typename Container::value_type res; if(strings.size()) { size_t entries = 0, size = 0; for(const auto &str : strings) { if(!omitEmpty || !str.empty()) { size += str.size(); ++entries; } } if(entries) { size += (entries * leftClosure.size()) + (entries * rightClosure.size()) + ((entries - 1) * delimiter.size()); res.reserve(size); for(const auto &str : strings) { if(!omitEmpty || !str.empty()) { if(!res.empty()) { res.append(delimiter); } res.append(leftClosure); res.append(str); res.append(rightClosure); } } } } return res; } /*! * \brief Specifies the role of empty parts when splitting strings. */ enum class EmptyPartsTreat { Keep, /**< empty parts are kept */ Omit, /**< empty parts are omitted */ Merge /**< empty parts are omitted but cause the adjacent parts being joined using the delimiter */ }; /*! * \brief Splits the given \a string at the specified \a delimiter. * * \param strings The string to be splitted. * \param delimiter Specifies the delimiter. * \param skipEmpty Indicates whether empty parts should be skipped. * \param maxParts Specifies the maximal number of parts. Values less or equal zero indicate an unlimited number of parts. * \tparam Container The STL-container used to return the parts. * \returns Returns the parts. */ template > LIB_EXPORT Container splitString(const typename Container::value_type &string, const typename Container::value_type &delimiter, EmptyPartsTreat emptyPartsRole = EmptyPartsTreat::Keep, int maxParts = -1) { --maxParts; Container res; bool merge = false; for(typename Container::value_type::size_type i = 0, end = string.size(), delimPos; i < end; i = delimPos + delimiter.size()) { delimPos = string.find(delimiter, i); if(!merge && maxParts >= 0 && res.size() == static_cast(maxParts)) { if(delimPos == i && emptyPartsRole == EmptyPartsTreat::Merge) { if(!res.empty()) { merge = true; continue; } } delimPos = Container::value_type::npos; } if(delimPos == Container::value_type::npos) { delimPos = string.size(); } if(emptyPartsRole == EmptyPartsTreat::Keep || i != delimPos) { if(merge) { res.back().append(delimiter); res.back().append(string.substr(i, delimPos - i)); merge = false; } else { res.emplace_back(string.substr(i, delimPos - i)); } } else if(emptyPartsRole == EmptyPartsTreat::Merge) { if(!res.empty()) { merge = true; } } } return res; } /*! * \brief Returns whether \a str starts with \a phrase. */ template LIB_EXPORT bool startsWith(const StringType &str, const StringType &phrase) { if(str.size() < phrase.size()) { return false; } for(auto stri = str.cbegin(), strend = str.cend(), phrasei = phrase.cbegin(), phraseend = phrase.cend(); stri != strend; ++stri, ++phrasei) { if(phrasei == phraseend) { return true; } else if(*stri != *phrasei) { return false; } } return false; } /*! * \brief Replaces all occurences of \a find with \a relpace in the specified \a str. */ template LIB_EXPORT void findAndReplace(StringType &str, const StringType &find, const StringType &replace) { for(typename StringType::size_type i = 0; (i = str.find(find, i)) != StringType::npos; i += replace.size()) { str.replace(i, find.size(), replace); } } /*! * \brief Converts the given \a number to its equivalent std::string representation using the specified \a base. * \tparam NumberType The data type of the given number. * \tparam StringType The string type (should be an instantiation of the basic_string class template). * \sa stringToNumber() */ template LIB_EXPORT StringType numberToString(NumberType number, int base = 10) { std::basic_stringstream ss; ss << std::setbase(base) << number; return ss.str(); } /*! * \brief Converts the given \a string to a numeric value using the specified \a base. * \tparam NumberType The data type used to store the converted value. * \tparam StringType The string type (should be an instantiation of the basic_string class template). * \throws A ConversionException will be thrown if the provided string is not a valid number. * \sa numberToString() */ template LIB_EXPORT NumberType stringToNumber(const StringType &string, int base = 10) { std::basic_stringstream ss; ss << std::setbase(base) << string; NumberType result; if(ss >> result) { return result; } else { throw ConversionException("The specified string is no valid number."); } } /*! * \brief Interprets the given \a integer at the specified position as std::string using the specified byte order. * * Example: Interpretation of ID3v2 frame IDs (stored as 32-bit integer) as string * - 0x54495432/1414091826 will be interpreted as "TIT2". * - 0x00545432/5526578 will be interpreted as "TT2" using start offset 1 to "exclude" the first byte. * * \tparam T The data type of the integer to be interpreted. */ template LIB_EXPORT std::string interpretIntegerAsString(T integer, int startOffset = 0) { char buffer[sizeof(T)]; ConversionUtilities::BE::getBytes(integer, buffer); return std::string(buffer + startOffset, sizeof(T) - startOffset); } LIB_EXPORT std::string dataSizeToString(uint64 sizeInByte, bool includeByte = false); LIB_EXPORT std::string bitrateToString(double speedInKbitsPerSecond, bool useByteInsteadOfBits = false); LIB_EXPORT std::string encodeBase64(const byte *data, uint32 dataSize); LIB_EXPORT std::pair, uint32> decodeBase64(const char *encodedStr, const uint32 strSize); } #endif // STRINGCONVERSION_H