#ifndef DATETIME_H #define DATETIME_H #include "timespan.h" #include "../conversion/types.h" #include namespace ChronoUtilities { /*! * \brief Specifies the output format. * * \sa DateTime::toString() */ enum class DateTimeOutputFormat { DateAndTime, /**< date and time */ DateOnly, /**< date only */ TimeOnly, /**< time only */ DateTimeAndWeekday, /**< date with weekday and time */ DateTimeAndShortWeekday /**< date with abbreviated weekday and time */ }; /*! * \brief Specifies the day of the week. * * \sa DateTime::dayOfWeek() */ enum class DayOfWeek { Monday, /**< Monday */ Tuesday, /**< Tuesday */ Wednesday, /**< Wednesday */ Thursday, /**< Thursday */ Friday, /**< Friday */ Saturday, /**< Saturday */ Sunday /**< Sunday */ }; /*! * \brief Specifies the date part. * * \sa DateTime::getDatePart() */ enum class DatePart { Year, /**< year */ Month, /**< month */ DayOfYear, /**< day of year */ Day /**< day */ }; class LIB_EXPORT DateTime { public: constexpr DateTime(); constexpr DateTime(uint64 ticks); static DateTime fromDate(int year = 1, int month = 1, int day = 1); static DateTime fromTime(int hour = 0, int minute = 0, int second = 0, double millisecond = 0.0); static DateTime fromDateAndTime(int year = 1, int month = 1, int day = 1, int hour = 0, int minute = 0, int second = 0, double millisecond = 0.0); static DateTime fromString(const std::string &str); static DateTime fromTimeStamp(time_t timestamp); constexpr uint64 totalTicks() const; int year() const; int month() const; int day() const; int dayOfYear() const; constexpr DayOfWeek dayOfWeek() const; constexpr int hour() const; constexpr int minute() const; constexpr int second() const; constexpr int millisecond() const; constexpr bool isNull() const; constexpr TimeSpan timeOfDay() const; bool isLeapYear() const; constexpr bool isSameDay(const DateTime &other) const; std::string toString(DateTimeOutputFormat format = DateTimeOutputFormat::DateAndTime, bool noMilliseconds = false) const; void toString(std::string &result, DateTimeOutputFormat format = DateTimeOutputFormat::DateAndTime, bool noMilliseconds = false) const; static const char *printDayOfWeek(DayOfWeek dayOfWeek, bool abbreviation = false); static DateTime now(); constexpr static bool isLeapYear(int year); static int daysInMonth(int year, int month); constexpr bool operator ==(const DateTime &other) const; constexpr bool operator !=(const DateTime &other) const; constexpr bool operator <(const DateTime &other) const; constexpr bool operator >(const DateTime &other) const; constexpr bool operator <=(const DateTime &other) const; constexpr bool operator >=(const DateTime &other) const; constexpr DateTime operator +(const TimeSpan &timeSpan) const; constexpr DateTime operator -(const TimeSpan &timeSpan) const; constexpr TimeSpan operator +(const DateTime &other) const; constexpr TimeSpan operator -(const DateTime &other) const; DateTime &operator +=(const TimeSpan &timeSpan); DateTime &operator -=(const TimeSpan &timeSpan); private: static uint64 dateToTicks(int year, int month, int day); static uint64 timeToTicks(int hour, int minute, int second, double millisecond); int getDatePart(DatePart part) const; uint64 m_ticks; static const int m_daysPerYear; static const int m_daysPer4Years; static const int m_daysPer100Years; static const int m_daysPer400Years; static const int m_daysTo1601; static const int m_daysTo1899; static const int m_daysTo10000; static const int m_daysToMonth365[13]; static const int m_daysToMonth366[13]; static const int m_daysInMonth365[12]; static const int m_daysInMonth366[12]; }; /*! * Constructs a DateTime. */ constexpr inline DateTime::DateTime() : m_ticks(0) {} /*! * Constructs a DateTime to a specified number of \a ticks. */ constexpr inline DateTime::DateTime(uint64 ticks) : m_ticks(ticks) {} /*! * Constructs a DateTime to the specified \a year, \a month, and \a day. */ inline DateTime DateTime::fromDate(int year, int month, int day) { return DateTime(dateToTicks(year, month, day)); } /*! * Constructs a DateTime to the specified \a hour, \a minute, \a second and \a millisecond. */ inline DateTime DateTime::fromTime(int hour, int minute, int second, double millisecond) { return DateTime(timeToTicks(hour, minute, second, millisecond)); } /*! * Constructs a DateTime to the specified \a year, \a month, \a day, \a hour, \a minute, \a second and \a millisecond. */ inline DateTime DateTime::fromDateAndTime(int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute, int second, double millisecond) { if(uint64 ticks = dateToTicks(year, month, day)) { return DateTime(ticks + timeToTicks(hour, minute, second, millisecond)); } return DateTime(); } /*! * Gets the number of ticks that represent the value of the current DateTime class. */ constexpr inline uint64 DateTime::totalTicks() const { return m_ticks; } /*! *Gets the year component of the date represented by this instance. */ inline int DateTime::year() const { return getDatePart(DatePart::Year); } /*! * Gets the month component of the date represented by this instance. */ inline int DateTime::month() const { return getDatePart(DatePart::Month); } /*! * Gets the day component of the date represented by this instance. */ inline int DateTime::day() const { return getDatePart(DatePart::Day); } /*! * Gets the day of the year represented by this instance. */ inline int DateTime::dayOfYear() const { return getDatePart(DatePart::DayOfYear); } /*! * Gets the day of the week represented by this instance. * \sa DayOfWeek */ constexpr inline DayOfWeek DateTime::dayOfWeek() const { return static_cast((m_ticks / TimeSpan::m_ticksPerDay) % 7l); } /*! * Gets the hour component of the date represented by this instance. */ constexpr inline int DateTime::hour() const { return m_ticks / TimeSpan::m_ticksPerHour % 24ul; } /*! * Gets the minute component of the date represented by this instance. */ constexpr inline int DateTime::minute() const { return m_ticks / TimeSpan::m_ticksPerMinute % 60ul; } /*! * Gets the second component of the date represented by this instance. */ constexpr inline int DateTime::second() const { return m_ticks / TimeSpan::m_ticksPerSecond % 60ul; } /*! * Gets the millisecond component of the date represented by this instance. */ constexpr inline int DateTime::millisecond() const { return m_ticks / TimeSpan::m_ticksPerMillisecond % 1000ul; } /*! * Returns ture if the date represented by the current DateTime class is null. * \sa DateTime */ constexpr inline bool DateTime::isNull() const { return m_ticks == 0; } /*! * Gets the time of day as TimeSpan for this instance. */ constexpr inline TimeSpan DateTime::timeOfDay() const { return TimeSpan(m_ticks % TimeSpan::m_ticksPerDay); } /*! * Returns an indication whether the year of the dae represented by this instance is a leap year. */ inline bool DateTime::isLeapYear() const { return isLeapYear(year()); } /*! * Returns an indication whether the specified \a year is a leap year. */ constexpr inline bool DateTime::isLeapYear(int year) { return (year % 4 != 0) ? false : ((year % 100 == 0) ? (year % 400 == 0) : true); } /*! * Returns the number of days in the specified \a month and \a year. */ inline int DateTime::daysInMonth(int year, int month) { return (month >= 1 && month <= 12) ? (isLeapYear(year) ? m_daysInMonth366[month - 1] : m_daysInMonth365[month - 1]) : (0); } /*! * Returns and indication whether two DateTime instances represent the same day. */ constexpr inline bool DateTime::isSameDay(const DateTime &other) const { return (m_ticks / TimeSpan::m_ticksPerDay) == (other.m_ticks / TimeSpan::m_ticksPerDay); } /*! * Indicates whether two DateTime instances are equal. */ constexpr inline bool DateTime::operator ==(const DateTime &other) const { return m_ticks == other.m_ticks; } /*! * Indicates whether two DateTime instances are not equal. */ constexpr inline bool DateTime::operator !=(const DateTime &other) const { return m_ticks != other.m_ticks; } /*! * Indicates whether a specified DateTime is less than another specified DateTime. */ constexpr inline bool DateTime::operator <(const DateTime &other) const { return m_ticks < other.m_ticks; } /*! * Indicates whether a specified DateTime is greater than another specified DateTime. */ constexpr inline bool DateTime::operator >(const DateTime &other) const { return m_ticks > other.m_ticks; } /*! * Indicates whether a specified DateTime is less or equal than another specified DateTime. */ constexpr inline bool DateTime::operator <=(const DateTime &other) const { return m_ticks <= other.m_ticks; } /*! * Indicates whether a specified DateTime is greater or equal than another specified DateTime. */ constexpr inline bool DateTime::operator >=(const DateTime &other) const { return m_ticks >= other.m_ticks; } /*! * Adds a TimeSpan. * \returns The result is another DateTime. */ constexpr inline DateTime DateTime::operator +(const TimeSpan &timeSpan) const { return DateTime(m_ticks + timeSpan.m_ticks); } /*! * Substracts a TimeSpan. * \returns The result is another DateTime. */ constexpr inline DateTime DateTime::operator -(const TimeSpan &timeSpan) const { return DateTime(m_ticks - timeSpan.m_ticks); } /*! * Adds two DateTime instances. * \returns The result is a TimeSpan. */ constexpr inline TimeSpan DateTime::operator +(const DateTime &other) const { return TimeSpan(m_ticks + other.m_ticks); } /*! * Substracts two DateTime instances. * \returns The result is a TimeSpan. */ constexpr inline TimeSpan DateTime::operator -(const DateTime &other) const { return TimeSpan(m_ticks - other.m_ticks); } /*! * Adds a TimeSpan to the current instance. */ inline DateTime &DateTime::operator +=(const TimeSpan &timeSpan) { m_ticks += timeSpan.m_ticks; return *this; } /*! * Substracts a TimeSpan from the current instance. */ inline DateTime &DateTime::operator -=(const TimeSpan &timeSpan) { m_ticks -= timeSpan.m_ticks; return *this; } } #endif // DATETIME_H