#ifndef TESTUTILS_OUTPUTCHECK_H #define TESTUTILS_OUTPUTCHECK_H #include "../conversion/stringbuilder.h" #include #include #include #include #include namespace CppUtilities { /*! * \brief The StandardOutputCheck class asserts whether the (standard) output written in the enclosing code block * matches the expected output. * \remarks Does not work when compiling with GCC for Windows. At least when executing tests with WINE. */ class OutputCheck { public: OutputCheck(const std::string &expectedOutput, std::ostream &os = std::cout); OutputCheck(std::string &&expectedOutput, std::string &&alternativeOutput, std::ostream &os = std::cout); OutputCheck(std::function &&customCheck, std::ostream &os = std::cout); ~OutputCheck() noexcept(false); private: std::ostream &m_os; const std::function m_customCheck; const std::string m_expectedOutput; const std::string m_alternativeOutput; std::stringstream m_buffer; std::streambuf *const m_regularOutputBuffer; }; /*! * \brief Redirects standard output to an internal buffer. */ inline OutputCheck::OutputCheck(const std::string &expectedOutput, std::ostream &os) : m_os(os) , m_expectedOutput(expectedOutput) , m_buffer() , m_regularOutputBuffer(os.rdbuf(m_buffer.rdbuf())) { } /*! * \brief Redirects standard output to an internal buffer. */ inline OutputCheck::OutputCheck(std::string &&expectedOutput, std::string &&alternativeOutput, std::ostream &os) : m_os(os) , m_expectedOutput(expectedOutput) , m_alternativeOutput(alternativeOutput) , m_buffer() , m_regularOutputBuffer(os.rdbuf(m_buffer.rdbuf())) { } /*! * \brief Redirects standard output to an internal buffer. */ inline OutputCheck::OutputCheck(std::function &&customCheck, std::ostream &os) : m_os(os) , m_customCheck(customCheck) , m_buffer() , m_regularOutputBuffer(os.rdbuf(m_buffer.rdbuf())) { } /*! * \brief Asserts the buffered standard output and restores the regular behaviour of std::cout. */ inline OutputCheck::~OutputCheck() noexcept(false) { m_os.rdbuf(m_regularOutputBuffer); const std::string actualOutput(m_buffer.str()); if (m_customCheck) { m_customCheck(actualOutput); return; } if (m_alternativeOutput.empty()) { CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(m_expectedOutput, actualOutput); return; } if (m_expectedOutput != actualOutput && m_alternativeOutput != actualOutput) { using namespace CppUtilities; CPPUNIT_FAIL("Output is not either \"" % m_expectedOutput % "\" or \"" % m_alternativeOutput % "\". Got instead:\n" + actualOutput); } } } // namespace CppUtilities #endif // TESTUTILS_OUTPUTCHECK_H