cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.3.0 FATAL_ERROR) # generates and adds a Windows rc file for the application/library also attaches the application icon if ffmpeg is available # does nothing if not building with mingw-w64 if (NOT BASIC_PROJECT_CONFIG_DONE) message( FATAL_ERROR "Before including the WindowsResources module, the LibraryConfig/ApplicationConfig module must be included.") endif () option(WINDOWS_RESOURCES_ENABLED "controls whether Windows resources are enabled" ON) option(WINDOWS_ICON_ENABLED "controls whether Windows icon is enabled" ON) if (NOT MINGW OR NOT WINDOWS_RESOURCES_ENABLED) return() endif () # find rc template, define path of output rc file include(TemplateFinder) find_template_file("windows.rc" CPP_UTILITIES RC_TEMPLATE_FILE) set(WINDOWS_RC_FILE_CFG "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/resources/windows.rc.configured") set(WINDOWS_RC_FILE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/resources/windows") # create Windows icon from png with ffmpeg if available unset(WINDOWS_ICON_RC_ENTRY) if (WINDOWS_ICON_ENABLED) if (NOT WINDOWS_ICON_PATH AND PNG_ICON_PATH) find_program(FFMPEG_BIN ffmpeg avconv) if (FFMPEG_BIN) set(WINDOWS_ICON_PATH "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/resources/${META_PROJECT_NAME}.ico") add_custom_command( COMMENT "Generating icon for Windows executable" OUTPUT "${WINDOWS_ICON_PATH}" COMMAND ${FFMPEG_BIN} -y -i "${PNG_ICON_PATH}" "${WINDOWS_ICON_PATH}" DEPENDS "${PNG_ICON_PATH}") message(STATUS "Generating Windows icon from \"${PNG_ICON_PATH}\" via ${FFMPEG_BIN}.") else () message(STATUS "Unable to find ffmpeg, not creating a Windows icon") endif () endif () if (WINDOWS_ICON_PATH) set(WINDOWS_ICON_RC_ENTRY "IDI_ICON1 ICON DISCARDABLE \"${WINDOWS_ICON_PATH}\"") set_source_files_properties("${WINDOWS_RC_FILE}" PROPERTIES OBJECT_DEPENDS "${WINDOWS_ICON_PATH}") endif () endif () # create Windows rc file from template configure_file("${RC_TEMPLATE_FILE}" "${WINDOWS_RC_FILE}-configured.rc") file( GENERATE OUTPUT "${WINDOWS_RC_FILE}-$.rc" INPUT "${WINDOWS_RC_FILE}-configured.rc") # set windres as resource compiler list(APPEND RES_FILES "${WINDOWS_RC_FILE}-${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}.rc") set_property(SOURCE "${WINDOWS_RC_FILE}-${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}.rc" PROPERTY GENERATED ON) set(CMAKE_RC_COMPILER_INIT windres) set(CMAKE_RC_COMPILE_OBJECT " -O coff -i -o ") enable_language(RC)