#include "./testutils.h" #include "../application/failure.h" #include "../conversion/stringconversion.h" #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace ApplicationUtilities; using namespace ConversionUtilities; /*! * \brief Contains classes and functions utilizing creating of test applications. */ namespace TestUtilities { TestApplication *TestApplication::m_instance = nullptr; /*! * \class TestApplication * \brief The TestApplication class simplifies writing test applications that require opening test files. * \remarks Only one instance is allowed at a time (singletone class). */ /*! * \brief Constructs a TestApplication instance. * \throws Throws std::runtime_error if an instance has already been created. */ TestApplication::TestApplication(int argc, char **argv) : m_helpArg(m_parser), m_testFilesPathArg("test-files-path", "p", "specifies the path of the directory with test files"), m_workingDirArg("working-dir", "w", "specifies the directory to store working copies of test files") { // check whether there is already an instance if(m_instance) { throw runtime_error("only one TestApplication instance allowed at a time"); } m_instance = this; // read TEST_FILE_PATH environment variable if(const char *testFilesPathEnv = getenv("TEST_FILE_PATH")) { if(const auto len = strlen(testFilesPathEnv)) { m_testFilesPathEnvValue.reserve(len + 1); m_testFilesPathEnvValue += testFilesPathEnv; m_testFilesPathEnvValue += '/'; } } // setup argument parser m_testFilesPathArg.setRequiredValueCount(1); m_testFilesPathArg.setValueNames({"path"}); m_testFilesPathArg.setCombinable(true); m_workingDirArg.setRequiredValueCount(1); m_workingDirArg.setValueNames({"path"}); m_workingDirArg.setCombinable(true); m_parser.setMainArguments({&m_testFilesPathArg, &m_workingDirArg, &m_helpArg}); // parse arguments try { m_parser.parseArgs(argc, argv); cerr << "Directories used to search for testfiles:" << endl; if(m_testFilesPathArg.isPresent()) { if(!m_testFilesPathArg.values().front().empty()) { cerr << (m_testFilesPathArgValue = m_testFilesPathArg.values().front() + '/') << endl; } else { cerr << (m_testFilesPathArgValue = "./") << endl; } } if(!m_testFilesPathEnvValue.empty()) { cerr << m_testFilesPathEnvValue << endl; } cerr << "./testfiles/" << endl << endl; cerr << "Directory used to store working copies:" << endl; if(m_workingDirArg.isPresent()) { if(!m_workingDirArg.values().front().empty()) { m_workingDir = m_workingDirArg.values().front() + '/'; } else { m_workingDir = "./"; } } else if(const char *workingDirEnv = getenv("WORKING_DIR")) { if(const auto len = strlen(workingDirEnv)) { m_workingDir.reserve(len + 1); m_workingDir += workingDirEnv; m_workingDir += '/'; } } else { if(m_testFilesPathArg.isPresent()) { m_workingDir = m_testFilesPathArgValue + "workingdir/"; } else if(!m_testFilesPathEnvValue.empty()) { m_workingDir = m_testFilesPathEnvValue + "workingdir/"; } else { m_workingDir = "./testfiles/workingdir/"; } } cerr << m_workingDir << endl << endl; m_valid = true; cerr << "Executing test cases ..." << endl; } catch(const Failure &failure) { cerr << "Invalid arguments specified: " << failure.what() << endl; m_valid = false; } } /*! * \brief Destroys the TestApplication. */ TestApplication::~TestApplication() { m_instance = nullptr; } /*! * \brief Returns the full path of the test file with the specified \a name. */ string TestApplication::testFilePath(const string &name) const { string path; fstream file; // used to check whether the file is present // check the path specified by command line argument if(m_testFilesPathArg.isPresent()) { file.open(path = m_testFilesPathArgValue + name, ios_base::in); if(file.good()) { return path; } } // check the path specified by environment variable if(!m_testFilesPathEnvValue.empty()) { file.clear(); file.open(path = m_testFilesPathEnvValue + name, ios_base::in); if(file.good()) { return path; } } // file still not found -> return default path return "./testfiles/" + name; } #ifdef PLATFORM_UNIX /*! * \brief Returns the full path to a working copy of the test file with the specified \a name. */ string TestApplication::workingCopyPath(const string &name) const { // create file streams fstream origFile, workingCopy; origFile.exceptions(ios_base::badbit | ios_base::failbit); workingCopy.exceptions(ios_base::badbit | ios_base::failbit); // ensure working directory is present struct stat currentStat; if(stat(m_workingDir.c_str(), ¤tStat) || !S_ISDIR(currentStat.st_mode)) { if(mkdir(m_workingDir.c_str(), S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH)) { cerr << "Unable to create working copy for \"" << name << "\": can't create working directory." << endl; return string(); } } // ensure subdirectory exists const auto parts = splitString >(name, string("/"), EmptyPartsTreat::Omit); if(!parts.empty()) { string currentLevel = m_workingDir; for(auto i = parts.cbegin(), end = parts.end() - 1; i != end; ++i) { if(currentLevel.back() != '/') { currentLevel += '/'; } currentLevel += *i; if(stat(currentLevel.c_str(), ¤tStat) || !S_ISDIR(currentStat.st_mode)) { if(mkdir(currentLevel.c_str(), S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH)) { cerr << "Unable to create working copy for \"" << name << "\": can't create working directory." << endl; return string(); } } } } // copy file try { origFile.open(testFilePath(name), ios_base::in | ios_base::binary); string path = m_workingDir + name; workingCopy.open(path, ios_base::out | ios_base::binary | ios_base::trunc); workingCopy << origFile.rdbuf(); return path; } catch(const ios_base::failure &) { cerr << "Unable to create working copy for \"" << name << "\": an IO error occured." << endl; } return string(); } #endif }