#include "./failure.h" namespace ApplicationUtilities { /*! * \class ApplicationUtilities::Failure * \brief The Failure class is thrown by an ArgumentParser when a parsing error occurs. * * \sa ApplicationUtilities::ArgumentParser */ /*! * Constructs a new Failure. */ Failure::Failure() : m_what("unspecified parsing exception") { } /*! * Constructs a new Failure. \a what is a std::string * describing the cause of the Failure. */ Failure::Failure(const std::string &what) : m_what(what) { } /*! * Destroys the Failure. */ Failure::~Failure() USE_NOTHROW { } /*! * Returns a C-style character string describing the cause * of the Failure. */ const char *Failure::what() const USE_NOTHROW { return m_what.c_str(); } } // namespace ApplicationUtilities