Martchus 454347c31f Improve IO tests 2017-06-25 16:00:11 +02:00
argumentparsertests.cpp Test HelpArgument 2017-06-25 01:42:38 +02:00
chronotests.cpp Fix compiling tests under 32-bit arch 2017-05-30 23:56:08 +02:00
conversiontests.cpp string to int: Allow specifying string size 2017-06-08 00:41:29 +02:00
cppunit.cpp minor adjustments 2016-03-03 19:07:46 +01:00
cppunit.h Apply clang-format 2017-05-01 03:13:11 +02:00
iotests.cpp Improve IO tests 2017-06-25 16:00:11 +02:00
stringbuilder-bench.cpp string builder: Support integral types directly 2017-01-30 00:11:33 +01:00
stringbuilder-bench.md string builder: Support integral types directly 2017-01-30 00:11:33 +01:00
testutils.cpp Merge prof data of subprocesses created when executing tests 2017-06-20 23:19:49 +02:00
testutils.h Merge prof data of subprocesses created when executing tests 2017-06-20 23:19:49 +02:00
traitstests.cpp Add trait to test for strings 2017-05-10 23:31:28 +02:00