projectname = dbus-soundrecorder appname = "D-Bus Sound Recorder" appauthor = Martchus appurl = "$${appauthor}/$${projectname}" QMAKE_TARGET_DESCRIPTION = "Records sound from Pulse Audio with ffmpeg while watching D-Bus to determine tracks and meta information." VERSION = 1.0.0 # include ../../common.pri when building as part of a subdirs project; otherwise include general.pri !include(../../common.pri) { !include(./general.pri) { error("Couldn't find the common.pri or the general.pri file!") } } TEMPLATE = app CONFIG += console QT += core dbus SOURCES += main.cpp \ playerwatcher.cpp \ ffmpeglauncher.cpp HEADERS += \ playerwatcher.h \ ffmpeglauncher.h DBUS_INTERFACES += \ org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.xml \ org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.xml \ org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player.xml DISTFILES += \ \ LICENSE # libs and includepath CONFIG(debug, debug|release) { LIBS += -lc++utilitiesd } else { LIBS += -lc++utilities } # installs target.path = $$(INSTALL_ROOT)/bin INSTALLS += target