#include "ffmpeglauncher.h" #include "playerwatcher.h" #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace IoUtilities; using namespace ConversionUtilities; namespace DBusSoundRecorder { inline ostream &operator <<(ostream &stream, const QString &str) { stream << str.toLocal8Bit().data(); return stream; } inline QString validFileName(const QString &text) { QString copy(text); copy .replace(QChar('\\'), QLatin1String(" - ")) .replace(QChar('/'), QLatin1String(" - ")) .replace(QChar('\n'), QString()) .replace(QChar('\r'), QString()) .replace(QChar('\f'), QString()) .replace(QChar('<'), QString()) .replace(QChar('>'), QString()) .replace(QChar('?'), QString()) .replace(QChar('*'), QString()) .replace(QChar('!'), QString()) .replace(QChar('|'), QString()) .replace(QLatin1String(": "), QLatin1String(" - ")) .replace(QChar(':'), QChar('-')); return copy; } FfmpegLauncher::FfmpegLauncher(PlayerWatcher &watcher, QObject *parent) : QObject(parent), m_watcher(watcher), m_sink(QStringLiteral("default")), m_inputOptions(), m_options(), m_targetDir(QStringLiteral(".")), m_targetExtension(QStringLiteral(".m4a")), m_ffmpeg(new QProcess(this)) { connect(&watcher, &PlayerWatcher::nextSong, this, &FfmpegLauncher::nextSong); connect(&watcher, &PlayerWatcher::playbackStopped, this, &FfmpegLauncher::stopFfmpeg); connect(m_ffmpeg, &QProcess::started, this, &FfmpegLauncher::ffmpegStarted); connect(m_ffmpeg, static_cast(&QProcess::error), this, &FfmpegLauncher::ffmpegError); connect(m_ffmpeg, static_cast(&QProcess::finished), this, &FfmpegLauncher::ffmpegFinished); m_ffmpeg->setProgram(QStringLiteral("ffmpeg")); m_ffmpeg->setProcessChannelMode(QProcess::ForwardedChannels); } void addMetaData(QStringList &args, const QString &field, const QString &value) { if(!value.isEmpty()) { args << QStringLiteral("-metadata"); args << QStringLiteral("%1=%2").arg(field, value); } } void FfmpegLauncher::nextSong() { // skip ads if(m_watcher.isAd()) { return; } // pause player until ffmpeg has been started m_watcher.setSilent(true); if(m_watcher.isPlaying()) { m_watcher.pause(); } // terminate/kill the current process stopFfmpeg(); // determine output file, create target directory static const QString miscCategory(QStringLiteral("misc")); static const QString unknownTitle(QStringLiteral("unknown track")); const auto targetDirPath = QStringLiteral("%1/%2").arg(m_watcher.artist().isEmpty() ? miscCategory : validFileName(m_watcher.artist()), m_watcher.artist().isEmpty() ? miscCategory : validFileName(m_watcher.album())); if(!m_targetDir.mkpath(targetDirPath)) { cerr << "Error: Can not create target directory: " << targetDirPath << endl; return; } QDir targetDir(m_targetDir); targetDir.cd(targetDirPath); // determine track number QString number, length, year, genre, totalTracks, totalDisks; if(m_watcher.trackNumber()) { if(m_watcher.diskNumber()) { number = QStringLiteral("%2-%1").arg(m_watcher.trackNumber(), 2, 10, QLatin1Char('0')).arg(m_watcher.diskNumber()); } else { number = QStringLiteral("%1").arg(m_watcher.trackNumber(), 2, 10, QLatin1Char('0')); } } if(!number.isEmpty()) { number.append(QStringLiteral(" - ")); } // read additional meta info // - from an INI file called info.ini in the album directory (must be created before recording) // - track lengths might be specified for each track in the [length] section (useful to get rid of advertisements at the end) // - year, genre, total_tracks and total_disks might be specified in the [general] section if(targetDir.exists(QStringLiteral("info.ini"))) { fstream infoFile; infoFile.exceptions(ios_base::badbit | ios_base::failbit); try { infoFile.open((targetDir.path() + QStringLiteral("/info.ini")).toLocal8Bit().data(), ios_base::in); IniFile infoIni; infoIni.parse(infoFile); for(auto &scope : infoIni.data()) { if(scope.first == "length") { if(m_watcher.trackNumber()) { // reading length scope is only possible if track number known because the track number is used for mapping for(const auto &entry : scope.second) { try { if(stringToNumber(entry.first) == m_watcher.trackNumber()) { // length entry for this track length = QString::fromLocal8Bit(entry.second.data()); break; } } catch(const ConversionException &) { cerr << "Warning: Ignoring non-numeric key \"" << entry.first << "\" in [length] section of info.ini." << endl; } } } } else if(scope.first == "general") { for(const auto &entry : scope.second) { if(entry.first == "year") { year = QString::fromLocal8Bit(entry.second.data()); } else if(entry.first == "genre") { genre = QString::fromLocal8Bit(entry.second.data()); } else if(entry.first == "total_tracks") { totalTracks = QString::fromLocal8Bit(entry.second.data()); } else if(entry.first == "total_disks") { totalDisks = QString::fromLocal8Bit(entry.second.data()); } else { cerr << "Warning: Ignoring unknown property \"" << entry.first << "\" in [general] section of info.ini." << endl; } } } else { cerr << "Warning: Ignoring unknown section [" << scope.first << "] in info.ini." << endl; } } } catch(const ios_base::failure &) { cerr << "Warning: Can't parse info.ini because an IO error occured." << endl; } } // determine target name/path QString targetName(QStringLiteral("%3%1%2").arg(m_watcher.title().isEmpty() ? unknownTitle : validFileName(m_watcher.title()), m_targetExtension, number)); unsigned int count = 1; while(targetDir.exists(targetName)) { ++count; targetName = QStringLiteral("%3%1 (%4)%2").arg(m_watcher.title().isEmpty() ? unknownTitle : m_watcher.title(), m_targetExtension, number).arg(count); } auto targetPath = targetDir.absoluteFilePath(targetName); // set input device QStringList args; args << QStringLiteral("-f"); args << QStringLiteral("pulse"); args << m_inputOptions; args << QStringLiteral("-i"); args << m_sink; // set length if specified in info.ini if(!length.isEmpty() || !m_watcher.length().isNull()) { args << "-t"; args << (length.isEmpty() ? QString::number(m_watcher.length().totalSeconds()) : length); } // set additional options args << m_options; // set meta data addMetaData(args, QStringLiteral("title"), m_watcher.title()); addMetaData(args, QStringLiteral("album"), m_watcher.album()); addMetaData(args, QStringLiteral("artist"), m_watcher.artist()); addMetaData(args, QStringLiteral("genre"), genre.isEmpty() ? m_watcher.genre() : genre); addMetaData(args, QStringLiteral("year"), year.isEmpty() ? m_watcher.year() : year); if(m_watcher.trackNumber()) { addMetaData(args, QStringLiteral("track"), totalTracks.isEmpty() ? QString::number(m_watcher.trackNumber()) : QString::number(m_watcher.trackNumber()) % QChar('/') % totalTracks); } if(m_watcher.diskNumber()) { addMetaData(args, QStringLiteral("disk"), totalDisks.isEmpty() ? QString::number(m_watcher.diskNumber()) : QString::number(m_watcher.diskNumber()) % QChar('/') % totalDisks); } // set output file args << targetPath; m_ffmpeg->setArguments(args); // start process m_ffmpeg->start(); // resume player m_watcher.play(); m_watcher.setSilent(false); } void FfmpegLauncher::stopFfmpeg() { if(m_ffmpeg->state() != QProcess::NotRunning) { m_ffmpeg->terminate(); m_ffmpeg->waitForFinished(10000); if(m_ffmpeg->state() != QProcess::NotRunning) { m_ffmpeg->kill(); m_ffmpeg->waitForFinished(5000); if(m_ffmpeg->state() != QProcess::NotRunning) { throw runtime_error("Unable to terminate/kill ffmpeg process."); } } } } void FfmpegLauncher::ffmpegStarted() { cerr << "Started ffmpeg: "; cerr << m_ffmpeg->program(); for(const auto &arg : m_ffmpeg->arguments()) { cerr << ' ' << arg; } cerr << endl; } void FfmpegLauncher::ffmpegError() { cerr << "Failed to start ffmpeg: " << m_ffmpeg->errorString(); } void FfmpegLauncher::ffmpegFinished(int exitCode) { cerr << "FFmpeg finished with exit code " << exitCode << endl; } }