
299 lines
11 KiB

#compdef archbuild arch-nspawn archrelease commitpkg pkgctl diffpkg finddeps makechrootpkg mkarchroot extrapkg=commitpkg corepkg=commitpkg testingpkg=commitpkg stagingpkg=commitpkg communitypkg=commitpkg community-testingpkg=commitpkg community-stagingpkg=commitpkg multilibpkg=commitpkg multilib-testingpkg=commitpkg extra-x86_64-build=archbuild testing-x86_64-build=archbuild staging-x86_64-build=archbuild multilib-build=archbuild multilib-testing-build=archbuild multilib-staging-build=archbuild kde-unstable-x86_64-build=archbuild gnome-unstable-x86_64-build=archbuild checkpkg sogrep offload-build makerepropkg
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
# shellcheck source=src/lib/
source "${_DEVTOOLS_LIBRARY_DIR}"/lib/
# shellcheck source=src/lib/
source "${_DEVTOOLS_LIBRARY_DIR}"/lib/
_colors=(never always auto)
'-c[Recreate the chroot before building]'
'-r[Create chroots in this directory]:base_dir:_files -/'
'-h[Display usage]'
'--[Introduce makechrootpkg options]:*::makechrootpkg options:= _dispatch makechrootpkg makechrootpkg'
"pkgctl auth command"
"login[Authenticate with the GitLab instance]"
"status[View authentication status]"
'(-g --gen-access-token)'{-g,--gen-access-token}'[Open the URL to generate a new personal access token]'
'(-h --help)'{-h,--help}'[Display usage]'
'(-t --show-token)'{-t,--show-token}'[Display the auth token]'
'(-h --help)'{-h,--help}'[Display usage]'
"--arch=[Specify architectures to build for (disables auto-detection)]:arch:($_arch[*])"
"--repo=[Specify a target repository (disables auto-detection)]:repo:($_repos[*])"
'(-s --staging)'{-s,--staging}'[Build against the staging counterpart of the auto-detected repo]'
'(-t --testing)'{-t,--testing}'[Build against the testing counterpart of the auto-detected repo]'
'(-o --offload)'{-o,--offload}'[Build on a remote server and transfer artifacts afterwards]'
'(-c --clean)'{-c,--clean}'[Recreate the chroot before building]'
'(-I --install)'{-I,--install}'[Install a package into the working copy of the chroot]:target:_files -g "*.pkg.tar.*(.)"'
'(-w --worker)'{-w,--worker}'[Name of the worker slot, useful for concurrent builds (disables auto-detection)]:slot:'
'--nocheck[Do not run the check() function in the PKGBUILD]'
'--pkgver=[Set pkgver, reset pkgrel and update checksums]:pkgver:'
'--pkgrel=[Set pkgrel to a given value]:pkgrel:'
'--rebuild[Increment the pkgrel variable]'
'(-e --edit)'{-e,--edit}'[Edit the PKGBUILD before building]'
'(-r --release)'{-r,--release}'[Automatically commit, tag and release after building]'
'(-m --message=)'{-m,--message=}"[Use the given <msg> as the commit message]:message:"
'(-u --db-update)'{-u,--db-update}'[Automatically update the pacman database as last action]'
'(-h --help)'{-h,--help}'[Display usage]'
'*:git_dir:_files -/'
"pkgctl db command"
"move[Move packages between pacman repositories]"
"remove[Remove packages from pacman repositories]"
"update[Update the pacman database as final release step]"
'(-h --help)'{-h,--help}'[Display usage]'
'(-a --arch=)'{-a,--arch=}"[Override the architecture (disables auto-detection)]:arch:($_arch[*])"
'(-h --help)'{-h,--help}'[Display usage]'
'(-h --help)'{-h,--help}'[Display usage]'
'(-m --message=)'{-m,--message=}"[Use the given <msg> as the commit message]:message:"
'(-r --repo=)'{-r,--repo=}"[Specify a target repository (disables auto-detection)]:repo:($_repos[*])"
'(-s --staging)'{-s,--staging}'[Release to the staging counterpart of the auto-detected repo]'
'(-t --testing)'{-t,--testing}'[Release to the testing counterpart of the auto-detected repo]'
'(-u --db-update)'{-u,--db-update}'[Automatically update the pacman database after uploading]'
'(-h --help)'{-h,--help}'[Display usage]'
'*:git_dir:_files -/'
"pkgctl repo command"
"clone[Clone a package repository]"
"configure[Configure a clone according to distro specs]"
"create[Create a new GitLab package repository]"
"switch[Switch a package repository to a specified version]"
"web[Open the packaging repository's website]"
'(-f --force --discard-changes)'{-f,--force,--discard-changes}'[Discard changes if index or working tree is dirty]'
'(-h --help)'{-h,--help}'[Display usage]'
'*:git_dir:_files -/'
'(-m --maintainer=)'{-m,--maintainer=}'[Clone all packages of the named maintainer]:maintainer:'
'--protocol[Clone the repository over https]:proto:(https)'
'--switch=[Switch the current working tree to a specified version]'
'--universe[Clone all existing packages, useful for cache warming]'
'(-j --jobs)'{-j,--jobs}'[Run up to N jobs in parallel (default: number of processing units)]:jobs:'
'(-h --help)'{-h,--help}'[Display usage]'
'--protocol[Configure remote url to use https]:proto:(https)'
'(-j --jobs)'{-j,--jobs}'[Run up to N jobs in parallel (default: number of processing units)]:jobs:'
'(-h --help)'{-h,--help}'[Display usage]'
'*:git_dir:_files -/'
'(-c --clone)'{-c,--clone}'[Clone the Git repository after creation]'
'(-h --help)'{-h,--help}'[Display usage]'
'(-h --help)'{-h,--help}'[Display usage]'
'*:git_dir:_files -/'
'-C[Location of a pacman config file]:pacman_config:_files -g "*.conf(.)"'
'-M[Location of a makepkg config file]:makepkg_config:_files -g "*.conf(.)"'
'-c[Set pacman cache]:pacman_cache:_files -/'
'-f[Copy file from the host to the chroot]:copy_file:_files'
'-s[Do not run setarch]'
'-h[Display usage]'
'1:chroot_dir:_files -/'
'-f[Force release without checks]'
'-f[Force release without checks]'
'-s[Target repo server]'
'-l[Set bandwidth limit]:limit'
"-a[Release to a specific architecture only]:arch:($_arch[*])"
'(-l --list)'{-l,--list}'[Tar content list diff mode]'
'(-d --diffoscope)'{-d,--diffoscope}'[Diffoscope diff mode]'
'(-p --pkginfo)'{-p,--pkginfo}'[.PKGINFO diff mode]'
'(-b --buildinfo)'{-b,--buildinfo}'[.BUILDINFO diff mode]'
'(-m --makepkg-config)'{-m,--makepkg-config}'[Location of a makepkg config file]:makepkg_config:_files -g "*.conf(.)"'
'(-u -U --unified)'{-u,-U,--unified}'[Output 3 lines of unified context]'
'(-y --side-by-side)'{-y,--side-by-side}'[Output in two columns]'
'--color=[Color output]:when:($_colors[*])'
'(-W --width=)'{-W,--width=}'[Output at most NUM print columns]:num:(auto columns)'
'(-P --pool=)'{-P,--pool=}'[pool directory]:dir:_files -/'
'(-v --verbose)'{-v,--verbose}'[Provide more detailed/unfiltered output]'
'(-h --help)'{-h,--help}'[Display usage]'
'-h[Display usage]'
'-c[Clean the chroot before building]'
'-d[Bind directory into build chroot as read-write]:bind_dir_rw:_files -/'
'-D[Bind directory into build chroot as read-only]:bind_dir_ro:_files -/'
'-u[Update the working copy of the chroot before building]'
'-r[The chroot dir to use]:chroot_dir:_files -/'
'-I[Install a package into the working copy]:target:_files -g "*.pkg.tar.*(.)"'
'-l[The directory to use as the working copy]:copy_dir:_files -/'
'-n[Run namcap on the package]'
'-T[Build in a temporary directory]'
'-U[Run makepkg as a specified user]:makepkg_user'
'-U[Install a package into the working copy]:target:_files -g "*.pkg.tar.*(.)"'
'-C[Location of a pacman config file]:pacman_config:_files -g "*.conf(.)"'
'-M[Location of a makepkg config file]:makepkg_config:_files -g "*.conf(.)"'
'-c[Set pacman cache]:pacman_cache:_files -/'
'-h[Display usage]'
'1:working_dir:_files -/'
'(-r --rmdir)'{-r,--rmdir}'[Remove the temporary directory]'
'(-w --warn)'{-w,--warn}'[Print a warning in case of differences]'
'(-M --makepkg-config)'{-M,--makepkg-config}'[Location of a makepkg config file]:makepkg_config:_files -g "*.conf(.)"'
'(-h --help)'{-h,--help}'[Display usage]'
'(-v --verbose)'{-v,--verbose}'[Show matched links in addition to pkgname]'
'(-r --refresh)'{-r,--refresh}'[Refresh the links databases]'
'(-h --help)'{-h,--help}'[Display usage]'
'1:repo:(all $_repos[*])'
'(-r --repo)'{-r,--repo}'[Build against a specific repository]:repo:($_build_repos[*])'
'(-a --arch)'{-a,--arch}'[Build against a specific architecture]:arch:(${_binary_arch[*]})'
'(-s --server)'{-s,--server}'[Offload to a specific Build server]:server:'
'(-h --help)'{-h,--help}'[Display usage]'
'-d[Run diffoscope if the package is unreproducible]'
'-c[Set pacman cache]:pacman_cache:_files -/'
'-M[Location of a makepkg config file]:makepkg_config:_files -g "*.conf(.)"'
'-h[Display usage]'
'*:working_dir:_files -g "*.pkg.tar.*(.)"'
_devtools_completions_all_packages() {
typeset -U packages
packages=($(_call_program packages pacman -Sql))
compadd - "${(@)packages}"
"pkgctl command"
"auth[Authenticate with services like GitLab]"
"build[Build packages inside a clean chroot]"
"db[Pacman database modification for packge update, move etc]"
"diff[Compare package files using different modes]"
"release[Release step to commit, tag and upload build artifacts]"
"repo[Manage Git packaging repositories and their configuration]"
"version[Show pkgctl version information]"
'(-V --version)'{-V,--version}'[Show pkgctl version information]'
'(-h --help)'{-h,--help}'[Display usage]'
'(-h --help)'{-h,--help}'[Display usage]'
_handle_subcommands() {
local service_name=${1}
if typeset -p ${service_name}_cmds &> /dev/null; then
_arguments -C \
"1: :->cmds" \
case $state in
if [[ "${line[-1]}" == -* ]] && typeset -p ${service_name}_args &> /dev/null; then
local argname="${service_name}_args[@]"
_arguments -s "${(P)argname}"
local service_cmds=${service_name}_cmds[@]
_values "${(P)service_cmds}"
local service_sub=${service_name}_$line[1]
if typeset -p ${service_sub}_args &> /dev/null; then
local cmd_args=${service_sub}_args[@]
_arguments -s "${(P)cmd_args}"
elif typeset -p ${service_sub}_cmds &> /dev/null; then
_handle_subcommands "${service_sub}"
elif typeset -p ${service_name}_args &> /dev/null; then
local argname="${service_name}_args[@]"
_arguments -s "${(P)argname}"
_devtools() {
_handle_subcommands _${service//-/_}