#include "./location.h" #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace ApplicationUtilities; using namespace ConversionUtilities; // WGS84 Parameters #define WGS84_A 6378137.0 // major axis #define WGS84_B 6356752.31424518 // minor axis #define WGS84_F 0.0033528107 // ellipsoid flattening #define WGS84_E 0.0818191908 // first eccentricity #define WGS84_EP 0.0820944379 // second eccentricity // UTM Parameters #define UTM_K0 0.9996 // scale factor #define UTM_FE 500000.0 // false easting #define UTM_FN_N 0.0 // false northing, northern hemisphere #define UTM_FN_S 10000000.0 // false northing, southern hemisphere #define UTM_E2 (WGS84_E * WGS84_E) // e^2 #define UTM_E4 (UTM_E2 * UTM_E2) // e^4 #define UTM_E6 (UTM_E4 * UTM_E2) // e^6 #define UTM_EP2 (UTM_E2 / (1 - UTM_E2)) // e'^2 Location::Location() : m_lat(0.0) , m_lon(0.0) , m_ele(0.0) { } Location::Location(const Angle &latitude, const Angle &lon) : m_lat(latitude) , m_lon(lon) , m_ele(0.0) { } Location::Location(const string &lat, const string &lon, Angle::AngularMeasure measure) : m_lat(Angle(lat, measure)) , m_lon(Angle(lon, measure)) , m_ele(0.0) { } Location::Location(const string &latitudeAndLongitude, Angle::AngularMeasure measure) : m_ele(0.0) { string::size_type dpos = latitudeAndLongitude.find(','); if (dpos == string::npos) throw Failure("Pair of coordinates (latitude and longitude) required."); else if (dpos >= (latitudeAndLongitude.length() - 1)) throw Failure("No second longitude following after comma."); else if (latitudeAndLongitude.find(',', dpos + 1) != string::npos) throw Failure("More then 2 coordinates given."); m_lat = Angle(latitudeAndLongitude.substr(0, dpos), measure); m_lon = Angle(latitudeAndLongitude.substr(dpos + 1), measure); } Location::~Location() { } string Location::toString(Angle::OutputForm form) const { return m_lat.toString(form) + "," + m_lon.toString(form); } string Location::toUtmWgs4String() const { int zone; char zoneDesignator; double east, north; computeUtmWgs4Coordinates(zone, zoneDesignator, east, north); stringstream ss(stringstream::in | stringstream::out); ss << setprecision(0) << fixed; ss << zone << zoneDesignator << "E" << east << "N" << north; return ss.str(); } double Location::distanceTo(const Location &location) const { double lat1 = m_lat.radianValue(); double lon1 = m_lon.radianValue(); double lat2 = location.m_lat.radianValue(); double lon2 = location.m_lon.radianValue(); double latd = lat1 - lat2; double lond = lon1 - lon2; latd = sin(latd / 2.0); lond = sin(lond / 2.0); double a = latd * latd + lond * lond * cos(lat1) * cos(lat2); return m_er * 2.0 * atan2(sqrt(a), sqrt(1.0 - a)); } Angle Location::initialBearingTo(const Location &location) const { double lat1 = m_lat.radianValue(); double lon1 = m_lon.radianValue(); double lat2 = location.m_lat.radianValue(); double lon2 = location.m_lon.radianValue(); double lond = lon2 - lon1; double b = atan2(sin(lond) * cos(lat2), cos(lat1) * sin(lat2) - sin(lat1) * cos(lat2) * cos(lond)); Angle angle(b); angle.adjust0To360(); return angle; } Angle Location::finalBearingTo(const Location &location) const { Angle angle(location.initialBearingTo(*this)); angle.reverse(); return angle; } Location Location::destination(double distance, const Angle &bearing) { double lat1 = m_lat.radianValue(); double lon1 = m_lon.radianValue(); double brng = bearing.radianValue(); double ad = angularDistance(distance).radianValue(); double lat2 = asin(sin(lat1) * cos(ad) + cos(lat1) * sin(ad) * cos(brng)); double lon2 = lon1 + atan2(sin(brng) * sin(ad) * cos(lat1), cos(ad) - sin(lat1) * sin(lat2)); return Location(Angle(lat2), Angle(lon2)); } void Location::computeUtmWgs4Coordinates(int &zone, char &zoneDesignator, double &east, double &north) const { double a = WGS84_A; double eccSquared = UTM_E2; double k0 = UTM_K0; double latd = m_lat.degreeValue(); double lond = m_lon.degreeValue(); double latr = m_lat.radianValue(); double lonr = m_lon.radianValue(); zone = int((lond + 180) / 6) + 1; if (latd >= 56.0 && latd < 64.0 && lond >= 3.0 && lond < 12.0) zone = 32; // Special zones for Svalbard if (latd >= 72.0 && latd < 84.0) { if (lond >= 0.0 && lond < 9.0) zone = 31; else if (lond >= 9.0 && lond < 21.0) zone = 33; else if (lond >= 21.0 && lond < 33.0) zone = 35; else if (lond >= 33.0 && lond < 42.0) zone = 37; } zoneDesignator = computeUtmZoneDesignator(); // +3 puts origin in middle of zone double lonOriginr = Angle((zone - 1) * 6 - 180 + 3, Angle::AngularMeasure::Degree).radianValue(); double eccPrimeSquared = (eccSquared) / (1 - eccSquared); double N = a / sqrt(1 - eccSquared * sin(latr) * sin(latr)); double T = tan(latr) * tan(latr); double C = eccPrimeSquared * cos(latr) * cos(latr); double A = cos(latr) * (lonr - lonOriginr); double M = a * ((1 - eccSquared / 4 - 3 * eccSquared * eccSquared / 64 - 5 * eccSquared * eccSquared * eccSquared / 256) * latr - (3 * eccSquared / 8 + 3 * eccSquared * eccSquared / 32 + 45 * eccSquared * eccSquared * eccSquared / 1024) * sin(2 * latr) + (15 * eccSquared * eccSquared / 256 + 45 * eccSquared * eccSquared * eccSquared / 1024) * sin(4 * latr) - (35 * eccSquared * eccSquared * eccSquared / 3072) * sin(6 * latr)); east = static_cast( k0 * N * (A + (1 - T + C) * A * A * A / 6 + (5 - 18 * T + T * T + 72 * C - 58 * eccPrimeSquared) * A * A * A * A * A / 120) + 500000.0); north = static_cast( k0 * (M + N * tan(latr) * (A * A / 2 + (5 - T + 9 * C + 4 * C * C) * A * A * A * A / 24 + (61 - 58 * T + T * T + 600 * C - 330 * eccPrimeSquared) * A * A * A * A * A * A / 720))); if (latd < 0) north += 10000000.0; } Location Location::midpoint(const Location &location1, const Location &location2) { double lat1 = location1.m_lat.radianValue(); double lon1 = location1.m_lon.radianValue(); double lat2 = location2.m_lat.radianValue(); double lon2 = location2.m_lon.radianValue(); double lond = lon2 - lon1; double x = cos(lat2) * cos(lond); double y = cos(lat2) * sin(lond); return Location(Angle(atan2(sin(lat1) + sin(lat2), sqrt((cos(lat1) + x) * (cos(lat1) + x) + y * y))), Angle(lon1 + atan2(y, cos(lat1) + x))); } double Location::trackLength(const std::vector &track, bool circle) { if (track.size() < 2) throw Failure("At least two locations are required to calculate a distance."); const Location *location1 = &track.at(0); const Location *location2 = &track.at(1); double distance = location1->distanceTo(*location2); for (std::vector::const_iterator i = track.cbegin() + 2, end = track.cend(); i != end; ++i) { location1 = location2; location2 = &(*i); distance += location1->distanceTo(*location2); } if (circle) distance += track.front().distanceTo(track.back()); return distance; } double Location::earthRadius() { return m_er; } Angle Location::angularDistance(double distance) { return Angle(distance / m_er); } char Location::computeUtmZoneDesignator() const { double l = m_lat.degreeValue(); if ((84 >= l) && (l >= 72)) return 'X'; else if ((72 > l) && (l >= 64)) return 'W'; else if ((64 > l) && (l >= 56)) return 'V'; else if ((56 > l) && (l >= 48)) return 'U'; else if ((48 > l) && (l >= 40)) return 'T'; else if ((40 > l) && (l >= 32)) return 'S'; else if ((32 > l) && (l >= 24)) return 'R'; else if ((24 > l) && (l >= 16)) return 'Q'; else if ((16 > l) && (l >= 8)) return 'P'; else if ((8 > l) && (l >= 0)) return 'N'; else if ((0 > l) && (l >= -8)) return 'M'; else if ((-8 > l) && (l >= -16)) return 'L'; else if ((-16 > l) && (l >= -24)) return 'K'; else if ((-24 > l) && (l >= -32)) return 'J'; else if ((-32 > l) && (l >= -40)) return 'H'; else if ((-40 > l) && (l >= -48)) return 'G'; else if ((-48 > l) && (l >= -56)) return 'F'; else if ((-56 > l) && (l >= -64)) return 'E'; else if ((-64 > l) && (l >= -72)) return 'D'; else if ((-72 > l) && (l >= -80)) return 'C'; else return '\0'; } void Location::setValueByProvidedUtmWgs4Coordinates(const string &utmWgs4Coordinates) { string::size_type epos = utmWgs4Coordinates.find('E'); if (epos != 0 && epos != string::npos) { string::size_type npos = utmWgs4Coordinates.find('N', epos); if (npos < (utmWgs4Coordinates.length() - 1) && npos != string::npos) { int zone = stringToNumber(utmWgs4Coordinates.substr(0, epos - 1)); char zoneDesignator = utmWgs4Coordinates.at(epos - 1); double east = stringToNumber(utmWgs4Coordinates.substr(epos + 1, npos - epos - 1)); double north = stringToNumber(utmWgs4Coordinates.substr(npos + 1)); setValueByProvidedUtmWgs4Coordinates(zone, zoneDesignator, east, north); return; } } throw Failure("UTM coordinates incomplete."); } void Location::setValueByProvidedUtmWgs4Coordinates(int zone, char zoneDesignator, double easting, double northing) { double k0 = UTM_K0; double a = WGS84_A; double eccSquared = UTM_E2; double eccPrimeSquared; double e1 = (1 - sqrt(1 - eccSquared)) / (1 + sqrt(1 - eccSquared)); double x = easting - 500000.0; //remove 500,000 meter offset for longitude double y = northing; if ((zoneDesignator - 'N') < 0) //remove 10,000,000 meter offset used for southern hemisphere y -= 10000000.0; //+3 puts origin in middle of zone double longOriginr = Angle((zone - 1) * 6 - 180 + 3, Angle::AngularMeasure::Degree).radianValue(); eccPrimeSquared = (eccSquared) / (1 - eccSquared); double M = y / k0; double mu = M / (a * (1 - eccSquared / 4 - 3 * eccSquared * eccSquared / 64 - 5 * eccSquared * eccSquared * eccSquared / 256)); double phi1Rad = mu + ((3 * e1 / 2 - 27 * e1 * e1 * e1 / 32) * sin(2 * mu) + (21 * e1 * e1 / 16 - 55 * e1 * e1 * e1 * e1 / 32) * sin(4 * mu) + (151 * e1 * e1 * e1 / 96) * sin(6 * mu)); double N1 = a / sqrt(1 - eccSquared * sin(phi1Rad) * sin(phi1Rad)); double T1 = tan(phi1Rad) * tan(phi1Rad); double C1 = eccPrimeSquared * cos(phi1Rad) * cos(phi1Rad); double R1 = a * (1 - eccSquared) / pow(1 - eccSquared * sin(phi1Rad) * sin(phi1Rad), 1.5); double D = x / (N1 * k0); m_lat = Angle(phi1Rad - ((N1 * tan(phi1Rad) / R1) * (D * D / 2 - (5 + 3 * T1 + 10 * C1 - 4 * C1 * C1 - 9 * eccPrimeSquared) * D * D * D * D / 24 + (61 + 90 * T1 + 298 * C1 + 45 * T1 * T1 - 252 * eccPrimeSquared - 3 * C1 * C1) * D * D * D * D * D * D / 720))); m_lat.adjust180To180(); m_lon = Angle( ((D - (1 + 2 * T1 + C1) * D * D * D / 6 + (5 - 2 * C1 + 28 * T1 - 3 * C1 * C1 + 8 * eccPrimeSquared + 24 * T1 * T1) * D * D * D * D * D / 120) / cos(phi1Rad)) + longOriginr); m_lon.adjust180To180(); } const double Location::m_er = 6371000.0;