more docs + cleanups

This commit is contained in:
bert hubert 2018-12-15 01:54:29 +01:00
parent d3f94d67c3
commit f11d89dd4a
3 changed files with 119 additions and 13 deletions

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@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
# lmdb-safe
A safe modern & performant C++ wrapper of LMDB.
Requires C++17, or C++11 + Boost.
[LMDB]( is an outrageously fast
key/value store with semantics that make it highly interesting for many
applications. Of specific note, besides speed, is the full support for
@ -38,9 +39,15 @@ Most common LMDB functionality is wrapped within this library but the native
MDB handles are all available should you want to use functionality we did
not (yet) cater for.
In addition, on top of `lmdb-safe`, a type-safe ["Object Relational
Mapping"]( interface
is also available. This auto-generates indexes and allows for the insertion,
deletion and iteration of objects.
# Status
Fresh. If using this tiny library, be aware things might change
rapidly. To use, add `` and `lmdb-safe.hh` to your project.
rapidly. To use, add `` and `lmdb-safe.hh` to your project. In
addition, add `lmdb-typed.hh` to use the ORM.
# Philosophy
This library tries to not restrict your use of LMDB, nor make it slower,
@ -231,3 +238,106 @@ puts. All this happened in less than 20 seconds.
Had we created our database with the `MDB_INTEGERKEY` option and added the
`MDB_APPEND` flag to `txn.put`, the whole process would have taken around 5
# lmdb-typed
The `lmdb-safe` interface may be safe in one sense, but it is still a
key-value store, allowing the user to store any key and any value.
Frequently we have specific needs: to store objects and find them using
different keys. Doing so manually is cumbersome and error-prone, as all
indexes (for rapid retrieval) need to be carefully maintained by hand.
Inspired by Boost MultiIndex, `lmdb-typed` builds on `lmdb-safe` to create,
populate and use indexes for rapidly retrieving objects. As an example,
let's say we want to store the following struct:
struct DNSResourceRecord
string qname; // index
uint16_t qtype{0};
uint32_t domain_id{0}; // index
string content;
uint32_t ttl{0};
string ordername; // index
bool auth{true};
And we want to do so based on the `qname`, `domain_id` or `ordername`
fields. First, we have to make sure DNSResourceRecord can serialize itself
to a string:
template<class Archive>
void serialize(Archive & ar, DNSResourceRecord& g, const unsigned int version)
ar & g.qtype;
ar & g.qname;
ar & g.content;
ar & g.ttl;
ar & g.domain_id;
ar & g.ordername;
ar & g.auth;
Next up, we need to define our "Object Relational Mapper":
index_on<DNSResourceRecord, string, &DNSResourceRecord::qname>,
index_on<DNSResourceRecord, uint32_t, &DNSResourceRecord::domain_id>,
index_on<DNSResourceRecord, string, &DNSResourceRecord::ordername>
> tdbi(getMDBEnv("./typed.lmdb", MDB_NOSUBDIR, 0600), "records");
This defines that we create a database called `records` in the file
`./typed.lmdb`. We also state that this database stores `DNSResourceRecord`
objects, and that we want three indexes. Note that this syntax is reasonable
similar to that used by Boost::MultiIndex.
Next up, we can insert some objects:
auto txn = tdbi.getRWTransaction();
DNSResourceRecord rr{"", 1, domain_id, "", 0, "www"};
// populate rr
auto id = txn.insert(rr);
Internally, the opening of `tdbi` above created four databases: `records`,
`records_0`, `records_1` and `records_2`. On insert, a serialized form of
`rr` was stored in the `records` table, with the key containing the
(assigned) id value.
In addition, in `records_1`, the qname was added as key, with the `id` field
as value. And similarly for `domain_id` and `ordername`. So the indexes all
point to the id field, which we can find in the `records` database.
To retrieve, we can use any of the indexes:
auto txn = tdbi.getROTransaction();
DNSResourceRecord rr;
txn.get(id, rr);
txn.get<0>("", rr);
txn.get<1>(domain_id, rr);
txn.get<2>("www", rr);
As long as we inserted only the one `DNSResourceRecord` from above, all four
`get` calls find the same `rr`.
In the more interesting case where we inserted more DNS records, we could
iterate over all items with `domain_id = 4` as follows:
for(auto iter = txn.find<1>(4): iter != txn.end(); ++iter) {
cout << iter->qname << "\n";
To delete an item, use `txn.del(12)`, which will remove the record with id
12 from the main database and also from all the indexes.

View File

@ -42,19 +42,19 @@ void serialize(Archive & ar, DNSResourceRecord& g, const unsigned int version)
int main()
index_on<DNSResourceRecord, string, &DNSResourceRecord::qname>,
index_on<DNSResourceRecord, string, &DNSResourceRecord::qname>,
index_on<DNSResourceRecord, uint32_t, &DNSResourceRecord::domain_id>,
index_on<DNSResourceRecord, string, &DNSResourceRecord::ordername>
index_on<DNSResourceRecord, string, &DNSResourceRecord::ordername>,
index_on<DNSResourceRecord, bool, &DNSResourceRecord::auth>
> tdbi(getMDBEnv("./typed.lmdb", MDB_NOSUBDIR, 0600), "records");
auto txn = tdbi.getRWTransaction();
cout<<"Currently have "<< txn.size()<< " entries"<<endl;
cout<<" " << txn.size<0>() << " " << txn.size<1>() << " " << txn.size<2>() << endl;
cout<<" " << txn.cardinality<0>() << endl;
cout<<" " << txn.cardinality<1>() << endl;
cout<<" " << txn.cardinality<2>() << endl;
cout<<" " << txn.cardinality<3>() << endl;
@ -62,7 +62,6 @@ int main()
cout<<"Currently have "<< txn.size()<< " entries after clear"<<endl;
cout<<" " << txn.size<0>() << " " << txn.size<1>() << " " << txn.size<2>() << endl;
DNSResourceRecord rr;
rr.domain_id=0; rr.qtype = 5; rr.ttl = 3600; rr.qname = ""; rr.ordername = "www";
rr.content = "";

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@ -173,7 +173,6 @@ public:
return stat.ms_entries;
uint32_t insert(const T& t)
uint32_t id = getMaxID(d_txn, d_parent->d_main) + 1;
@ -253,7 +252,6 @@ public:
return count;
void commit()
@ -271,7 +269,9 @@ public:
struct iter_t
explicit iter_t(RWTransaction* parent, const typename std::tuple_element<N, tuple_t>::type::type& key) :
d_parent(parent), d_cursor(d_parent->d_txn.getCursor(std::get<N>(d_parent->d_parent->d_tuple).d_idx)), d_in(key)
d_key.d_mdbval = d_in.d_mdbval;
@ -364,10 +364,7 @@ public:
return RWTransaction(this);
std::shared_ptr<MDBEnv> d_env;
MDBDbi d_main;
std::string d_name;