
605 lines
14 KiB

#pragma once
#include <lmdb.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <set>
#include <map>
#include <thread>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <string.h>
#include <mutex>
// apple compiler somehow has string_view even in c++11!
#if __cplusplus < 201703L && !defined(__APPLE__)
#include <boost/version.hpp>
#if BOOST_VERSION > 105400
#include <boost/utility/string_view.hpp>
using boost::string_view;
#include <boost/utility/string_ref.hpp>
using string_view = boost::string_ref;
#else // C++17
using std::string_view;
/* open issues:
* - missing convenience functions (string_view, string)
The error strategy. Anything that "should never happen" turns into an exception. But things like 'duplicate entry' or 'no such key' are for you to deal with.
Thread safety: we are as safe as lmdb. You can talk to MDBEnv from as many threads as you want
/** MDBDbi is our only 'value type' object, as 1) a dbi is actually an integer
and 2) per LMDB documentation, we never close it. */
class MDBDbi
d_dbi = -1;
explicit MDBDbi(MDB_env* env, MDB_txn* txn, string_view dbname, int flags);
operator const MDB_dbi&() const
return d_dbi;
MDB_dbi d_dbi;
class MDBRWTransaction;
class MDBROTransaction;
class MDBEnv
MDBEnv(const char* fname, int flags, int mode);
// Only a single thread may call this function. All transactions, databases, and cursors must already be closed before calling this function
// but, elsewhere, docs say database handles do not need to be closed?
MDBDbi openDB(const string_view dbname, int flags);
MDBRWTransaction getRWTransaction();
MDBROTransaction getROTransaction();
operator MDB_env*& ()
return d_env;
MDB_env* d_env;
int getRWTX();
void incRWTX();
void decRWTX();
int getROTX();
void incROTX();
void decROTX();
std::mutex d_openmut;
std::mutex d_countmutex;
std::map<std::thread::id, int> d_RWtransactionsOut;
std::map<std::thread::id, int> d_ROtransactionsOut;
std::shared_ptr<MDBEnv> getMDBEnv(const char* fname, int flags, int mode);
struct MDBOutVal
operator MDB_val&()
return d_mdbval;
template <class T,
typename std::enable_if<std::is_arithmetic<T>::value,
T>::type* = nullptr> const
T get()
T ret;
if(d_mdbval.mv_size != sizeof(T))
throw std::runtime_error("MDB data has wrong length for type");
memcpy(&ret, d_mdbval.mv_data, sizeof(T));
return ret;
template <class T,
typename std::enable_if<std::is_class<T>::value,T>::type* = nullptr>
T get() const;
template<class T>
T get_struct() const
T ret;
if(d_mdbval.mv_size != sizeof(T))
throw std::runtime_error("MDB data has wrong length for type");
memcpy(&ret, d_mdbval.mv_data, sizeof(T));
return ret;
MDB_val d_mdbval;
template<> inline std::string MDBOutVal::get<std::string>() const
return std::string((char*)d_mdbval.mv_data, d_mdbval.mv_size);
template<> inline string_view MDBOutVal::get<string_view>() const
return string_view((char*)d_mdbval.mv_data, d_mdbval.mv_size);
class MDBInVal
MDBInVal(const MDBOutVal& rhs)
d_mdbval = rhs.d_mdbval;
template <class T,
typename std::enable_if<std::is_arithmetic<T>::value,
T>::type* = nullptr>
MDBInVal(T i)
memcpy(&d_memory[0], &i, sizeof(i));
d_mdbval.mv_size = sizeof(T);
d_mdbval.mv_data = d_memory;;
MDBInVal(const char* s)
d_mdbval.mv_size = strlen(s);
d_mdbval.mv_data = (void*)s;
MDBInVal(const string_view& v)
d_mdbval.mv_size = v.size();
d_mdbval.mv_data = (void*)&v[0];
MDBInVal(const std::string& v)
d_mdbval.mv_size = v.size();
d_mdbval.mv_data = (void*)&v[0];
template<typename T>
static MDBInVal fromStruct(const T& t)
MDBInVal ret;
ret.d_mdbval.mv_size = sizeof(T);
ret.d_mdbval.mv_data = (void*)&t;
return ret;
operator MDB_val&()
return d_mdbval;
MDB_val d_mdbval;
char d_memory[sizeof(double)];
class MDBROCursor;
class MDBROTransaction
explicit MDBROTransaction(MDBEnv* parent, int flags=0);
MDBROTransaction(MDBROTransaction&& rhs)
d_parent = rhs.d_parent;
d_txn = rhs.d_txn;
rhs.d_parent = 0;
rhs.d_txn = 0;
void reset()
// this does not free cursors
void renew()
throw std::runtime_error("Duplicate RO transaction");
if(int rc = mdb_txn_renew(d_txn))
throw std::runtime_error("Renewing RO transaction: "+std::string(mdb_strerror(rc)));
int get(MDB_dbi dbi, const MDBInVal& key, MDBOutVal& val)
throw std::runtime_error("Attempt to use a closed RO transaction for get");
int rc = mdb_get(d_txn, dbi, const_cast<MDB_val*>(&key.d_mdbval),
if(rc && rc != MDB_NOTFOUND)
throw std::runtime_error("getting data: " + std::string(mdb_strerror(rc)));
return rc;
int get(MDB_dbi dbi, const MDBInVal& key, string_view& val)
MDBOutVal out;
int rc = get(dbi, key, out);
val = out.get<string_view>();
return rc;
// this is something you can do, readonly
MDBDbi openDB(string_view dbname, int flags)
return MDBDbi( d_parent->d_env, d_txn, dbname, flags);
MDBROCursor getCursor(const MDBDbi&);
if(d_txn) {
mdb_txn_commit(d_txn); // this appears to work better than abort for r/o database opening
operator MDB_txn*&()
return d_txn;
MDBEnv* d_parent;
MDB_txn* d_txn;
A cursor in a read-only transaction must be closed explicitly, before or after its transaction ends. It can be reused with mdb_cursor_renew() before finally closing it.
"If the parent transaction commits, the cursor must not be used again."
class MDBROCursor
MDBROCursor(MDBROTransaction* parent, const MDB_dbi& dbi) : d_parent(parent)
int rc= mdb_cursor_open(d_parent->d_txn, dbi, &d_cursor);
if(rc) {
throw std::runtime_error("Error creating RO cursor: "+std::string(mdb_strerror(rc)));
MDBROCursor(MDBROCursor&& rhs)
d_cursor = rhs.d_cursor;
void close()
int get(MDBOutVal& key, MDBOutVal& data, MDB_cursor_op op)
int rc = mdb_cursor_get(d_cursor, &key.d_mdbval, &data.d_mdbval, op);
if(rc && rc != MDB_NOTFOUND)
throw std::runtime_error("Unable to get from cursor: " + std::string(mdb_strerror(rc)));
return rc;
int find(const MDBInVal& in, MDBOutVal& key, MDBOutVal& data)
key.d_mdbval = in.d_mdbval;
int rc=mdb_cursor_get(d_cursor, const_cast<MDB_val*>(&key.d_mdbval), &data.d_mdbval, MDB_SET);
if(rc && rc != MDB_NOTFOUND)
throw std::runtime_error("Unable to find from cursor: " + std::string(mdb_strerror(rc)));
return rc;
int lower_bound(const MDBInVal& in, MDBOutVal& key, MDBOutVal& data)
key.d_mdbval = in.d_mdbval;
int rc = mdb_cursor_get(d_cursor, const_cast<MDB_val*>(&key.d_mdbval), &data.d_mdbval, MDB_SET_RANGE);
if(rc && rc != MDB_NOTFOUND)
throw std::runtime_error("Unable to lower_bound from cursor: " + std::string(mdb_strerror(rc)));
return rc;
int next(MDBOutVal& key, MDBOutVal& data)
int rc = mdb_cursor_get(d_cursor, const_cast<MDB_val*>(&key.d_mdbval), &data.d_mdbval, MDB_NEXT);
if(rc && rc != MDB_NOTFOUND)
throw std::runtime_error("Unable to next from cursor: " + std::string(mdb_strerror(rc)));
return rc;
MDB_cursor* d_cursor;
MDBROTransaction* d_parent;
class MDBRWCursor;
class MDBRWTransaction
explicit MDBRWTransaction(MDBEnv* parent, int flags=0);
MDBRWTransaction(MDBRWTransaction&& rhs)
d_parent = rhs.d_parent;
d_txn = rhs.d_txn;
rhs.d_parent = 0;
rhs.d_txn = 0;
MDBRWTransaction& operator=(MDBRWTransaction&& rhs)
d_parent = rhs.d_parent;
d_txn = rhs.d_txn;
rhs.d_parent = 0;
rhs.d_txn = 0;
return *this;
if(d_txn) {
mdb_txn_abort(d_txn); // XXX check response?
void closeCursors();
void commit()
if(int rc = mdb_txn_commit(d_txn)) {
throw std::runtime_error("committing: " + std::string(mdb_strerror(rc)));
void abort()
mdb_txn_abort(d_txn); // XXX check error?
d_txn = 0;
void clear(MDB_dbi dbi);
void put(MDB_dbi dbi, const MDBInVal& key, const MDBInVal& val, int flags=0)
throw std::runtime_error("Attempt to use a closed RW transaction for put");
int rc;
if((rc=mdb_put(d_txn, dbi,
const_cast<MDB_val*>(&val.d_mdbval), flags)))
throw std::runtime_error("putting data: " + std::string(mdb_strerror(rc)));
int del(MDBDbi& dbi, const MDBInVal& key, const MDBInVal& val)
int rc;
rc=mdb_del(d_txn, dbi, (MDB_val*)&key.d_mdbval, (MDB_val*)&val.d_mdbval);
if(rc && rc != MDB_NOTFOUND)
throw std::runtime_error("deleting data: " + std::string(mdb_strerror(rc)));
return rc;
int del(MDBDbi& dbi, const MDBInVal& key)
int rc;
rc=mdb_del(d_txn, dbi, (MDB_val*)&key.d_mdbval, 0);
if(rc && rc != MDB_NOTFOUND)
throw std::runtime_error("deleting data: " + std::string(mdb_strerror(rc)));
return rc;
int get(MDBDbi& dbi, const MDBInVal& key, MDBOutVal& val)
throw std::runtime_error("Attempt to use a closed RW transaction for get");
int rc = mdb_get(d_txn, dbi, const_cast<MDB_val*>(&key.d_mdbval),
if(rc && rc != MDB_NOTFOUND)
throw std::runtime_error("getting data: " + std::string(mdb_strerror(rc)));
return rc;
int get(MDBDbi& dbi, const MDBInVal& key, string_view& val)
MDBOutVal out;
int rc = get(dbi, key, out);
val = out.get<string_view>();
return rc;
MDBDbi openDB(string_view dbname, int flags)
return MDBDbi(d_parent->d_env, d_txn, dbname, flags);
MDBRWCursor getCursor(const MDBDbi&);
void reportCursor(MDBRWCursor* child)
void unreportCursor(MDBRWCursor* child)
void reportCursorMove(MDBRWCursor* from, MDBRWCursor* to)
operator MDB_txn*&()
return d_txn;
std::set<MDBRWCursor*> d_cursors;
MDBEnv* d_parent;
MDB_txn* d_txn;
/* "A cursor in a write-transaction can be closed before its transaction ends, and will otherwise be closed when its transaction ends"
This is a problem for us since it may means we are closing the cursor twice, which is bad
class MDBRWCursor
MDBRWCursor(MDBRWTransaction* parent, const MDB_dbi& dbi) : d_parent(parent)
int rc= mdb_cursor_open(d_parent->d_txn, dbi, &d_cursor);
if(rc) {
throw std::runtime_error("Error creating RW cursor: "+std::string(mdb_strerror(rc)));
MDBRWCursor(MDBRWCursor&& rhs)
d_parent = rhs.d_parent;
d_cursor = rhs.d_cursor;
d_parent->reportCursorMove(&rhs, this);
void close()
int get(MDBOutVal& key, MDBOutVal& data, MDB_cursor_op op)
int rc = mdb_cursor_get(d_cursor, &key.d_mdbval, &data.d_mdbval, op);
if(rc && rc != MDB_NOTFOUND)
throw std::runtime_error("mdb_cursor_get: " + std::string(mdb_strerror(rc)));
return rc;
int put(const MDBOutVal& key, const MDBOutVal& data, int flags=0)
// XXX check errors
return mdb_cursor_put(d_cursor,
const_cast<MDB_val*>(&data.d_mdbval), flags);
int find(const MDBInVal& in, MDBOutVal& key, MDBOutVal& data)
key.d_mdbval = in.d_mdbval;
int rc=mdb_cursor_get(d_cursor, const_cast<MDB_val*>(&key.d_mdbval), &data.d_mdbval, MDB_SET);
if(rc && rc != MDB_NOTFOUND)
throw std::runtime_error("Unable to find from cursor: " + std::string(mdb_strerror(rc)));
return rc;
int lower_bound(const MDBInVal& in, MDBOutVal& key, MDBOutVal& data)
key.d_mdbval = in.d_mdbval;
int rc = mdb_cursor_get(d_cursor, const_cast<MDB_val*>(&key.d_mdbval), &data.d_mdbval, MDB_SET_RANGE);
if(rc && rc != MDB_NOTFOUND)
throw std::runtime_error("Unable to lower_bound from cursor: " + std::string(mdb_strerror(rc)));
return rc;
int next(MDBOutVal& key, MDBOutVal& data)
int rc = mdb_cursor_get(d_cursor, const_cast<MDB_val*>(&key.d_mdbval), &data.d_mdbval, MDB_NEXT);
if(rc && rc != MDB_NOTFOUND)
throw std::runtime_error("Unable to next from cursor: " + std::string(mdb_strerror(rc)));
return rc;
int del(int flags=0)
return mdb_cursor_del(d_cursor, flags);
operator MDB_cursor*&()
return d_cursor;
MDB_cursor* d_cursor;
MDBRWTransaction* d_parent;