
242 lines
7.4 KiB

#include "../lmdb-boost-serialization.hh"
#include "../lmdb-typed.hh"
#include <c++utilities/application/global.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
using namespace LMDBSafe;
struct DNSResourceRecord {
string qname; // index
uint16_t qtype{ 0 };
uint32_t domain_id{ 0 }; // index
string content;
uint32_t ttl{ 0 };
string ordername; // index
bool auth{ true };
struct DomainInfo {
string qname;
string master;
template <class Archive> void serialize(Archive &ar, DomainInfo &g, const unsigned int version)
ar &g.qname &g.master;
template <class Archive> void serialize(Archive &ar, DNSResourceRecord &g, const unsigned int version)
ar &g.qtype;
ar &g.qname;
ar &g.content;
ar &g.ttl;
ar &g.domain_id;
ar &g.ordername;
ar &g.auth;
struct compound {
std::string operator()(const DNSResourceRecord &rr)
std::string ret;
uint32_t id = htonl(rr.domain_id);
ret.assign(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&id), 4);
return ret;
int main()
TypedDBI<DNSResourceRecord, index_on<DNSResourceRecord, string, &DNSResourceRecord::qname>,
index_on<DNSResourceRecord, uint32_t, &DNSResourceRecord::domain_id>, index_on_function<DNSResourceRecord, string, compound>>
tdbi(getMDBEnv("./typed.lmdb", MDB_NOSUBDIR, 0600), "records");
TypedDBI<DomainInfo, index_on<DomainInfo, string, &DomainInfo::qname>> tdomains(tdbi.getEnv(), "domains");
auto rotxn = tdbi.getROTransaction();
DNSResourceRecord rr0;
if (rotxn.get(2, rr0)) {
cout << "id 2, found " << rr0.qname << endl;
} else {
cout << "Did not find id 2" << endl;
cout << "Iterating over name 'powerdns.com': " << endl;
auto range = rotxn.equal_range<0>("powerdns.com");
for (auto iter = std::move(range.first); iter != range.second; ++iter) {
cout << iter->qname << " " << iter->qtype << " " << iter->content << endl;
cout << "Currently have " << rotxn.size() << " entries" << endl;
cout << " " << rotxn.size<0>() << " " << rotxn.size<1>() << " " << rotxn.size<2>() << endl;
cout << " " << rotxn.cardinality<0>() << endl;
cout << " " << rotxn.cardinality<1>() << endl;
cout << " " << rotxn.cardinality<2>() << endl;
auto txn = tdbi.getRWTransaction();
auto domtxn = tdomains.getRWTransaction(txn.getTransactionHandle());
cout << domtxn.size() << " domains in table" << endl;
cout << "Currently have " << txn.size() << " entries after clear" << endl;
cout << " " << txn.size<0>() << " " << txn.size<1>() << " " << txn.size<2>() << endl;
cout << " " << txn.cardinality<0>() << endl;
cout << " " << txn.cardinality<1>() << endl;
cout << " " << txn.cardinality<2>() << endl;
DomainInfo di{ "powerdns.com", "ns1.powerdns.com" };
domtxn.put(di, 11);
DNSResourceRecord rr;
rr.domain_id = 11;
rr.qtype = 5;
rr.ttl = 3600;
rr.qname = "www.powerdns.com";
rr.ordername = "www";
rr.content = "powerdns.com";
auto id = txn.put(rr);
cout << "Puted as id " << id << endl;
rr.qname = "powerdns.com";
rr.qtype = 1;
rr.ordername = "";
rr.content = "";
id = txn.put(rr);
cout << "Puted as id " << id << endl;
rr.qtype = 2;
rr.content = "ns1.powerdns.com";
rr.ordername = "ns1";
id = txn.put(rr);
cout << "Puted as id " << id << endl;
rr.content = "ns2.powerdns.com";
rr.ordername = "ns2";
id = txn.put(rr);
cout << "Puted as id " << id << endl;
DomainInfo di2{ "ds9a.nl", "ns1.powerdns.com" };
domtxn.put(di, 10);
rr.qname = "www.ds9a.nl";
rr.domain_id = 10;
rr.content = "";
rr.qtype = 1;
rr.ordername = "www";
rr.qname = "ds9a.nl";
rr.content = "ns1.ds9a.nl bert.ds9a.nl 1";
rr.qtype = 6;
rr.ordername = "";
rr.qname = "ds9a.nl";
rr.content = "25 ns1.ds9a.nl";
rr.qtype = 15;
rr.qname = "ns1.ds9a.nl";
rr.content = "";
rr.qtype = 1;
rr.ordername = "ns1";
rr.qname = "ns1.ds9a.nl";
rr.content = "::1";
rr.qtype = 26;
rr.qname = "ns2.ds9a.nl";
rr.content = "";
rr.qtype = 1;
rr.ordername = "ns2";
rr.qname = "ns2.ds9a.nl";
rr.content = "::1";
rr.qtype = 26;
DNSResourceRecord rr2;
id = txn.get<0>("www.powerdns.com", rr2);
cout << "Retrieved id " << id << ", content: " << rr2.content << endl;
id = txn.get<0>("powerdns.com", rr2);
cout << "Retrieved id " << id << ", content: " << rr2.content << endl;
DNSResourceRecord rr3;
id = txn.get<0>("powerdns.com", rr3);
cout << id << endl;
cout << "Going to iterate over everything, ordered by name!" << endl;
for (auto iter = txn.begin<0>(); iter != txn.end(); ++iter) {
cout << iter.getID() << ": " << iter->qname << " " << iter->qtype << " " << iter->content << endl;
cout << "Going to iterate over everything, ordered by domain_id!" << endl;
for (auto iter = txn.begin<1>(); iter != txn.end(); ++iter) {
cout << iter.getID() << ": " << iter->qname << " " << iter->qtype << " " << iter->content << endl;
cout << "Going to iterate over everything, ordered by id!" << endl;
for (auto iter = txn.begin(); iter != txn.end(); ++iter) {
cout << iter.getID() << ": " << iter->qname << " " << iter->qtype << " " << iter->content << endl;
cout << "Going to iterate over everything, ordered by compound index!" << endl;
for (auto iter = txn.begin<2>(); iter != txn.end(); ++iter) {
cout << iter.getID() << ": " << iter->qname << " " << iter->qtype << " " << iter->content << " # " << iter->ordername << endl;
compound c;
rr3.ordername = "vvv";
rr3.domain_id = 10;
auto iter = txn.lower_bound<2>(c(rr3));
cout << "Found for '" << rr3.ordername << "' using compound index: " << iter->qname << " # '" << iter->ordername << "'" << endl;
for (int n = 0; n < 4; ++n) {
cout << "Found PREV using compound index: " << iter->qname << " # '" << iter->ordername << "'" << endl;
cout << "Going to iterate over the name powerdns.com!" << endl;
for (auto iter2 = txn.equal_range<0>("powerdns.com"); iter2.first != iter2.second; ++iter2.first) {
cout << iter2.first.getID() << ": " << iter2.first->qname << " " << iter2.first->qtype << " " << iter2.first->content << endl;
cout << "Done iterating" << endl;
cout << "Going to iterate over the zone ds9a.nl!" << endl;
for (auto iter2 = txn.find<1>(10); iter2 != txn.end(); ++iter2) {
cout << iter2.getID() << ": " << iter2->qname << " " << iter2->qtype << " " << iter2->content << endl;
cout << "Done iterating" << endl;
DNSResourceRecord change;
txn.get(1, change);
cout << "1.auth: " << change.auth << endl;
txn.modify(1, [](DNSResourceRecord &record) { record.auth = false; });
txn.get(1, change);
cout << "1.auth: " << change.auth << endl;
// DNSResourceRecord rr4;
// id = txn.get3("ns1", rr4);
// cout<<"Found "<<id<<": " << rr4.content <<endl;