
214 lines
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@file Settings.h
@brief Save all the settings for the programme in the right place.
@author L. J. Barman
Copyright (c) 2008-2020, L. J. Barman and others, all rights reserved
This file is part of the PianoBooster application
PianoBooster is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
PianoBooster is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with PianoBooster. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#ifndef __SETTINGS_H__
#define __SETTINGS_H__
#include <QSettings>
#include <QDomDocument>
#include "Song.h"
#include "Notation.h"
#define QSTR_APPNAME "pianobooster"
class GuiSidePanel;
class GuiTopBar;
class QtWindow;
/// Save all the settings for the programme in the right place.
class CSettings : public QSettings
CSettings(QtWindow *mainWindow);
void init(CSong* song, GuiSidePanel* sidePanel, GuiTopBar* topBar);
/// returns true if the user wants to see the note names
bool isNoteNamesEnabled() { return m_noteNamesEnabled; }
bool displayCourtesyAccidentals() { return CNotation::displayCourtesyAccidentals(); }
bool isTutorPagesEnabled() { return m_tutorPagesEnabled; }
bool isFollowThroughErrorsEnabled() { return m_followThroughErrorsEnabled; }
bool isColoredNotesEnabled() { return m_coloredNotes; }
/// Saves in the .ini file whether the user wants to show the note names
void setNoteNamesEnabled(bool value);
void setColoredNotes(bool value);
void setTutorPagesEnabled(bool value);
void setFollowThroughErrorsEnabled(bool value);
void setCourtesyAccidentals(bool value);
void setAdvancedMode(bool value) { m_advancedMode = value;}
/// returns true if the user wants to see the note names
bool showNoteNames(){
return m_noteNamesEnabled;
/// returns true if the user wants to see color-coded notes
bool coloredNotes(){
return m_coloredNotes;
void coloredNotes(bool b){
m_coloredNotes = b;
/// returns true if the user wants Follow Skill to ignore errors
bool followThroughErrors(){
return m_followThroughErrorsEnabled;
void updateTutorPage();
void openSongFile(const QString & filename);
QString getCurrentSongName() { return m_currentSongName; }
void setCurrentSongName(const QString & name);
QString getCurrentBookName() { return m_currentBookName; }
void setCurrentBookName(const QString & name, bool clearSongName);
QStringList getBookList();
QStringList getSongList();
void writeSettings();
void loadSettings();
void unzipBoosterMusicBooks();
QString getCurrentSongLongFileName()
if (getCurrentSongName().isEmpty())
return QString();
return m_bookPath + getCurrentBookName() + '/' + getCurrentSongName();
QStringList getFluidSoundFontNames()
return m_fluidSoundFontNames;
void setFluidSoundFontNames(QStringList names)
m_fluidSoundFontNames = names;
void setFluidSoundFontNames(QString names)
m_fluidSoundFontNames = QStringList(names);
void addFluidSoundFontName(QString sfName)
void removeFluidSoundFontName(QString sfName)
void clearFluidSoundFontNames()
void saveSoundFontSettings()
setValue("FluidSynth/SoundFont", getFluidSoundFontNames());
// has a new sound font been entered that is not the same as the old sound font
bool isNewSoundFontEntered()
if (getFluidSoundFontNames().isEmpty())
return false;
return getFluidSoundFontNames() != value("FluidSynth/SoundFont").toStringList();
void pianistActive() { m_pianistActive = true;}
void setActiveHand(whichPart_t hand);
void setChannelHands(int left, int right);
void fastUpdateRate(bool fullSpeed);
QString getWarningMessage() {return m_warningMessage;}
void updateWarningMessages();
QString selectedLangauge() {
QString locale = value("General/lang","").toString();
if (locale.isEmpty()) {
locale = QLocale::system().bcp47Name();
int n = locale.indexOf("_");
if ((n > 0)) {
locale = locale.left(n);
return locale;
QDomElement openDomElement(QDomElement parent, const QString & elementName, const QString & attributeName = QString());
void loadHandSettings();
void saveHandSettings();
void loadPartSettings();
void savePartSettings();
void loadSongSettings();
void saveSongSettings();
void loadBookSettings();
void saveBookSettings();
void loadXmlFile();
void saveXmlFile();
void setDefaultValue(const QString & key, const QVariant & value );
void setupDefaultSoundFont();
// returns either 'left' 'right' or 'both'
const QString partToHandString(whichPart_t part)
if (part == PB_PART_left)
return "left";
else if (part == PB_PART_right)
return "right";
return "both";
QDomDocument m_domDocument; // The Complete XML DOM document for one book
QDomElement m_domBook; // only one book
QDomElement m_domSong; // The Elements for each song
QDomElement m_domHand; // The saved settings for each hand
QtWindow *m_mainWindow;
CSong* m_song;
GuiSidePanel* m_guiSidePanel;
GuiTopBar* m_guiTopBar;
bool m_noteNamesEnabled;
bool m_coloredNotes;
bool m_tutorPagesEnabled;
bool m_advancedMode;
bool m_followThroughErrorsEnabled;
QString m_bookPath;
QString m_currentBookName;
QString m_currentSongName;
QString m_warningMessage;
QStringList m_fluidSoundFontNames = QStringList();
bool m_pianistActive;
#endif // __SETTINGS_H__