cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.3.0 FATAL_ERROR) # applies Qt specific configuration notes: For GUI applications, QtGuiConfig must be included before. This module must always # be included before AppTarget/LibraryTarget. # ensure generated sources are processed by AUTOMOC and AUTOUIC if (POLICY CMP0071) cmake_policy(SET CMP0071 NEW) endif () # verify inclusion order if (NOT BASIC_PROJECT_CONFIG_DONE) message(FATAL_ERROR "Before including the QtConfig module, the BasicConfig module must be included.") endif () if (QT_CONFIGURED) message(FATAL_ERROR "The QtConfig module can not be included when Qt usage has already been configured.") endif () if (TARGET_CONFIG_DONE) message(FATAL_ERROR "Can not include QtConfig module when targets are already configured.") endif () # include required modules include(ListToString) include(TemplateFinder) include(QtLinkage) # add the Core module as it is always required and also add additional Qt/KF modules which must have been specified before if # required note: The Gui/Widgets/Quick modules should be added by including QtGuiConfig. set(QT_REPOS ${ADDITIONAL_QT_REPOS} base) set(QT_MODULES ${ADDITIONAL_QT_MODULES} Core) set(KF_MODULES ${ADDITIONAL_KF_MODULES}) # disable auto-inclusion of QML plugins because these seem to pull in unwanted dependencies like PostgreSQL (required as of # Qt 6) set(QT_SKIP_AUTO_QML_PLUGIN_INCLUSION ON) # disable deprecated features option(DISABLE_DEPRECATED_QT_FEATURES "specifies whether deprecated Qt features should be disabled" OFF) if (DISABLE_DEPRECATED_QT_FEATURES) list(APPEND META_PRIVATE_COMPILE_DEFINITIONS QT_DEPRECATED_WARNINGS QT_DISABLE_DEPRECATED_BEFORE=0x060000) endif () # allow specifying a custom directory for Qt plugins set(QT_PLUGIN_DIR "" CACHE STRING "specifies the directory to install Qt plugins") # check whether D-Bus interfaces need to be processed if (DBUS_FILES) message(STATUS "Project has D-Bus interface declarations which will be processed.") # the D-Bus Qt module is required list(APPEND QT_MODULES DBus) endif () # remove duplicates list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES QT_REPOS) list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES QT_MODULES) if (IMPORTED_QT_MODULES) list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES IMPORTED_QT_MODULES) endif () if (KF_MODULES) list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES KF_MODULES) endif () if (IMPORTED_KF_MODULES) list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES IMPORTED_KF_MODULES) endif () # find and use the required Qt/KF modules set(QT_PACKAGE_PREFIX "Qt5" CACHE STRING "specifies the prefix for Qt packages") string(TOLOWER "${QT_PACKAGE_PREFIX}" QT_PACKAGE_PREFIX_LOWER) set(QT_LINGUIST_TOOLS_PACKAGE "${QT_PACKAGE_PREFIX}LinguistTools") set(QT_QMAKE_TARGET "${QT_PACKAGE_PREFIX}::qmake") foreach (MODULE ${QT_MODULES}) unset(MODULE_OPTIONS) if ("${MODULE}" IN_LIST META_PUBLIC_QT_MODULES) list(APPEND MODULE_OPTIONS VISIBILITY PUBLIC) endif () use_qt_module(PREFIX "${QT_PACKAGE_PREFIX}" MODULE "${MODULE}" ${MODULE_OPTIONS}) endforeach () set(KF_PACKAGE_PREFIX "KF5" CACHE STRING "specifies the prefix for KDE Frameworks packages") foreach (MODULE ${KF_MODULES}) unset(MODULE_OPTIONS) if ("${MODULE}" IN_LIST META_PUBLIC_KF_MODULES) list(APPEND MODULE_OPTIONS VISIBILITY PUBLIC) endif () use_qt_module(PREFIX "${KF_PACKAGE_PREFIX}" MODULE "${MODULE}" ${MODULE_OPTIONS}) endforeach () # hacks for using static Qt 5 via "StaticQt5" prefix: find regular Qt5Core module as well so Qt version is defined and use # regular Qt5LinguistTools module and regular qmake target if (QT_PACKAGE_PREFIX STREQUAL "StaticQt5") find_package(Qt5Core) set(QT_LINGUIST_TOOLS_PACKAGE Qt5LinguistTools) set(QT_QMAKE_TARGET Qt5::qmake) endif () # find transitively required Qt/KF modules foreach (MODULE ${IMPORTED_QT_MODULES}) if (NOT "${QT_MODULE}" IN_LIST QT_MODULES) find_package("${QT_PACKAGE_PREFIX}${MODULE}" REQUIRED) endif () endforeach () foreach (MODULE ${IMPORTED_KF_MODULES}) if (NOT "${KF_MODULE}" IN_LIST KF_MODULES) find_package("${KF_PACKAGE_PREFIX}${MODULE}" REQUIRED) endif () endforeach () # built-in platform, imageformat and iconengine plugins when linking statically against Qt if (STATIC_LINKAGE AND META_PROJECT_IS_APPLICATION) message(STATUS "Linking application ${META_PROJECT_NAME} against Qt plugins because static linkage is enabled.") if (Gui IN_LIST QT_MODULES OR Widgets IN_LIST QT_MODULES OR Quick IN_LIST QT_MODULES) if (WIN32) use_qt_module( PREFIX "${QT_PACKAGE_PREFIX}" MODULE Gui PLUGINS WindowsIntegration ONLY_PLUGINS) elseif (APPLE) use_qt_module( PREFIX "${QT_PACKAGE_PREFIX}" MODULE Gui PLUGINS CocoaIntegration ONLY_PLUGINS) elseif (TARGET "${QT_PACKAGE_PREFIX}::QXcbIntegrationPlugin") use_qt_module( PREFIX "${QT_PACKAGE_PREFIX}" MODULE Gui PLUGINS XcbIntegration ONLY_PLUGINS) else () message(WARNING "The required platform plugin for your platform is unknown an can not be linked in statically.") endif () endif () # ensure all available widget style plugins are built-in when creating a Qt Widgets application note: required since Qt # 5.10 because the styles have been "pluginized" (see commit 4f3249f) set(KNOWN_WIDGET_STYLE_PLUGINS WindowsVistaStyle MacStyle AndroidStyle) set(USED_WIDGET_STYLE_PLUGINS) if (Widgets IN_LIST QT_MODULES) foreach (WIDGET_STYLE_PLUGIN ${KNOWN_WIDGET_STYLE_PLUGINS}) if (TARGET "${QT_PACKAGE_PREFIX}::Q${WIDGET_STYLE_PLUGIN}Plugin") use_qt_module( PREFIX "${QT_PACKAGE_PREFIX}" MODULE Widgets PLUGINS ${WIDGET_STYLE_PLUGIN} ONLY_PLUGINS) list(APPEND USED_WIDGET_STYLE_PLUGINS "${WIDGET_STYLE_PLUGIN}") endif () endforeach () # allow importing image format plugins via qtconfig.h if (USED_WIDGET_STYLE_PLUGINS) list_to_string(" " "\\\n Q_IMPORT_PLUGIN(Q" "Plugin)" "${USED_WIDGET_STYLE_PLUGINS}" WIDGET_STYLE_PLUGINS_ARRAY) endif () endif () # ensure image format plugins (beside SVG) are built-in if configured if (IMAGE_FORMAT_SUPPORT) foreach (IMAGE_FORMAT ${IMAGE_FORMAT_SUPPORT}) if (IMAGE_FORMAT EQUAL "Svg") # the image format plugin of the Qt Svg module is handled separately set(SVG_SUPPORT ON) list(REMOVE_ITEM IMAGE_FORMAT_SUPPORT Svg) else () use_qt_module( PREFIX "${QT_PACKAGE_PREFIX}" MODULE Gui PLUGINS ${IMAGE_FORMAT} ONLY_PLUGINS) endif () endforeach () # allow importing image format plugins via qtconfig.h list_to_string(" " "\\\n Q_IMPORT_PLUGIN(Q" "Plugin)" "${IMAGE_FORMAT_SUPPORT}" IMAGE_FORMAT_SUPPORT_ARRAY) endif () # ensure SVG plugins are built-in if configured if ((SVG_SUPPORT OR SVG_ICON_SUPPORT) AND NOT Svg IN_LIST QT_MODULES) use_qt_module(PREFIX "${QT_PACKAGE_PREFIX}" MODULE Svg) endif () if (SVG_SUPPORT) use_qt_module( PREFIX "${QT_PACKAGE_PREFIX}" MODULE Svg PLUGINS Svg ONLY_PLUGINS) endif () if (SVG_ICON_SUPPORT) use_qt_module( PREFIX "${QT_PACKAGE_PREFIX}" MODULE Svg PLUGINS SvgIcon ONLY_PLUGINS) endif () endif () # option for built-in translations option(BUILTIN_TRANSLATIONS "enables/disables built-in translations when building applications and libraries" OFF) option(BUILTIN_TRANSLATIONS_OF_QT "enables/disables built-in translations of Qt itself when building applications" "${BUILTIN_TRANSLATIONS}") # determine relevant Qt translation files set(QT_TRANSLATION_FILES) set(QT_TRANSLATION_SEARCH_PATHS) query_qmake_variable_path(QT_INSTALL_TRANSLATIONS) if (QT_INSTALL_TRANSLATIONS) list(APPEND QT_TRANSLATION_SEARCH_PATHS "${QT_INSTALL_TRANSLATIONS}") endif () if (CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH) foreach (ROOT_PATH ${CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH}) list(APPEND QT_TRANSLATION_SEARCH_PATHS "${ROOT_PATH}/${CMAKE_INSTALL_DATAROOTDIR}/qt/translations" "${ROOT_PATH}/${CMAKE_INSTALL_DATAROOTDIR}/${QT_PACKAGE_PREFIX_LOWER}/translations") endforeach () endif () list( APPEND QT_TRANSLATION_SEARCH_PATHS "${CMAKE_INSTALL_FULL_DATAROOTDIR}/qt/translations" "${CMAKE_INSTALL_FULL_DATAROOTDIR}/${QT_PACKAGE_PREFIX_LOWER}/translations" "/usr/${CMAKE_INSTALL_DATAROOTDIR}/qt/translations" "/usr/${CMAKE_INSTALL_DATAROOTDIR}/${QT_PACKAGE_PREFIX_LOWER}/translations") list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES QT_TRANSLATION_SEARCH_PATHS) set(QT_TRANSLATIONS_FOUND NO) foreach (QT_TRANSLATION_PATH ${QT_TRANSLATION_SEARCH_PATHS}) if (NOT IS_DIRECTORY "${QT_TRANSLATION_PATH}") continue() endif () foreach (QT_REPO ${QT_REPOS}) file(GLOB QT_QM_FILES "${QT_TRANSLATION_PATH}/qt${QT_REPO}_*.qm") if (NOT QT_QM_FILES) continue() endif () # add files to list of built-in translations but only if that configuration is enabled and if we're building the # final application if (BUILTIN_TRANSLATIONS_OF_QT AND "${META_PROJECT_TYPE}" STREQUAL "application") file(COPY ${QT_QM_FILES} DESTINATION "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}") list(APPEND EXTERNAL_QM_FILES ${QT_QM_FILES}) endif () list(APPEND QT_TRANSLATION_FILES "qt${QT_REPO}") endforeach () set(QT_TRANSLATIONS_FOUND YES) break() endforeach () # make list of Qt translation files even if translations are not found at build time if (NOT QT_TRANSLATIONS_FOUND) foreach (QT_REPO ${QT_REPOS}) list(APPEND QT_TRANSLATION_FILES "qt${QT_REPO}") endforeach () endif () # emit warning if no Qt translations found but built-in translations are enabled if (BUILTIN_TRANSLATIONS AND NOT QT_TRANSLATION_FILES) message( WARNING "Unable to find translations of Qt itself so Qt's translation files will not be built-in. Be sure Qt translations ( are installed. Was looking under: ${QT_TRANSLATION_SEARCH_PATHS}" ) endif () # make relevant Qt translations available as array via qtconfig.h if (QT_TRANSLATION_FILES) list_to_string("," " \\\n QStringLiteral(\"" "\")" "${QT_TRANSLATION_FILES}" QT_TRANSLATION_FILES_ARRAY) endif () # enable lrelease and add install target for localization option(ENABLE_QT_TRANSLATIONS "specifies whether Qt translations should be updated/released" ON) if (ENABLE_QT_TRANSLATIONS AND TS_FILES) message(STATUS "Project has translations which will be released.") set(APP_SPECIFIC_QT_TRANSLATIONS_AVAILABLE YES) # require the LinguistTools module (not adding it to QT_MODULES because we don't link against it) if (QT_HOST_PATH) # find the module within the host path when set (required for cross compilation with Qt 6 as the module is absent in # the target install tree) find_package( "${QT_LINGUIST_TOOLS_PACKAGE}" PATHS "${QT_HOST_PATH}" "${QT_HOST_PATH}/lib/cmake" NO_CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH NO_DEFAULT_PATH REQUIRED) else () find_package("${QT_LINGUIST_TOOLS_PACKAGE}" REQUIRED) endif () if (NOT COMMAND qt_create_translation) macro (qt_create_translation) qt5_create_translation(${ARGV}) endmacro () endif () set(LUPDATE_OPTIONS "" CACHE STRING "specifies options passed to lupdate") # adds the translations and a target for it qt_create_translation( QM_FILES ${HEADER_FILES} ${SRC_FILES} ${WIDGETS_HEADER_FILES} ${WIDGETS_SRC_FILES} ${WIDGETS_UI_FILES} ${QML_HEADER_FILES} ${QML_SRC_FILES} ${QML_RES_FILES} ${EXCLUDED_FILES} ${TS_FILES} OPTIONS ${LUPDATE_OPTIONS}) add_custom_target(${META_PROJECT_NAME}_translations DEPENDS ${QM_FILES}) if (NOT TARGET translations) add_custom_target(translations DEPENDS ${META_PROJECT_NAME}_translations) else () add_dependencies(translations ${META_PROJECT_NAME}_translations) endif () # add install target for translations if (NOT META_NO_INSTALL_TARGETS AND ENABLE_INSTALL_TARGETS AND NOT BUILTIN_TRANSLATIONS) install( FILES ${QM_FILES} DESTINATION "${META_DATA_DIR}/translations" COMPONENT localization) if (NOT TARGET install-localization) set(LOCALIZATION_TARGET "install-localization") add_custom_target(${LOCALIZATION_TARGET} COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_COMPONENT=localization -P "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/cmake_install.cmake") add_dependencies(${LOCALIZATION_TARGET} ${META_PROJECT_NAME}_translations) endif () endif () list(APPEND APP_SPECIFIC_QT_TRANSLATION_FILES "${META_PROJECT_NAME}") endif () # make application specific translation available as array via qtconfig.h (even if this project has no translations, there # might be some from dependencies) if (APP_SPECIFIC_QT_TRANSLATION_FILES) list_to_string("," " \\\n QStringLiteral(\"" "\")" "${APP_SPECIFIC_QT_TRANSLATION_FILES}" APP_SPECIFIC_QT_TRANSLATION_FILES_ARRAY) else () set(APP_SPECIFIC_QT_TRANSLATIONS_AVAILABLE NO) endif () # built-in translations if (BUILTIN_TRANSLATIONS AND (QM_FILES OR EXTERNAL_QM_FILES)) # write a qrc file for the qm files and add it to the resource files set(TRANSLATIONS_QRC_FILE_NAME "${META_PROJECT_VARNAME_LOWER}_translations.qrc") set(TRANSLATIONS_QRC_FILE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${TRANSLATIONS_QRC_FILE_NAME}") file(WRITE "${TRANSLATIONS_QRC_FILE}" "") foreach (QM_FILE ${QM_FILES} ${EXTERNAL_QM_FILES}) get_filename_component(QM_FILE_NAME "${QM_FILE}" NAME) file(APPEND "${TRANSLATIONS_QRC_FILE}" "${QM_FILE_NAME}") endforeach () file(APPEND "${TRANSLATIONS_QRC_FILE}" "") list(APPEND RES_FILES "${TRANSLATIONS_QRC_FILE}") list(APPEND AUTOGEN_DEPS ${QM_FILES} ${EXTERNAL_QM_FILES}) list(APPEND BUILTIN_TRANSLATION_FILES "${TRANSLATIONS_QRC_FILE_NAME}") endif () # generate DBus interfaces if (DBUS_FILES) if (NOT COMMAND qt_add_dbus_interfaces) macro (qt_add_dbus_interfaces) qt5_add_dbus_interfaces(${ARGV}) endmacro () endif () qt_add_dbus_interfaces(GENERATED_DBUS_FILES ${DBUS_FILES}) endif () # add icons to be built-in if (REQUIRED_ICONS) set(BUILTIN_ICON_THEMES "" CACHE STRING "specifies icon themes to be built-in") option(BUILTIN_ICON_THEMES_IN_LIBRARIES "specifies whether icon themes should also be built-in when building libraries" OFF) if (BUILTIN_ICON_THEMES AND (BUILTIN_ICON_THEMES_IN_LIBRARIES OR (NOT "${META_PROJECT_TYPE}" STREQUAL "library"))) set(ICON_THEME_FILES) set(ICON_SEARCH_PATHS) if (CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH) foreach (ROOT_PATH ${CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH}) list(APPEND ICON_SEARCH_PATHS "${ROOT_PATH}/${CMAKE_INSTALL_DATAROOTDIR}/icons") endforeach () endif () list(APPEND ICON_SEARCH_PATHS "${CMAKE_INSTALL_FULL_DATAROOTDIR}/icons") list(APPEND ICON_SEARCH_PATHS "/usr/${CMAKE_INSTALL_DATAROOTDIR}/icons") # find icons from regular prefix when cross- # compiling list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES ICON_SEARCH_PATHS) set(BUILTIN_ICONS_DIR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/icons") set(DEFAULT_THEME_INDEX_FILE "${BUILTIN_ICONS_DIR}/default/index.theme") file(REMOVE_RECURSE "${BUILTIN_ICONS_DIR}") file(MAKE_DIRECTORY "${BUILTIN_ICONS_DIR}") foreach (ICON_THEME ${BUILTIN_ICON_THEMES}) string(REGEX MATCHALL "([^:]+|[^:]+$)" ICON_THEME_PARTS "${ICON_THEME}") list(LENGTH ICON_THEME_PARTS ICON_THEME_PARTS_LENGTH) if ("${ICON_THEME_PARTS_LENGTH}" STREQUAL 2) list(GET ICON_THEME_PARTS 0 ICON_THEME) list(GET ICON_THEME_PARTS 1 NEW_ICON_THEME_NAME) else () set(NEW_ICON_THEME_NAME "${ICON_THEME}") endif () foreach (ICON_SEARCH_PATH ${ICON_SEARCH_PATHS}) set(ICON_THEME_PATH "${ICON_SEARCH_PATH}/${ICON_THEME}") set(NEW_ICON_THEME_PATH "${ICON_SEARCH_PATH}/${ICON_THEME}") if (IS_DIRECTORY "${ICON_THEME_PATH}") message( STATUS "The specified icon theme \"${ICON_THEME}\" has been located under \"${ICON_THEME_PATH}\" and will be built-in." ) # find index files if (NOT ICON_THEME STREQUAL FALLBACK_ICON_THEME) file( GLOB GLOBBED_ICON_THEME_INDEX_FILES LIST_DIRECTORIES false "${ICON_THEME_PATH}/index.theme" "${ICON_THEME_PATH}/icon-theme.cache") else () # only index.theme required when icons are provided as fallback anyways file( GLOB GLOBBED_ICON_THEME_INDEX_FILES LIST_DIRECTORIES false "${ICON_THEME_PATH}/index.theme") endif () # make the first specified built-in the default theme if (NOT EXISTS "${DEFAULT_THEME_INDEX_FILE}") file(MAKE_DIRECTORY "${BUILTIN_ICONS_DIR}/default") file(WRITE "${DEFAULT_THEME_INDEX_FILE}" "[Icon Theme]\nInherits=${NEW_ICON_THEME_NAME}") list(APPEND ICON_THEME_FILES "default/index.theme") endif () # find required icons, except the icon theme is provided as fallback anyways if (NOT ICON_THEME STREQUAL FALLBACK_ICON_THEME) set(GLOB_PATTERNS) foreach (REQUIRED_ICON ${REQUIRED_ICONS}) list(APPEND GLOB_PATTERNS "${ICON_THEME_PATH}/${REQUIRED_ICON}" "${ICON_THEME_PATH}/${REQUIRED_ICON}.*" "${ICON_THEME_PATH}/*/${REQUIRED_ICON}" "${ICON_THEME_PATH}/*/${REQUIRED_ICON}.*") endforeach () file( GLOB_RECURSE GLOBBED_ICON_THEME_FILES LIST_DIRECTORIES false ${GLOB_PATTERNS}) else () message( STATUS "Icon files for specified theme \"${ICON_THEME}\" are skipped because these are provided as fallback anyways." ) set(GLOBBED_ICON_THEME_FILES) endif () # make temporary copy of required icons and create resource list for Qt foreach (ICON_THEME_FILE ${GLOBBED_ICON_THEME_INDEX_FILES} ${GLOBBED_ICON_THEME_FILES}) # resolve symlinks if (IS_SYMLINK "${ICON_THEME_FILE}") string(REGEX REPLACE "^${ICON_SEARCH_PATH}/" "" ICON_THEME_FILE_RELATIVE_PATH "${ICON_THEME_FILE}") string(REGEX REPLACE "(^[^/\\]+)" "${NEW_ICON_THEME_NAME}" NEW_ICON_THEME_FILE_RELATIVE_PATH "${ICON_THEME_FILE_RELATIVE_PATH}") set(ICON_THEME_FILE_ALIAS " alias=\"${NEW_ICON_THEME_FILE_RELATIVE_PATH}\"") get_filename_component(ICON_THEME_FILE "${ICON_THEME_FILE}" REALPATH) else () unset(ICON_THEME_FILE_ALIAS) endif () string(REGEX REPLACE "^${ICON_SEARCH_PATH}/" "" ICON_THEME_FILE_RELATIVE_PATH "${ICON_THEME_FILE}") string(REGEX REPLACE "(^[^/\\]+)" "${NEW_ICON_THEME_NAME}" NEW_ICON_THEME_FILE_RELATIVE_PATH "${ICON_THEME_FILE_RELATIVE_PATH}") get_filename_component(ICON_THEME_FILE_DIR "${ICON_THEME_FILE_RELATIVE_PATH}" DIRECTORY) string(REGEX REPLACE "(^[^/\\]+)" "${NEW_ICON_THEME_NAME}" NEW_ICON_THEME_FILE_DIR "${ICON_THEME_FILE_DIR}") file(MAKE_DIRECTORY "${BUILTIN_ICONS_DIR}/${NEW_ICON_THEME_FILE_DIR}") file(COPY "${ICON_THEME_FILE}" DESTINATION "${BUILTIN_ICONS_DIR}/${NEW_ICON_THEME_FILE_DIR}") list(APPEND ICON_THEME_FILES "${NEW_ICON_THEME_FILE_RELATIVE_PATH}") endforeach () break() endif () unset(ICON_THEME_PATH) endforeach () if (NOT ICON_THEME_PATH) message(FATAL_ERROR "The specified icon theme \"${ICON_THEME}\" coud not be found.") endif () endforeach () set(BUILTIN_ICON_THEMES_QRC_FILE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/icons/${META_PROJECT_NAME}_builtinicons.qrc") list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES ICON_THEME_FILES) string(CONCAT BUILTIN_ICON_THEMES_QRC_FILE_CONTENT "" ${ICON_THEME_FILES} "") file(WRITE "${BUILTIN_ICON_THEMES_QRC_FILE}" "${BUILTIN_ICON_THEMES_QRC_FILE_CONTENT}") list(APPEND RES_FILES "${BUILTIN_ICON_THEMES_QRC_FILE}") endif () endif () # export Qt resources from specified RES_FILES foreach (RES_FILE ${RES_FILES}) get_filename_component(RES_EXT ${RES_FILE} EXT) if (RES_EXT STREQUAL ".qrc") get_filename_component(RES_NAME ${RES_FILE} NAME_WE) list(APPEND QT_RESOURCES "${RES_NAME}") endif () endforeach () # export Qt resources required by static libraries the static library depends on if (STATIC_LIBRARIES_QT_RESOURCES) list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES STATIC_LIBRARIES_QT_RESOURCES) list(APPEND QT_RESOURCES ${STATIC_LIBRARIES_QT_RESOURCES}) endif () # enable Qt resources required by libraries the application depends on if (QT_RESOURCES) list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES QT_RESOURCES) # make enabling resources of static dependencies available via qtconfig.h unset(ENABLE_QT_RESOURCES_OF_STATIC_DEPENDENCIES) foreach (QT_RESOURCE ${STATIC_LIBRARIES_QT_RESOURCES}) set(ENABLE_QT_RESOURCES_OF_STATIC_DEPENDENCIES "${ENABLE_QT_RESOURCES_OF_STATIC_DEPENDENCIES} \\\n struct initializer_${QT_RESOURCE} { \\\n initializer_${QT_RESOURCE}() { Q_INIT_RESOURCE(${QT_RESOURCE}); } \\\n ~initializer_${QT_RESOURCE}() { Q_CLEANUP_RESOURCE(${QT_RESOURCE}); } \\\n } dummy_${QT_RESOURCE};" ) endforeach () endif () # enable moc, uic and rcc by default for all targets set(CMAKE_AUTOMOC ON) set(CMAKE_AUTORCC ON) set(CMAKE_INCLUDE_CURRENT_DIR ON) if (WIDGETS_UI_FILES AND WIDGETS_GUI) set(CMAKE_AUTOUIC ON) if (INSTALL_UI_HEADER) # also add install for header files generated by uic foreach (UI_FILE WIDGETS_UI_FILES) get_filename_component(UI_NAME "${UI_FILE}" NAME_WE) install( FILES "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/ui_${UI_NAME}.h" DESTINATION "${CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR}/${META_PROJECT_NAME}/ui" COMPONENT ui-header) endforeach () endif () endif () # add configuration header for Qt-specific configuration find_template_file("qtconfig.h" QT_UTILITIES QT_CONFIG_H_TEMPLATE_FILE) configure_file("${QT_CONFIG_H_TEMPLATE_FILE}" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/resources/qtconfig.h") set(QT_CONFIGURED YES)