cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.1.0 FATAL_ERROR) # metadata set(META_PROJECT_NAME reflective_rapidjson_generator) set(META_PROJECT_TYPE application) set(LINK_TESTS_AGAINST_APP_TARGET ON) # add project files set(HEADER_FILES codegenerator.h jsonserializationcodegenerator.h codefactory.h frontendaction.h consumer.h visitor.h clangversionabstraction.h ) set(SRC_FILES codegenerator.cpp jsonserializationcodegenerator.cpp codefactory.cpp frontendaction.cpp consumer.cpp clangversionabstraction.cpp visitor.cpp main.cpp ) set(TEST_HEADER_FILES tests/structs.h tests/helper.h ) set(TEST_SRC_FILES tests/cppunit.cpp tests/jsongenerator.cpp ) # link against c++utilities use_cpp_utilities() # find Clang for LibTooling; adding clangTooling should be sufficient as it pulls all transitive dependencies find_package(Clang REQUIRED) list(APPEND PRIVATE_LIBRARIES clangTooling) # also add reflective_rapidjson which is header-only but might pull additional include dirs for RapidJSON list(APPEND PRIVATE_LIBRARIES reflective_rapidjson) # include modules to apply configuration include(BasicConfig) include(WindowsResources) include(AppTarget) # trigger code generator for tests because the tests already contain structs to be (de)serialized include(ReflectionGenerator) add_reflection_generator_invocation( INPUT_FILES tests/structs.h # used by test cases tests/cppunit.cpp # just for testing multiple input files and the "empty file" case GENERATORS json OUTPUT_LISTS TEST_HEADER_FILES JSON_CLASSES OtherNotJsonSerializable # test specifying classes for JSON (de)serialization manually SomeOtherClassName # specifying a class that does not exist should not cause any problems JSON_VISIBILITY LIB_EXPORT # not required, just to test setting visibility ) # include modules to apply configuration include(TestTarget) include(ShellCompletion) include(Doxygen) include(ConfigHeader)