var repoindex = (function(repoindex) { repoindex.Pages = { Packages: "packages", Groups:"groups", Repositories: "repositories" }; var checkVisibility = function(elm, evalType) { evalType = evalType || "visible"; var vpH = $(window).height(), st = $(window).scrollTop(), y = $(elm).offset().top, elementHeight = $(elm).height(); if (evalType === "visible") return ((y < (vpH + st)) && (y > (st - elementHeight))); if (evalType === "above") return ((y < (vpH + st))); }; var PageManager = function() { // basic intialization this.currentPage = undefined; this.currentManager = undefined; this.repoManager = new repoindex.RepoEntryManager(new repoindex.Pagination("repos_pagination")); this.packageManager = new repoindex.PackageEntryManager(new repoindex.Pagination("packages_pagination"), this.repoManager.entries); this.groupManager = new repoindex.GroupEntryManager(new repoindex.Pagination("groups_pagination"), this.repoManager.entries); this.internalHashChange = false; // get document elements this.errorBox = document.getElementById("error_box"); this.errorList = document.getElementById("error_list"); this.leftColumnContainerPackages = document.getElementById("left_column_container_packages"); this.rightColumnContainerPackages = document.getElementById("right_column_container_packages"); this.leftColumnContainerRepos = document.getElementById("left_column_container_repos"); this.rightColumnContainerRepos = document.getElementById("right_column_container_repos"); this.packageInfoTabbing = undefined; this.repoInfoTabbing = undefined; // provide a function to add an error message (shown in red box) this.addError = function(msg) { = "block"; var errorLiElement = document.createElement('li'); errorLiElement.appendChild(document.createTextNode(msg)); this.errorList.appendChild(errorLiElement); }; // provide a function to remove the error log this.hideErrors = function() { = "none"; this.errorList.wipeChildren(); }; // provide a function to set the connection status (to be called by the web socket client) this.setConnectionStatus = function(status) { var addClass, removeClass, animation = false; switch(status) { case repoindex.ConnectionStatus.Disconnected: addClass = "btn-danger"; removeClass = "btn-info btn-success"; break; case repoindex.ConnectionStatus.Connecting: addClass = "btn-info"; removeClass = "btn-danger btn-success"; animation = true; break; case repoindex.ConnectionStatus.Connected: addClass = "btn-success"; removeClass = "btn-info btn-danger"; break; } $("#nav_connect").removeClass(removeClass).addClass(addClass); $("#connection_status").text(status); $("#connection_glyphicon").toggleClass("glyphicon-refresh-animate", animation); }; // provide a function to change the current page this.setPage = function(page, params, toggleNavbar) { if(page !== this.currentPage) { // display the specified page for(var pageType in repoindex.Pages) { if(pageType !== undefined && repoindex.Pages.hasOwnProperty(pageType)) { var pageName = repoindex.Pages[pageType]; if(page === pageName) { $("#page_" + pageName).css("display", "block"); $("#nav_" + pageName).addClass("active"); } else { $("#page_" + pageName).css("display", "none"); $("#nav_" + pageName).removeClass("active"); } } } // toggle navbar if(toggleNavbar) { if($(".navbar-toggle").css("display") !== "none") { $(".navbar-toggle").click(); } } // determine manager and params for current page var mgr; switch(page) { case repoindex.Pages.Packages: mgr = this.packageManager; break; case repoindex.Pages.Groups: mgr = this.groupManager; break; case repoindex.Pages.Repositories: mgr = this.repoManager; break; } this.currentManager = mgr; } this.initPage(this.currentPage = page, params); }; // initializes a page // initialization consits of: // - request required information from ALPM client // - apply specified params // - denote current configuration if no params specified this.initPage = function(pageName, params) { // variables to store the current configuration var currentRepo, currentPkg; // basic repo info is required for all pages if(!repoindex.client.hasBasicRepoInfo) { repoindex.client.requestBasicRepoInfo(); } switch(pageName) { case repoindex.Pages.Packages: = "block"; this.packageManager.update(); if(params && params.repo && params.pkg) { if(params.down) { switch(params.down) { case "pkg": this.packageManager.showMirrors(params.repo, params.pkg); break; default: ; // ignore unknown download target } } else { this.packageManager.showPackageInfo(params.repo, params.pkg); } } else if(this.packageManager.currentInfo) { currentRepo = this.packageManager.currentInfo.repo; currentPkg =; } break; case repoindex.Pages.Groups: = "block"; if(!repoindex.client.hasGroupInfo) { repoindex.client.requestGroupInfo(); } this.groupManager.update(); break; case repoindex.Pages.Repositories: = "none"; if(params && params.repo) { this.repoManager.showRepoInfo(params.repo); if(params.invoke) { if(params.invoke === "upgradelookup") { // check for upgrades this.repoManager.showAvailableUpgrades(params.repo); } } } else if(this.repoManager.currentInfo) { currentRepo =; } break; default: ; } if(params) { if(this.currentManager) { this.currentManager.pagination.selectPage(params ? params.p : 0); } } else { this.rehash(function(hash) { hash[0] = pageName; var params = hash[1]; params.p = repoindex.pageManager.currentManager ? repoindex.pageManager.currentManager.pagination.currentPageIndex() : undefined; params.repo = currentRepo; params.pkg = currentPkg; delete params.invoke; }); } }; this.reinitCurrentPage = function() { if(this.currentPage) { this.initPage(this.currentPage); } }; // provide a function to set the current page according the #hash this.gotoHash = function(toggleNavbar) { var hash = window.location.hash; if(hash.length < 2) { this.setPage(repoindex.Pages.Packages, undefined, toggleNavbar); } else { var hashParts = repoindex.parseHash(hash); this.setPage(hashParts[0], hashParts[1], toggleNavbar); } }; // provide a method to denote a hash change internally this.denoteHash = function(pageName, params) { var newHash = repoindex.makeHash(pageName, params); if("#" + newHash !== window.location.hash) { this.internalHashChange = true; window.location.hash = newHash; } }; this.rehash = function(func) { var currentHash = repoindex.parseHash(window.location.hash); if(!currentHash[1]) { currentHash[1] = {}; } func(currentHash); repoindex.pageManager.denoteHash(currentHash[0], currentHash[1]); }; // remove the download parameter from the hash when the mirror dlg has been closed $("#dlg_mirror_selection").on('', function () { repoindex.pageManager.rehash(function(hash) { delete hash[1].down; }); }); // goto hash when it has changed non-internally window.onhashchange = function() { if(!repoindex.pageManager.internalHashChange) { repoindex.pageManager.gotoHash(true); } else { repoindex.pageManager.internalHashChange = undefined; } }; // provide a function to apply an entered search term this.applySearchTerm = function(searchTerm, exact, explcit, reset) { if(this.currentManager) { if(reset) { this.currentManager.customSelection = undefined; } this.currentManager.filterName = searchTerm; this.currentManager.filterNameExact = exact; this.currentManager.filterDescr = searchTerm ? (exact ? "with the name" : "for the search term") : undefined; this.currentManager.invalidate(true); if(searchTerm && !this.currentManager.customSelection && this.repoManager.entryByName("AUR").enabled) { repoindex.client.requestSuggestions(["AUR"], searchTerm); } } }; this.hideRightColumn = function(leftColumnContainer, rightColumnContainer) { if( !== "none") { = "none"; leftColumnContainer.className = rightColumnContainer.className = ""; return true; } return false; }; this.showRightColumn = function(leftColumnContainer, rightColumnContainer) { if( !== "block") { = "block"; leftColumnContainer.className = "col-md-8"; rightColumnContainer.className = "col-md-4"; return true; } return false; }; this.createPackageInfoPane = function(entry, newTab) { if(!this.packageInfoTabbing) { this.packageInfoTabbing = new repoindex.Tabbing(this.rightColumnContainerPackages); this.packageInfoTabbing.tabRemoved = function(tab) { if(this.tabs.length === 0) { repoindex.pageManager.hidePackageInfo(); } }; } var tabElement = this.packageInfoTabbing.addTab(repoindex.makeElementId([,].join("--sep--")),, true, newTab !== true); tabElement.activate(); return tabElement.paneElement; }; this.hidePackageInfo = function() { this.rehash(function(hash) { hash[1].repo = hash[1].pkg = undefined; }); this.packageManager.currentInfo = undefined; this.hideRightColumn(this.leftColumnContainerPackages, this.rightColumnContainerPackages); }; this.showPackageInfo = function(scroll) { // ensure packages page is visible and hash is set this.setPage(repoindex.Pages.Packages); // ensure right column is visible this.showRightColumn(this.leftColumnContainerPackages, this.rightColumnContainerPackages); //var tb = document.getElementById("pkg_tbody"); //if(tb.lastChild) { // if(scroll && !checkVisibility(tb.lastChild)) { // $('html, body').animate({ // scrollTop: $("#" + // }, 500); // } //} }; this.createRepoInfoPane = function(entry, newTab) { if(!this.repoInfoTabbing) { this.repoInfoTabbing = new repoindex.Tabbing(this.rightColumnContainerRepos); this.repoInfoTabbing.tabRemoved = function(tab) { if(this.tabs.length === 0) { repoindex.pageManager.hideRepoInfo(); } }; } var tabElement = this.repoInfoTabbing.addTab(repoindex.makeElementId(,, true, newTab !== true); tabElement.activate(); return tabElement.paneElement; }; this.hideRepoInfo = function() { this.rehash(function(hash) { hash[1].repo = hash[1].pkg = undefined; }); this.repoManager.currentInfo = undefined; this.hideRightColumn(this.leftColumnContainerRepos, this.rightColumnContainerRepos); }; this.showRepoInfo = function(name, scroll) { // ensure repo page is visible and has is set this.setPage(repoindex.Pages.Repositories); // ensure right column is visible this.showRightColumn(this.leftColumnContainerRepos, this.rightColumnContainerRepos); }; this.msgboxCritical = function(title, msg, htmlTags) { repoindex.setText("msgbox_critical_title", title, htmlTags); repoindex.setText("msgbox_critical_msg", msg, htmlTags); $("#msgbox_critical").modal("show"); }; $("#link_settings").popover(); }; // create a page manager object used within the entire document repoindex.pageManager = new PageManager(); repoindex.client.init(); repoindex.pageManager.gotoHash(false); return repoindex; })(repoindex || {});