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14 KiB
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2013-12-15 11:43:31 +01:00
package main
import (
2014-01-01 22:31:04 +01:00
2013-12-15 11:43:31 +01:00
2014-01-26 14:28:41 +01:00
2014-01-08 14:37:33 +01:00
2013-12-15 11:43:31 +01:00
_ "net/http/pprof"
2013-12-15 11:43:31 +01:00
2014-01-10 00:09:27 +01:00
2013-12-15 11:43:31 +01:00
2013-12-15 11:43:31 +01:00
const BlockSize = 128 * 1024
var cfg Configuration
2014-02-24 13:29:30 +01:00
var Version = "unknown-dev"
2013-12-18 19:36:28 +01:00
2013-12-15 11:43:31 +01:00
var (
2014-02-24 13:34:24 +01:00
myID string
2013-12-15 11:43:31 +01:00
2014-01-26 14:28:41 +01:00
var (
2014-03-09 08:35:38 +01:00
showVersion bool
confDir string
verbose bool
2014-01-26 14:28:41 +01:00
const (
usage = "syncthing [options]"
extraUsage = `The following enviroment variables are interpreted by syncthing:
STNORESTART Do not attempt to restart when requested to, instead just exit.
Set this variable when running under a service manager such as
runit, launchd, etc.
STPROFILER Set to a listen address such as "" to start the
profiler with HTTP access.
STTRACE A comma separated string of facilities to trace. The valid
facility strings:
- "scanner" (the file change scanner)
- "discover" (the node discovery package)
- "net" (connecting and disconnecting, network messages)
- "idx" (index sending and receiving)
- "need" (file need calculations)
- "pull" (file pull activity)`
2013-12-15 11:43:31 +01:00
func main() {
flag.StringVar(&confDir, "home", getDefaultConfDir(), "Set configuration directory")
2014-01-26 14:28:41 +01:00
flag.BoolVar(&showVersion, "version", false, "Show version")
flag.BoolVar(&verbose, "v", false, "Be more verbose")
flag.Usage = usageFor(flag.CommandLine, usage, extraUsage)
2014-01-26 14:28:41 +01:00
2014-01-08 14:37:33 +01:00
2014-03-09 08:35:38 +01:00
if len(os.Getenv("STRESTART")) > 0 {
// Give the parent process time to exit and release sockets etc.
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
2014-02-12 12:10:44 +01:00
2014-01-26 14:28:41 +01:00
if showVersion {
2014-01-08 14:37:33 +01:00
2013-12-18 19:36:28 +01:00
2013-12-15 11:43:31 +01:00
2014-01-08 14:37:33 +01:00
2014-01-10 00:09:27 +01:00
if len(os.Getenv("GOGC")) == 0 {
if len(os.Getenv("GOMAXPROCS")) == 0 {
2014-01-26 14:28:41 +01:00
confDir = expandTilde(confDir)
2013-12-22 00:16:49 +01:00
2013-12-15 11:43:31 +01:00
// Ensure that our home directory exists and that we have a certificate and key.
2014-01-26 14:28:41 +01:00
ensureDir(confDir, 0700)
cert, err := loadCert(confDir)
2013-12-15 11:43:31 +01:00
if err != nil {
2014-01-26 14:28:41 +01:00
cert, err = loadCert(confDir)
2013-12-15 11:43:31 +01:00
2014-02-24 13:29:30 +01:00
myID = string(certID(cert.Certificate[0]))
2014-01-20 22:22:27 +01:00
log.SetPrefix("[" + myID[0:5] + "] ")
logger.SetPrefix("[" + myID[0:5] + "] ")
2013-12-15 11:43:31 +01:00
infoln("Version", Version)
infoln("My ID:", myID)
// Prepare to be able to save configuration
cfgFile := path.Join(confDir, "config.xml")
go saveConfigLoop(cfgFile)
// Load the configuration file, if it exists.
// If it does not, create a template.
cf, err := os.Open(cfgFile)
if err == nil {
// Read config.xml
cfg, err = readConfigXML(cf)
if err != nil {
} else {
// No config.xml, let's try the old syncthing.ini
iniFile := path.Join(confDir, "syncthing.ini")
cf, err := os.Open(iniFile)
if err == nil {
infoln("Migrating syncthing.ini to config.xml")
iniCfg := ini.Parse(cf)
os.Rename(iniFile, path.Join(confDir, "migrated_syncthing.ini"))
cfg, _ = readConfigXML(nil)
cfg.Repositories = []RepositoryConfiguration{
{Directory: iniCfg.Get("repository", "dir")},
readConfigINI(iniCfg.OptionMap("settings"), &cfg.Options)
for name, addrs := range iniCfg.OptionMap("nodes") {
n := NodeConfiguration{
NodeID: name,
Addresses: strings.Fields(addrs),
cfg.Repositories[0].Nodes = append(cfg.Repositories[0].Nodes, n)
2014-01-26 14:28:41 +01:00
if len(cfg.Repositories) == 0 {
infoln("No config file; starting with empty defaults")
cfg, err = readConfigXML(nil)
cfg.Repositories = []RepositoryConfiguration{
Directory: path.Join(getHomeDir(), "Sync"),
Nodes: []NodeConfiguration{
{NodeID: myID, Addresses: []string{"dynamic"}},
infof("Edit %s to taste or use the GUI\n", cfgFile)
2014-01-26 14:28:41 +01:00
// Make sure the local node is in the node list.
cfg.Repositories[0].Nodes = cleanNodeList(cfg.Repositories[0].Nodes, myID)
var dir = expandTilde(cfg.Repositories[0].Directory)
if profiler := os.Getenv("STPROFILER"); len(profiler) > 0 {
2013-12-15 11:43:31 +01:00
go func() {
2014-03-09 09:18:28 +01:00
dlog.Println("Starting profiler on", profiler)
2014-01-26 14:28:41 +01:00
err := http.ListenAndServe(profiler, nil)
2013-12-18 19:36:28 +01:00
if err != nil {
2014-03-09 09:18:28 +01:00
2013-12-18 19:36:28 +01:00
2013-12-15 11:43:31 +01:00
// The TLS configuration is used for both the listening socket and outgoing
// connections.
tlsCfg := &tls.Config{
2014-01-09 09:28:08 +01:00
Certificates: []tls.Certificate{cert},
NextProtos: []string{"bep/1.0"},
ServerName: myID,
ClientAuth: tls.RequestClientCert,
SessionTicketsDisabled: true,
InsecureSkipVerify: true,
MinVersion: tls.VersionTLS12,
2013-12-15 11:43:31 +01:00
2013-12-22 00:16:49 +01:00
ensureDir(dir, -1)
2014-02-12 23:18:41 +01:00
m := NewModel(dir, cfg.Options.MaxChangeKbps*1000)
if cfg.Options.MaxSendKbps > 0 {
2014-01-12 16:59:35 +01:00
2013-12-15 11:43:31 +01:00
2014-01-05 23:54:57 +01:00
// GUI
if cfg.Options.GUIEnabled && cfg.Options.GUIAddress != "" {
2014-03-02 12:52:32 +01:00
addr, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp", cfg.Options.GUIAddress)
if err != nil {
warnf("Cannot start GUI on %q: %v", cfg.Options.GUIAddress, err)
} else {
2014-03-02 12:52:32 +01:00
var hostOpen, hostShow string
switch {
case addr.IP == nil:
hostOpen = "localhost"
hostShow = ""
case addr.IP.IsUnspecified():
hostOpen = "localhost"
hostShow = addr.IP.String()
hostOpen = addr.IP.String()
hostShow = hostOpen
2014-03-02 12:52:32 +01:00
infof("Starting web GUI on http://%s:%d/", hostShow, addr.Port)
startGUI(cfg.Options.GUIAddress, m)
2014-03-09 08:35:53 +01:00
if cfg.Options.StartBrowser && len(os.Getenv("STRESTART")) == 0 {
openURL(fmt.Sprintf("http://%s:%d", hostOpen, addr.Port))
2014-01-05 23:54:57 +01:00
2013-12-15 11:43:31 +01:00
// Walk the repository and update the local model before establishing any
// connections to other nodes.
if verbose {
infoln("Populating repository index")
sup := &suppressor{threshold: int64(cfg.Options.MaxChangeKbps)}
w := &scanner.Walker{
Dir: m.dir,
IgnoreFile: ".stignore",
FollowSymlinks: cfg.Options.FollowSymlinks,
BlockSize: BlockSize,
TempNamer: defTempNamer,
2014-03-16 08:14:55 +01:00
Suppressor: sup,
CurrentFiler: m,
updateLocalModel(m, w)
2013-12-15 11:43:31 +01:00
connOpts := map[string]string{
"clientId": "syncthing",
"clientVersion": Version,
"clusterHash": clusterHash(cfg.Repositories[0].Nodes),
2013-12-15 11:43:31 +01:00
// Routine to connect out to configured nodes
if verbose {
infoln("Attempting to connect to other nodes")
disc := discovery()
go listenConnect(myID, disc, m, tlsCfg, connOpts)
2013-12-15 11:43:31 +01:00
// Routine to pull blocks from other nodes to synchronize the local
// repository. Does not run when we are in read only (publish only) mode.
if !cfg.Options.ReadOnly {
if verbose {
if cfg.Options.AllowDelete {
infoln("Deletes from peer nodes are allowed")
} else {
infoln("Deletes from peer nodes will be ignored")
okln("Ready to synchronize (read-write)")
m.StartRW(cfg.Options.AllowDelete, cfg.Options.ParallelRequests)
} else if verbose {
okln("Ready to synchronize (read only; no external updates accepted)")
2013-12-15 11:43:31 +01:00
2014-02-12 23:18:41 +01:00
// Periodically scan the repository and update the local
2013-12-15 11:43:31 +01:00
// XXX: Should use some fsnotify mechanism.
go func() {
td := time.Duration(cfg.Options.RescanIntervalS) * time.Second
2013-12-15 11:43:31 +01:00
for {
if m.LocalAge() > (td / 2).Seconds() {
updateLocalModel(m, w)
2014-01-20 22:22:27 +01:00
2013-12-15 11:43:31 +01:00
if verbose {
// Periodically print statistics
go printStatsLoop(m)
2014-01-05 16:16:37 +01:00
2013-12-15 11:43:31 +01:00
select {}
2014-02-12 12:10:44 +01:00
func restart() {
if os.Getenv("SMF_FMRI") != "" || os.Getenv("STNORESTART") != "" {
// Solaris SMF
infoln("Service manager detected; exit instead of restart")
2014-03-09 08:35:38 +01:00
env := os.Environ()
if len(os.Getenv("STRESTART")) == 0 {
env = append(env, "STRESTART=1")
2014-02-12 12:10:44 +01:00
pgm, err := exec.LookPath(os.Args[0])
if err != nil {
2014-03-09 08:35:38 +01:00
proc, err := os.StartProcess(pgm, os.Args, &os.ProcAttr{
Env: env,
2014-02-12 12:10:44 +01:00
Files: []*os.File{os.Stdin, os.Stdout, os.Stderr},
if err != nil {
var saveConfigCh = make(chan struct{})
func saveConfigLoop(cfgFile string) {
for _ = range saveConfigCh {
fd, err := os.Create(cfgFile + ".tmp")
if err != nil {
err = writeConfigXML(fd, cfg)
if err != nil {
err = fd.Close()
if err != nil {
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
err := os.Remove(cfgFile)
if err != nil && !os.IsNotExist(err) {
err = os.Rename(cfgFile+".tmp", cfgFile)
if err != nil {
func saveConfig() {
saveConfigCh <- struct{}{}
2014-02-12 23:18:41 +01:00
func printStatsLoop(m *Model) {
2014-01-05 16:16:37 +01:00
var lastUpdated int64
2014-02-12 23:18:41 +01:00
var lastStats = make(map[string]ConnectionInfo)
2014-01-05 16:16:37 +01:00
for {
time.Sleep(60 * time.Second)
for node, stats := range m.ConnectionStats() {
secs := time.Since(lastStats[node].At).Seconds()
inbps := 8 * int(float64(stats.InBytesTotal-lastStats[node].InBytesTotal)/secs)
outbps := 8 * int(float64(stats.OutBytesTotal-lastStats[node].OutBytesTotal)/secs)
if inbps+outbps > 0 {
2014-02-20 17:40:15 +01:00
infof("%s: %sb/s in, %sb/s out", node[0:5], MetricPrefix(int64(inbps)), MetricPrefix(int64(outbps)))
2014-01-05 16:16:37 +01:00
lastStats[node] = stats
if lu := m.Generation(); lu > lastUpdated {
lastUpdated = lu
2014-01-05 23:54:57 +01:00
files, _, bytes := m.GlobalSize()
2014-01-05 16:16:37 +01:00
infof("%6d files, %9sB in cluster", files, BinaryPrefix(bytes))
2014-01-05 23:54:57 +01:00
files, _, bytes = m.LocalSize()
2014-01-05 16:16:37 +01:00
infof("%6d files, %9sB in local repo", files, BinaryPrefix(bytes))
2014-01-05 23:54:57 +01:00
needFiles, bytes := m.NeedFiles()
infof("%6d files, %9sB to synchronize", len(needFiles), BinaryPrefix(bytes))
2014-01-05 16:16:37 +01:00
func listenConnect(myID string, disc *discover.Discoverer, m *Model, tlsCfg *tls.Config, connOpts map[string]string) {
var conns = make(chan *tls.Conn)
// Listen
for _, addr := range cfg.Options.ListenAddress {
addr := addr
go func() {
if debugNet {
dlog.Println("listening on", addr)
l, err := tls.Listen("tcp", addr, tlsCfg)
for {
conn, err := l.Accept()
if err != nil {
if debugNet {
dlog.Println("connect from", conn.RemoteAddr())
tc := conn.(*tls.Conn)
err = tc.Handshake()
if err != nil {
conns <- tc
2013-12-15 11:43:31 +01:00
// Connect
go func() {
for {
for _, nodeCfg := range cfg.Repositories[0].Nodes {
if nodeCfg.NodeID == myID {
if m.ConnectedTo(nodeCfg.NodeID) {
for _, addr := range nodeCfg.Addresses {
if addr == "dynamic" {
if disc != nil {
t := disc.Lookup(nodeCfg.NodeID)
if len(t) == 0 {
addr = t[0] //XXX: Handle all of them
2013-12-15 11:43:31 +01:00
if debugNet {
dlog.Println("dial", nodeCfg.NodeID, addr)
conn, err := tls.Dial("tcp", addr, tlsCfg)
if err != nil {
if debugNet {
2013-12-15 11:43:31 +01:00
conns <- conn
continue nextNode
time.Sleep(time.Duration(cfg.Options.ReconnectIntervalS) * time.Second)
2013-12-15 11:43:31 +01:00
2013-12-15 11:43:31 +01:00
for conn := range conns {
remoteID := certID(conn.ConnectionState().PeerCertificates[0].Raw)
2013-12-15 11:43:31 +01:00
if remoteID == myID {
warnf("Connected to myself (%s) - should not happen", remoteID)
2013-12-15 11:43:31 +01:00
if m.ConnectedTo(remoteID) {
warnf("Connected to already connected node (%s)", remoteID)
2013-12-15 11:43:31 +01:00
for _, nodeCfg := range cfg.Repositories[0].Nodes {
if nodeCfg.NodeID == remoteID {
2014-01-23 13:12:45 +01:00
protoConn := protocol.NewConnection(remoteID, conn, conn, m, connOpts)
2014-01-09 13:58:35 +01:00
m.AddConnection(conn, protoConn)
continue next
2013-12-15 11:43:31 +01:00
func discovery() *discover.Discoverer {
if !cfg.Options.LocalAnnEnabled {
return nil
2013-12-22 22:29:23 +01:00
infoln("Sending local discovery announcements")
if !cfg.Options.GlobalAnnEnabled {
cfg.Options.GlobalAnnServer = ""
} else if verbose {
2013-12-22 22:29:23 +01:00
infoln("Sending external discovery announcements")
disc, err := discover.NewDiscoverer(myID, cfg.Options.ListenAddress, cfg.Options.GlobalAnnServer)
2013-12-22 22:29:23 +01:00
2013-12-15 11:43:31 +01:00
if err != nil {
2013-12-22 22:29:23 +01:00
warnf("No discovery possible (%v)", err)
2013-12-15 11:43:31 +01:00
return disc
func updateLocalModel(m *Model, w *scanner.Walker) {
files, _ := w.Walk()
2013-12-15 11:43:31 +01:00
2014-02-12 23:18:41 +01:00
func saveIndex(m *Model) {
name := m.RepoID() + ".idx.gz"
2014-01-26 14:28:41 +01:00
fullName := path.Join(confDir, name)
2013-12-31 04:04:30 +01:00
idxf, err := os.Create(fullName + ".tmp")
2013-12-15 11:43:31 +01:00
if err != nil {
2014-01-01 22:31:04 +01:00
gzw := gzip.NewWriter(idxf)
2014-02-24 13:24:03 +01:00
Repository: "local",
Files: m.ProtocolIndex(),
2014-01-01 22:31:04 +01:00
2013-12-15 11:43:31 +01:00
2013-12-31 04:04:30 +01:00
os.Rename(fullName+".tmp", fullName)
2013-12-15 11:43:31 +01:00
2014-02-12 23:18:41 +01:00
func loadIndex(m *Model) {
name := m.RepoID() + ".idx.gz"
2014-01-26 14:28:41 +01:00
idxf, err := os.Open(path.Join(confDir, name))
2013-12-15 11:43:31 +01:00
if err != nil {
defer idxf.Close()
2014-01-01 22:31:04 +01:00
gzr, err := gzip.NewReader(idxf)
if err != nil {
defer gzr.Close()
2014-02-20 17:40:15 +01:00
var im protocol.IndexMessage
err = im.DecodeXDR(gzr)
if err != nil || im.Repository != "local" {
2013-12-15 11:43:31 +01:00
2014-02-20 17:40:15 +01:00
2013-12-15 11:43:31 +01:00
2013-12-22 00:16:49 +01:00
func ensureDir(dir string, mode int) {
2013-12-15 11:43:31 +01:00
fi, err := os.Stat(dir)
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
err := os.MkdirAll(dir, 0700)
2013-12-22 00:16:49 +01:00
} else if mode >= 0 && err == nil && int(fi.Mode()&0777) != mode {
err := os.Chmod(dir, os.FileMode(mode))
2013-12-15 11:43:31 +01:00
func expandTilde(p string) string {
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
return p
if strings.HasPrefix(p, "~/") {
return strings.Replace(p, "~", getUnixHomeDir(), 1)
return p
func getUnixHomeDir() string {
home := os.Getenv("HOME")
if home == "" {
fatalln("No home directory?")
return home
2013-12-15 11:43:31 +01:00
func getHomeDir() string {
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
home := os.Getenv("HOMEDRIVE") + os.Getenv("HOMEPATH")
if home == "" {
home = os.Getenv("USERPROFILE")
return home
return getUnixHomeDir()
func getDefaultConfDir() string {
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
return path.Join(os.Getenv("AppData"), "syncthing")
2013-12-15 11:43:31 +01:00
return expandTilde("~/.syncthing")
2013-12-15 11:43:31 +01:00