gui: Fix discovered devices list (follow-up to #4186)

This commit is contained in:
Simon Frei 2017-06-29 13:47:42 +00:00 committed by Jakob Borg
parent 34f8cc8620
commit 8d13e01342
2 changed files with 25 additions and 19 deletions

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@ -1186,13 +1186,17 @@ angular.module('syncthing.core')
return $http.get(urlbase + '/system/discovery')
.success(function (registry) {
$scope.discovery = [];
for (var id in registry) {
if ($scope.discovery.length === 5) {
if (!(id in $scope.devices)) {
for (var i = 0; i < $scope.devices.length; i++) {
if ($scope.devices[i].deviceID === id) {
continue outer;
.then(function () {

View File

@ -3,24 +3,26 @@
<form role="form" name="deviceEditor">
<div class="form-group" ng-class="{'has-error': deviceEditor.deviceID.$invalid && deviceEditor.deviceID.$dirty}" ng-init="loadFormIntoScope(deviceEditor)">
<label translate for="deviceID">Device ID</label>
<input ng-if="!editingExisting" name="deviceID" id="deviceID" class="form-control text-monospace" type="text" ng-model="currentDevice.deviceID" required valid-deviceid list="discovery-list" />
<datalist id="discovery-list" ng-if="!editingExisting">
<option ng-repeat="id in discovery" value="{{id}}" />
<div ng-if="!editingExisting">
<input name="deviceID" id="deviceID" class="form-control text-monospace" type="text" ng-model="currentDevice.deviceID" required valid-deviceid list="discovery-list" />
<datalist id="discovery-list">
<option ng-repeat="id in discovery" value="{{id}}" />
<p class="help-block" ng-if="discovery">
<span translate>You can also select one of these nearby devices:</span>
<li ng-repeat="id in discovery"><a ng-click="currentDevice.deviceID = id">{{id}}</a></li>
<p class="help-block">
<span translate ng-if="deviceEditor.deviceID.$valid || deviceEditor.deviceID.$pristine">The device ID to enter here can be found in the "Actions > Show ID" dialog on the other device. Spaces and dashes are optional (ignored).</span>
<span translate ng-show="deviceEditor.deviceID.$valid || deviceEditor.deviceID.$pristine">When adding a new device, keep in mind that this device must be added on the other side too.</span>
<span translate ng-if="deviceEditor.deviceID.$error.required && deviceEditor.deviceID.$dirty">The device ID cannot be blank.</span>
<span translate ng-if="deviceEditor.deviceID.$error.validDeviceid && deviceEditor.deviceID.$dirty">The entered device ID does not look valid. It should be a 52 or 56 character string consisting of letters and numbers, with spaces and dashes being optional.</span>
<span translate ng-if="deviceEditor.deviceID.$error.unique && deviceEditor.deviceID.$dirty">A device with that ID is already added.</span>
<div ng-if="editingExisting" class="well well-sm text-monospace" select-on-click>{{currentDevice.deviceID}}</div>
<p class="help-block" ng-if="!editingExisting && discovery">
<span translate>You can also select one of these nearby devices:</span>
<li ng-repeat="id in discovery"><a ng-click="currentDevice.deviceID = id">{{id}}</a>
<p class="help-block">
<span translate ng-if="deviceEditor.deviceID.$valid || deviceEditor.deviceID.$pristine">The device ID to enter here can be found in the "Actions > Show ID" dialog on the other device. Spaces and dashes are optional (ignored).</span>
<span translate ng-show="!editingExisting && (deviceEditor.deviceID.$valid || deviceEditor.deviceID.$pristine)">When adding a new device, keep in mind that this device must be added on the other side too.</span>
<span translate ng-if="deviceEditor.deviceID.$error.required && deviceEditor.deviceID.$dirty">The device ID cannot be blank.</span>
<span translate ng-if="deviceEditor.deviceID.$error.validDeviceid && deviceEditor.deviceID.$dirty">The entered device ID does not look valid. It should be a 52 or 56 character string consisting of letters and numbers, with spaces and dashes being optional.</span>
<span translate ng-if="deviceEditor.deviceID.$error.unique && deviceEditor.deviceID.$dirty">A device with that ID is already added.</span>
<div class="form-group">
<label translate for="name">Device Name</label>