# Desktop Entries This directory contains files to integrate Syncthing in your desktop environment (DE). Specifically this works for DEs that implement the [XDG Desktop Menu Specification][1], which is virtually every DE. To add Syncthing to desktop menus for all users, copy the `.desktop` files to `/usr/local/share/applications` (root required). To add it for just your user, copy them to `~/.local/share/applications`. To start Syncthing automatically, you have two options: Either you go to the autostart settings of your DE and choose Syncthing or you copy the `syncthing-start.desktop` file to `~/.config/autostart`. For more information refer to the [ArchWiki page on Desktop entries][2] [1]: https://specifications.freedesktop.org/menu-spec/menu-spec-latest.html [2]: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Desktop_entries